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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. Honestly, very nicely done. He looked really rough in the first sets. But as long as no bacteria set it, he should do good. Tough little dude.
  2. I did Monte Carlo last year. It’s kind of small. The roots are too. I put it in a medium gravel and it didn’t take hold but let go. It grew very well as a floating plant for a long time. To the point of having to net a bunch out every week. Kind of like a slightly bigger duckweed 🤣 With a hang on back I’d put in a mesh bag behind where the cartridge goes. Gives it maximum flow and absorption. And easier to recharge when it needs it.
  3. I'm guessing dwarf sag on the bottom
  4. I like my seachem products. but, no, you should be good. depending on what you're after. if you really wanted to, there are a lot of trace minerals you could test for and add for plants. but for a basic aquarium, your water and the easy products, you're good
  5. it is. but it's not going to hurt anything either. you could just keep it refrigerated until you get your 40g
  6. You may have perfect snail water coming straight from the bypass. If not, seachem equilibrium isn’t supposed to raise ph. They sell buffers that do, but you won’t need them. Ok. Never heard of that one. Where does it come from.? Salty bee?
  7. Does the water go through a softener? That’s a low gh compared to the kh. For snails. Ph is good. The gh needs to be higher. That’s the source of calcium for his shell. Several ways to do it. Crushed coral either in substrate or in mesh bag in flowing water. Near sponge or back of hob. Wondershell in tank. Or Seachem makes a product called equilibrium that you can target a certain gh without raising your kh farther. I use a lot of that for ro water. if the water goes through a softener, use the bypass and use unsoftened water straight. you’re probably not going to get any regrowth of the shell. But hopefully fortify it and keep it together.
  8. I'd want to know ph, and gh of your water. it's very easily a calcium deficiency. But to know that you'd need those numbers. Then we could adjust accordingly
  9. Which was my observation. Those fins look really rough. Are they having an issue in the tank? Most of my angels have very clean lines on their fins. Except for one. Who broke his dorsal fin top. Not sure how he did that.
  10. Yeah, I'm not a fan of this at all. Meds should be done at full strength, or not at all. Doing less than full strength leads to antibiotic resistance. It's just a bad procedure. that being said most fish should be quarantined for at least a month anyways. Then when you see something you treat for it. antibiotic resistance is actually a huge thing right now. it's one of the reasons erythromycin is basically useless in treating diseases. In the animal industry in general we've lost a huge number of meds. but it really does go deeper than that. neither the neons or the guppies would have made it through quarantine. now the neons that do actually live last a normal lifespan. the guppies never survive for long. it really is about poor genetics at this point.
  11. Honestly, very disrespectful. They are basically extinct in the wild from pollution. but very easy to raise and grow in captivity, so no shortages
  12. that is very correct. in the lungs of mammals is where it can do the damage. otherwise usually very safe for them. vets recommend against it (for possible lung damage) but it can be used as a treatment for ticks and lice on the skin of pets
  13. They really don't. I've had mine for years. Have never seen any mating behavior aggressiveness or anything like that. and the differences are so subtle I'm not sure any seller would be able to tell at all. worse than sexing young angelfish. @clownbaby Was just thinking if you're going to get that bristlenose. get one of the showy ones. kind of make it your bottom showpiece... when it's out anyway
  14. Ooh, can I? My daughter would love that. 🤣 and my wife would love a giraffe. But they have temperature minimums of 50 degrees, so that’s a no go
  15. Sorry, I lost this post. If the fish you lost came from petco/petsmart, probably wasn’t anything you could have done. They have basic genetic problems in their neon tetras, all their guppies, and sometimes mollies. I lose 70% of neons I buy there. And all my guppies, every time. That’s why I sourced out some higher end guppies for my daughter. So far they have been doing great. She’s going to start looking for babies anytime. Your endlers should be good. They haven’t been as popular for that long and the genetics haven’t been messed with enough to cause problems, yet.
  16. Your plants should be fine. The nerite is the one that likes a higher gh and ph. As long as you can keep the ph above 7 and the gh above 7 they should be good
  17. @Matt B those photos are exquisite 😍
  18. I think I like the hydrogen peroxide best. Because it degrades by itself. No residue to worry about. Just a quick rinse after
  19. Crushed coral will only dissolve up to a certain point. Then stop raising your gh and ph. So no problem. I have bettas in hard water, they’ll do just fine. If you want, you could start raising the ph with the crushed coral now. It would be slow enough with the coral. And they do fine on hard water as well. But it’s harder to adjust for that. So back to the coral in before the move
  20. You could do a compromise. Cut some rasboras back, cut some cories back, and in another small school. It would cut back a bit on rasbora impact. Possibly adding more, different color. How about a green neon. It’s also small but a lot of color. Or silver tipped tetras which are tighter schooling. But most times a bigger school is better, but you’d more movement You wait until you get older, then you’ll see that that’s not the case at all. Most kids think that. But one day you’ll be extremely proud to be mostly like them.
  21. No you’re not starving her at all. Most fish can easily go up to a week or more without eating. We do this for vacation.
  22. He’s missed a couple of weeks with Aquashella. And dans fish streams at the same time
  23. Yeah Cory is great. And mostly tells you how it really is. His newest video goes into everybody wanting to do everything. And how unhealthy and demanding it can get. love the honesty his channel and prime time aquatics are my go to Hope your goldie gets better. But I think you’re doing everything you can
  24. I’d check with your parents about what exactly they think would like. You could add a bit more. Not much. But sounds like a good spot for a bristlenose Maybe what they’re after is a very mixed fish , active tank. But you want the cory tank. At least you would know. And could work better together on getting a perfect balance. Maybe your mom would like 1 angel for show. That’s a bit tight. But doable
  25. Then @Lennie has the right idea Would do that exactly. It gets you a decent sized fleet of pigmies making them more comfortable. And a good schoaling fish. The copper color is very nice and would go well with gold in the honeys. I would tend to stay on the yellow honeys just for more of a color pop
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