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Posts posted by Tlindsey

  1. On 2/10/2024 at 10:30 AM, govsfabshop said:

    Here i was all excited my Vals in the 125 were starting to shoot out and grow, then saw this! Picked up 10 geo tapajos at the LFS on black friday, lost 3 to ick when i moved from qt to the big tank, they cured up and have been starting to get real good coloring and size on em. Came down this morning to see the first batch of eggs! Was pretty shocked being they are still young and according to the LFS "he didn't know of anyone thats spawned these out here". Even though my father in law has in the past. 


    So being their first batch of eggs gonna leave this bunch and see what happens, i've got a german breeding ring ready if some do hatch and make it since i have kind of given up on getting the coreys to breed. Excited to see what happens here, i think the bristlenose and coreys in that tank are to small to take a shot at the eggs, but there are 5 other geos and a severum pair in there as well. 


    Just thought i'd share being these are my first eggs, besides the snails!




    @govsfabshop Congrats on the first Geophagus Redhead Tapajos spawn.

  2. On 2/9/2024 at 10:12 PM, tetra said:

    I got more neons because when I first got the rainbows and the danios around 3 years ago, I also had neon tetras with them. I get that they were smaller but even then a couple years later, the rainbows weren’t interested in the old neons that were in there, despite being nearly full grown. I thought it would work because the rainbows were never interested, I guess they changed their minds.

    But, Lately, the larger Australian rainbowfish have matured and are now more aggressive and colorful, acting almost like cichlids in the breeding season as well. Not crazy like killing other fish, but just chasing. The males are probably 4 inches with the alpha male being 4.5 inches or so.

    Yes agree about cichlids had a few that changed behavior as they matured 😆

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  3. On 2/9/2024 at 2:19 PM, aleksei king said:

    Hello there all. I was watching the "We Built an AMAZING Water Change System - Fish Room Update Ep. 99" and am super interested in the ro tubing to 90/t fittings. he said it has like a 3 quarter bushing to a 1/ quarter or something and I just can't find the parts online. I am really just bad at plumbing and its something I'm trying to understand more. If anyone could throw me some links or where to do that would be appreciated.

    I suggest taking the fittings to a hardware store they may have the parts. Ask for a plumbing  associate.

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 2/9/2024 at 10:15 AM, Sharon22 said:

    I empty the tubes and then run them under warm water, shake them with water, run the under again, shake again, and one last rinse. They they’re still dirty idk how else to clean them lol

    I personally rinse mine out with distilled water. Deionized water works as well. 

  5. On 2/9/2024 at 12:22 AM, tetra said:

    Back in July last year, I got some neon tetras from Aquahuna and unfortunately had to keep them in quarantine for a long period of time because of some Cories I got from there also contracted epistylis and I didn’t want the disease to spread. So finally after it was over, I was gonna put the neons in a 29g with 5 Australian rainbowfish and 4 zebra danios. And after acclimating them for over an hour, I finally dropped the first tetra in. And barely after a couple seconds, a female rainbowfish chased after it and attempted to eat it. I tried to get it out of there ASAP cause it was pretty much helpless. After getting it out though, it very fortunately recovered, and got put back in the quarantine tank. I was pretty upset because now I can’t put them anywhere else.

    Next, a couple days ago I got some Cherry barbs and Praecox rainbowfish. The rainbowfish were about the size of the neons, maybe a little longer. And the same night after putting them in, I saw the rainbows nipping at the neons caudal fins. And the weakest neon was pecked at until I found it dead this morning. I thought that maybe they’re establishing a pecking order or something, but they wouldn’t just kill the neon like that. I get that rainbowfish are very active compared to the slower-moving neons. But I wasn’t expecting rainbows that small to harm them. They aren’t attacking them and trying to eat them, but nipping at them maybe every minute or so. The Cherry barbs get slightly picked at, but not like the neons though, even though the cherries are smaller than the neons.

    The quarantine tank is 10 gallons, and for now, I think it’s enough space for a couple weeks until I can move the rainbows to a 75 gallon. 

    I only have a 29g and a 75g, so those neons are stuck with those rainbows until they get moved over, should I bring them to my LFS? Cause they both have rainbows that are willing to mess with them constantly.

    Yes Australian Rainbowfish will eat small fish. Unfortunately Neons look like food to some species of fish. I suggest doing research prior to purchasing fish. 

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  6. On 2/8/2024 at 9:55 AM, Stef said:

    So I have two male honeys in a 20 gal long display tank. Their tank mates are 6 ember tetras and a BN Pleco plus a few amano shrimp and loads of ramshorn snails. I would love to get 2-3 more honeys and my lfs has lots of females. My question is more about not breeding. If I let nature take its course, what are the odds of being over run with fry?  I don’t want to add more males.


    Both males have their own bubble nests on opposite sides of the tank. They spar occasionally and are absolutely adorable. I’d like this tank to be just for a gourami family but not overrun and overstocked. 



    The Ember Tetras will definitely eat some of the fry. 

  7. On 2/7/2024 at 10:48 PM, Mercfh said:

    This is what I do on a weekly basis, but im mainly looking for something to help "in between". I know light colored sand especially shows stuff, but it's just all collecting in a single corner making it look SUPER bad.

    I've read several threads where someone added a power head or  adjusted the flow of the filter. 

    • Like 1
  8. On 2/7/2024 at 9:42 PM, Mercfh said:

    Pardon the title, but it's the best way I can describe it.

