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Posts posted by Tlindsey

  1. On 1/1/2024 at 10:00 PM, Mercfh said:

    Pictures of the 2. Can't quite tell what they are. Also does my tank seem appropriately stocked? or overstocked


    Also does my pH seem to match what I thought? (Based off the API color kit) It's hard to tell but it looks around 7.8



    @Mercfh Yes looks like 7.8 to me. Not overstocked imo. When you're fish start growing and the guppies start to breed that will increase your bioload. 

  2. On 12/30/2023 at 6:10 AM, reefhugger said:

    I've been gravel vacuuming under the probably mistaken idea it it keeps the water parameters in check from ammonia, nitrites. nitrates?  When I vac during water changes it looks like I'm pulling out a ton of debris that would cause water spikes as it degrades.  I do have planted tanks . I am getting better at not over feeding but probably still need to cut back more.    By vacuuming am I reducing BB?   Does the garbage in the gravel affect water parameters?  

    @reefhugger Vacuuming the gravel will have minimal affect on beneficial bacteria only waste trapped in the gravel would affect water parameters imo.

    Like stated different answers 

  3. On 12/29/2023 at 10:21 PM, Rewcolee1 said:

    I typically go to RMS Aquaculture, but I also do like Something Fishy as well as Aquatica Aquarium Gallery. 

    just wish there was something over here on the East Side. (Mentor)

    @Rewcolee1 I loved going to RMS Aquaculture when I was young. They had two locations back then. 

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  4. On 12/29/2023 at 1:03 PM, Siett88 said:

    I've kinda hit a keeping rut and want to try something new. I've got a wall that is perfect size for a 29gal (30in x 12in) and was thinking about a solitary musk turtle and a few platies or swordtails. Is this an appropriate size tank for a lone (probably going to go with male, as they stay smaller) musk turtle?

    @Siett88 That will be fine but don't know how long the Platies or Swordtails will last.

  5. On 12/29/2023 at 12:31 PM, Monkeypoint said:

    I just watched Cory's excellent video tutorial about hatching baby brine shrimp. I only have 2 tanks - well, 3 if I include the 3-gallon nano stocked only with neocaridina. The entire process looked so cool that I indulged in some retail therapy and bought the Ziss hatchery (total impulse buy). I have a few questions:

    1. How often do you feed fish bbs? Every day? My 68 gallon tank has Angelfish, Siamese algae eaters, one Molly, Neon tetras and a couple of Bristlenose plecos. I have a 15 gallon stocked with Amano and Neocaridina shrimp, Ember tetras and a Bristlenose pleco.

    2. Will Amano shrimp and Neocaridinas eat them as well?

    3. Is there a way to safely preserve uneaten shrimp, like dehydrating and storing in the freezer?

    Thank you!


    @Monkeypoint Newly hatched brine shrimp is highly nutritional after a day loses nutritional value. Yes you could feed every day. I suggest hatching small amounts of eggs but if you want freeze the rest. Not sure if large Angelfish will eat them but the tetras yes.

    Don't have any experience with shrimp. Be careful of overfeeding bbs because that will definitely affect your water parameters. 

  6. On 12/29/2023 at 10:59 AM, Manringjk said:

    Okay so I, being the type of person with the “too much gene” bought a tank and fish and set it up same day, around a month ago. I have a 20g with hob filter, heater and lights. It is moderately planted. When I was doing all of this, I was totally unaware of the dangers of fish in cycling.  

    Of course, being a dive head first into hobbies type of person, I joined discussion groups and did some reading and learned that I may have made some critical errors in doing a fish in cycle. To this point, I have lost 2 fish (a dwarf gourami and a pea puffer). I started doing water tests  because of this and had the values below. To my eye, nitrates and nitrites are at 0, pH at 7-7.5, kH ~40 and gH 180. IMG_4288.jpeg.e4ba303eda79efc83bb83d99f6d4979e.jpeg

    Where I am getting lost and confused is about what the water parameters should be in my situation and what to do next re: water changes, ammonia removers, etc. It seems to me that my remaining fish are doing well, the fish bought from big box stores (rookie error, didn’t know at the time 😖) are coloring up and the ones from my LFS (finally figured that part out) aren’t showing any signs of stress. 


    a confused but eager new fish parent

    @Manringjk Welcome aboard 

  7. On 12/29/2023 at 2:06 AM, Billipo said:

    Mudminnows have a unique personality which I find very interesting. They hover in ambush position like a tiny pike, but "wag" their fins with the cuteness of an anxious puppy. Mudminnows aren't rare or protected, but not so common around here. I was able to get them through unique circumstances. 

    I acquired the recently reinstalled 40 breeder tank to create a temporary educational display at my local library. I stocked the tank with Darters, Dace, Creek Chubs, Madtoms, and Suckers. Accompanying the display, I had educational signage about some of our less appreciated natives and did "Fish Talks" for the kids. 

