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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. I don’t know, I’m not allowed to have one. Looks to much like a snake to my wife. 🤣 I think it should be fine. The tank meets specs for one, adding a second usually only adds to bioload. Especially since they’re so slender.
  2. I absolutely love that story. Helps us to connect to the ones who came before. I’m hoping to give that gift to my daughter.
  3. I’d add one. Axolotl. My daughter wants one desperately. She’s 9. I did the typical parent thing. I told her she can have one when she’s 13. I certainly hope she changes her mind before then. 🤣 I second that. Any day above 90 is definitely worth it. Especially when night temperatures don’t get below 75
  4. My daughter won a feeder goldfish at a small city festival. It didn’t make it through the night. She was 6, so we got our first 2 tanks. Really small plastic Walmart tanks. Bad design all around. Learned a lot by completely screwing things up. Had no knowledge at all. But enjoy just learning about everything. Am really good with most animals but never had fish before. Now she’s 9 and we have 14 tanks of all sizes. I spend lots of time at work, at least 60+ hours a week. Doing the tank maintenance is my way of relaxing. I’ve even been known to do maintenance at 3am after getting in at midnight. Never even crossed my mind before this to raise fish
  5. That should work fine. @Coluis our expert, but I try to help where I can. Hopefully this clears up quickly, good luck!
  6. If your rope fish is your tank’s focus, by all means add 1 or 2 more.
  7. Lots of stem plants and others are often floated until they develop better root systems. And then planted. Makes it easier to keep down.
  8. Possibly the geophagus and electric blue Acara are big enough. It’s going to be a tough choice. You need ones big enough to not be food, yet small enough to fit in your tank. Possibly back to the angel. Regular blue acara?
  9. Now he just needs belly scratches
  10. If it's the same group of corys, they may have aged past their reproductive prime. you may have to resort to getting new breeding stock
  11. mine have gotten about 6-8 inches across. so pretty big. If you get 5-6 of these at a time. gets kind of dark below.
  12. Yes, this exactly. You're not going to starve your angel. They can easily go up to a week with no food. possibly 2 weeks. Keep offering up what you want them to eat. They'll learn when they get hungry
  13. Okay. For ich. I’d take the temperature up to around 82-84 degrees. Put in a tablespoon of aquarium salt around 1 tbsp per 5-10 gallons of tank water. And add your ichx. I’d also throw in an air stone to help keep it oxygenated. Actually possible to control through just the salt and temp. But for sure with the ichx
  14. Save a lot on labor costs as well Ky has a much lower minimum wage and is one of the poorer states
  15. I think that was the gbr’s original plan anyway. But seeing how it’s now the one hiding, I’m thinking the dg wasn’t buying that at all 🤣
  16. I absolutely agree. And for most people, just relax, it’ll be okay. One of the reasons I like the Primetime Aquatics channel is he does fish profiles. Most of them he has personally kept in hard water. Same with Ben Ochart. Same with Kgtropicals, at this point. good luck with your tiger barbs. That’s a very cool project. Also one of those fish that are often overlooked. Just from having a bit of a bad rep. Cool fish. Sometimes a bit of an attitude problem but not in big groups.
  17. Agree. But you can basically forget about a planted tank. But some of the rock dwellers are amazing. And then you get the shell dwellers. Just very cute. but really, I find a lot of regional bias against hard water when in reality most fish adapt just fine to higher ph and harder water. The majority of fish keepers are never going to keep their ph in the low 6’s even if we wanted to. Unless we start chasing parameters. Which is just a bad plan
  18. The only thing that I might try is to increase the number of taller plants in the center. To provide more breaks in the line of site. Dwarf gourami behavior can be all over the place. From mostly gentle, to going after everything. I don’t think he can do much to the ram. The ram should be fast enough to keep away. You can either give it some time, it may resolve itself. Besides harassing each other a bit. They may learn to coexist. Probably not all the gourami’s fault either, rams are cichlids and can be aggressive as well. Or you can do what @AllFishNoBrakes suggests and return one of them. Whichever is the worst fit for your tank.
  19. I think so, but I trim mine down before that. They throw a lot of shade
  20. not necessarily a floater, but you could let some tiger lotus bulbs put lily pads on the top. plus you'd get the very red bottoms leaves to add color on the bottom.
  21. I like #2. possibly with the same kind of fish it had before. plant it up to look amazing and they'll really appreciate it.
  22. the other difference between the two. ich is not raised up on the skin. epistylis is raised above the skin slightly
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