    I currently have a 55g with a Fluval 407 (Intake on very left/back side, with output to the right of it slightly and shooting towards the inner tank (Although I have a fluval spray bar attachment).

    Anyways, under the intake it seems like fish poop just collects, right underneath the intake (Which is fairly low). I have sand so of course it just sits on top.

    Now....I don't know if the fish are going there to poop, or the water is kinda making everything "collect" there since thats where the intake is. But im curious if there is a way to fix this because it just looks SO bad.

    Occasionally I will manually stir it up a bit, so the poop will float up to the intake but that's honestly a PITA. I put a river rock underneath to sorta give a higher flat surface for the intake to suck from, but doesn't seem to help much.

    Any ideas? It's pretty strange it seems to all collect there. Doesn't seem to affect the water though (I change 1x a week) as the rest of the tank is quite clear.

    I personally just siphon it up with a gravel vac during water changes. 

    • Like 2
  9. On 2/5/2024 at 2:47 PM, Mercfh said:

    So im not sure if this is just a problem specific with this species, or something im doing. First of all water params:

    Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate all at 0 (well nitrate at maybe 20). I did hit an initial .25 nitrite "spike" when I added the 6 serpae tetras (to replace what I had lost before (4 of them) but other than that water quality is good (pH sits about at 7.6-7.8ish with kh 5 and dh 10 degrees)

    I noticed originally of the 6 I had purchased that it seems like 1 would die off a day after every water change. Now I will admit during this time Nitrite was still a little bit elevated at around 1ppm+ish. I was dosing prime but I think that's what took out the initial 3-4 of them.

    However I learned from that and waited until nitrites were zero and I was getting nitrates (so about 2 weeks after). So I purchased 6 (making a total of 8 of them) and one has already died (Again, a day after a water change but im only doing 20% water changes and making sure I dose dechlorinator for the full tank volume each time so it can't be a chlorine problem). I also make sure the temp is "close-ish" so the temp may only drop a degree after the water change. 

    My only initial thought is that my pH out of my tap is high (around 8.2) but it drops after awhile and it mixes with the more normal ph so I can't imagine that's it.

    Is this species maybe just sort of "weak"? I mean maybe it died from just stress coming from the fish store (I did the float for 30 minutes thing but the LFS store water is very similar to mine anyways). The ones that "made" it from the initial batch seem fine and I've not had any problems with ANY of the other fish in the tank (Raphaels/Corys/Loaches and Pleco's and a few neon tetras).





    @Mercfh I suggest purchasing the Serpae Tetra from a reputable lfs or online vendor.  like @Pepere stated a big box store like Petco, and Petsmart fish are likely to be under nourished or ill. There filtration systems are connected to most of the aquariums. 

  10. On 2/5/2024 at 2:26 PM, face said:

    Imo I’d do it soon it’s true that the Oscar will group faster than the rest of the fish but throwing a small Oscar in an aquarium with already established fish can end badly there really not made for fighting so there size is what helps them in an aquarium with aggressive fish as long as everyone else will be more than 4or5 inches in a year the Oscar can’t eat them it should be fine after that it’s just luck if they get along 

    this is assuming the Oscar is normal pet store size 

    @face totally agree with you. 

  11. On 2/4/2024 at 4:15 AM, cloud said:

    This post isn't about breeding but I don't know what other topic to label this as.

    I have a 10 gallon planted tank with 6 albino juvenile corydoras that I added around 3 months ago. Would I be able to safely grow them out and keep them in the tank? They were gifted to me by my brother-in-law because he had to get rid of all his tanks and the 10 gallon is my only tank slightly big enough for them. I cycled the tank for about two weeks before adding them and they're doing good so far. The tank is now full of rotala, dwarf sag, red root floaters, salvinia, and duckweed (the floating plants don't cover up the entire surface). I love my corys and I'm willing to upgrade, but I'm only 16 so a new tank, stand, substrate, light, heater, filter, etc. will definitely hurt. My last resort is to go to my lfs and trade them for store credit so I do have options.

    I'm relatively new to the hobby so all the advise and criticism will be appreciated 🙏.


    25% water change every 1-2 weeks or when nitrates get above 15.



    Sinking pellets, frozen bloodworms, and frozen baby brine shrimp.

    I don't know how you cycled your aquarium but 2 weeks normally isn't long enough unless you jump start your filter with seeded media from an established aquarium. I suggest staying consistent with the water changes. 

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  12. On 2/3/2024 at 8:40 PM, Bigdog99 said:

    Yes I was mainly concerned of the tea looking water. I don’t like it. Is there some that don’t make water brown? @lefty o

    Ok thanks!! 

    Thanks. Sorry for late responses. 

    I personally have dead oak tree limbs and small stump in one of my aquariums. I collected this from my backyard. The backyard is part of a Metro Park. I've collected dead Oak leaves also for the aquarium. I definitely recommend aquascaping native setups with the leaves and wood. 

    Here is a pic with a small stump and a few oak leaves. https://photos.app.goo.gl/TCDUjWRuCaWbpg2m7

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  13. Has anyone tried this product. I recently purchased it.  Fed very minimal amount to my pipefish and I believe one ate a few 😆 

    The only downside just too much so placed in the freezer after opening. 

  14. On 2/2/2024 at 8:04 PM, Tlindsey said:

    Yes I would place the new cartridge in front of old. You may have enough beneficial bacteria in your filter to not affect anything. 

    On 2/2/2024 at 8:05 PM, Bigdog99 said:

    So is this a one size fits all or no? @Tlindsey

    You can buy cut to fit pads. That's what I did. 

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