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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. I’d be too afraid it would fail eventually. Figure 10 lbs per gallon with substrate and plants. Even a 20 is close to 200 lbs. just a ton of weight on a 40+ tank. 10 or 20 makes me less nervous though. and location is also key. If it’s in a garage or other spot where you don’t care if it cracks. By all means, go for it if you want to. In a living room. Yeah. Ain’t no way
  2. Your cycle is fine but it may be adjusting to the higher bioload. My 75 was already full of angelfish, rainbow fish, and corys. So could probably process more. Yours will expand, may take a bit. I’d watch the nitrites closely, I believe those are more dangerous for your fish. You would have to change water to keep them down. Then use prime afterwards.
  3. Yeah. That’s what I did. They would have offered credit but I wasn’t worried about that. I gave them 35. Then put a few in every other tank i had. That still left about 35 in my 75. They never seemed to add much to the bioload though. Or the 75 had a really good bb colony in it. same on the unintentional. But was really worth it in the lessons learned. 😀
  4. so the next question is do they need treated for parasites upon arrival? @Guppysnail what's your standard procedure there?
  5. It may be that these leaves are already under stress and more "edible " to the fish. possibly more root tabs will strengthen them and increase their growth rate. When my lilies are going good, they produce new leaves relatively quickly. less chance for meaningful predation that way
  6. and a small amount of salt is not going to do anything to the kuhli's? I know corys can have issues with salt. She's only had them for 8 months now. they're tough as nails but not sure of the salt. yeah. Sometimes i would like to have soft water. then sometimes I'm good with hard. Lots of good choices either way and chasing water is a horrible idea. Honestly, I'd settle for clean water. I end up making water anyway. the Iron levels I have are too high for standard fish and there is iron bacteria in the well. My water rusts sitting in a clean 5-gallon bucket. I need to find an iron filter, then run another waterline just for fish to get pure hard water. My wife is not giving up her water softener for any reason 🤣
  7. yeah, all i have to do is turn on my water. I normally have Guppy water. 🤣
  8. and the brine shrimp salt is reef salt or equivalent to reef salt? I just got in the hatchery and have that on hand. save me a trip that way
  9. ok. Aquarium salt most likely. how much? 1 tablespoon per 10g? and would kuhli's have an issue with the salt?
  10. send us a picture so we can see what you're working with. It may just require shims
  11. Okay. This will be the second time we've tried to grow guppies. The first time was all males from Petsmart. About 2 months on their survival. Now for my daughter's 9th birthday, I let her pick out a pair from 4 different sites. She picked Blue Grass guppies from Flip. Since they're better quality and imported, how do we keep them thriving and breeding? I know about their water parameters. hard water and that kind of thing. mostly same as platys. but what could we be missing as they're imported. 15g with kuhli loaches (her squiggle noodles) currently
  12. okay! great! about dang time🤣
  13. No she is not. I can see the cute
  14. An old recipe from colu a recipe for medicated feed This food recipe can be used with maracyn or maracyn2 • Use 1 quarter of a packet of maracyn or maracyn2 • One table spoon of pellets or frozen • 1 scoop of seachems focus • 1 cap of seachems garlic guard • A few drops of water mix well • Feed a small amount twice a day for 7 store any leftover medicated food in the fridge it’s for after a couple of days fasting. If it’s a bacteria infection. This will help. Getting the maracyn2 inside her will work better than external kanaplex. Kanaplex won’t work internally. It’s not absorbed well It may also help if you have a in tank isolation box to keep her from wearing herself out
  15. Yes. Welcome. Ask lots of questions. We like to help
  16. Usually nutrient deficiency stays between the veins. When you see damage that crosses the veins. That’s almost always mechanical damage. So somebody’s been snacking on the leaves.
  17. Anywhere in line is fine. After the first 6” It’s basically a needle valve. The farther it goes in. The less air goes through. Almost falling out gets you the most air. Depending on how much air you want moving. Or how loud you want it To double check the direction of the check valve, you could actually blow through it. Hook the hose from the pump to the side you can blow through. for cleaning just rinse as has been mentioned
  18. I would think so. or call it your centerpiece trio 🤣 They really would have a lot of impact on the tank. One by itself may get lost visually. with three you should at least see 1 of them all the time.
  19. Yeah, but i want to... Been looking at generators from our regular supplier. 150a, instant start, lp tank connected for fuel. auto disconnect from power lines. (yeah, i don't want much 🤣) basically small version of our other units. the quote was 15k. I may settle for less though. our power supplies can get brittle in the cold. overhead lines on wooden posts
  20. I like the look of it in the big tank. tried it in a much smaller tank (hadn't tried it before) it mostly took over. I just need another big tank for it 😁
  21. hopefully true. I just have generator on the brain. I've been wanting one for 15 yrs now. have them on all our livestock facilities. but not on the house. nothing scarier than being in a -10 degree blizzard with no power. but 15k is not something i can justify spending. no tax deduction on personal expenses
  22. That is true, but i'd also hook up the refrigerator/freezer. 4 days is a long time for food as well
  23. 2 options i can think of. 1. get a small portable generator, not cheap. possibly not fast to install. possibly not available. 2. ask your helper if you can bring the tank to them if they have power. cheap. a bit of work okay 3. as @NOLANANO says, cross your fingers and pray. well, okay, that's not a direct quote. 🤣 some of that will depend on the type and size of the fish. and activity levels. seems to me to be a reason to have that coop battery pump. now i'm gonna need to get one of those. we get outages all the time
  24. I think he is now too old to actually care. he spends a lot of his time just resting
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