    @Billipo Welcome aboard 😀 

  8. On 12/28/2023 at 4:49 PM, alcidmr said:

    I got my new pre filter and I don't want to mess up and kill my BB. I haven't change it since 2 years ago I just clean and put back, but I'm afraid to switch and mess ut up

    Can someone help me make sure i don't mess up I know it's eazy just don't want to mess up lol.


    @alcidmr just put the new pre-filter on you will be fine 🙂 

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 12/28/2023 at 1:06 PM, Robert K said:

    @Biotope Biologist yeah, I expect it to grow a bit more, even though the actual growth rate seems to have slowed way down.

    Docile and lazy/slow is exactly my experience. 😅 the other fish actually outcompete it for food often when I feed with the lights on.

    @Robert K you may have a captive bred Senegal they don't grow large like the wild caught Senegal from lake Turkana Africa. They grow over a foot. I personally have cb Senegal bichirs. 

    • Like 1
  10. On 12/28/2023 at 3:18 AM, Robert K said:

    I think this might be of interest to some people, especially those who are thinking about getting a senegal bichir. 

    I have this senegal bichir living in my 100g community tank and some of the fish are as small as serpae tetras. So far it's been working out. I have 4-5 of the (what I think are) serpae tetras left over from a bigger school. The bichir hasn't gone after a single one of them. It hasn't bothered any of the other fish either. The tetras were already in the tank when I got the bichir (which was quite small at the time) which may partly explain why it's been working out. I've had the bichir for over a year and a half now i think.

    I feed it Hikari sinking cichlid pellets. It usually goes for the mini size ones. It really struggles to gulp down the medium size ones. 😅 I'm not really sure how much bigger it's gonna get but I have to say I'm not worried about the tetras.

    Anyone else has any experience of keeping a senegal in a community type tank?


    @Robert K I've personally attempted to keep one lone male cichlid with a group of Senegal on 3 separate times.

    After cichlids matured they eventually became territorial and started to push bichirs around. 

    I agree with what you stated about the tetras and the senegal growing up together. I personally wouldn't try a community like what you have with larger bichir species. 

    • Like 1
  11. On 12/28/2023 at 7:17 AM, yve said:

    thanks for the advise but i can’t really tell if they are detritus or planaria.. they both look alike.. but yea thosw worms so glide on glass surfaces - substrate can’t really tell.  

    if its planaria, how should i go abt treating the tank?

    @yve You can treat with No Planaria,  Prazi Pro, or some have treating with dog or cat dewormer.

  12. On 12/28/2023 at 3:53 AM, yve said:


    i’m cycling my new 5gallon tank.( been a mth at least.) the levels look ok however the seem to be worms all around! they are everywhere - on glass, gravel, plant, or just swimming. can yall help id the worms? (see image; may need to zoom in abit) are they safe for betta?

    i’m thinking of moving him in this weekend. he’s currently in a 2gallon tank but he has fin rot and is under kanaplex medication. 

    would it be okay for him to move in now or should i get rid of the worms first? 



    @yve are the worms flat and glide on the glass and substrate. If so those are planaria. I suggest treating the aquarium if they are planaria but if they are detritus worms like stated I wouldn't worry about them. 

  13. On 12/21/2023 at 8:30 PM, Kurt Brutting said:

    I heard a good tip about catching fish from my LFS. Use a net and chase the fish around with your hand. Have the fish scared of your hand not the net. That way you can chase the fish into the net. 
    I tried it with my Cory’s, it still took forever because of the plants and hard scape, but it definitely helped. 

    @Vanessa K lowering the water level will help also.

    • Like 2
  14. On 12/21/2023 at 12:34 PM, Sparkyrad5150 said:

    I bought a Fluval FX2 a month or so ago and used the media that came with it.  I’m using it in a 75 gallon community tank with about 10-12 fish in it.  I want to have the cleanest and clearest tank possible without messing up the good bacteria.  Fluval offers so many options in media for the FX2 and have no idea what combination would work the best.  I’ve included pictures of what media is available.  Any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!












    On 12/21/2023 at 12:34 PM, Sparkyrad5150 said:

    I bought a Fluval FX2 a month or so ago and used the media that came with it.  I’m using it in a 75 gallon community tank with about 10-12 fish in it.  I want to have the cleanest and clearest tank possible without messing up the good bacteria.  Fluval offers so many options in media for the FX2 and have no idea what combination would work the best.  I’ve included pictures of what media is available.  Any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!











    @Sparkyrad5150  I personally would use the pre-filter pad and any of the biomedia. I don't use carbon or anything to help remove Ammonia, Nitrite, or Nitrate so the last eight wouldn't be a choice for me.

  15. On 12/21/2023 at 12:01 PM, Ninjoma said:

    I think rummynose tetra are the best for smallish schooling fish. 

    Otherwise, I really like American cichlids. Electric blue acaras are probably my favorite, but all the ones I've kept have been fun. 

    @beastie like stated depends on the aquarium size. Have you ever considered the Boesemani Rainbowfish. 

  16. On 12/19/2023 at 5:49 PM, tolstoy21 said:

    Back in the 70s my dad operated a small-time shrimp boat to catch live bait for my grandfather's bait shop. We used to catch pipefish by the ga-jillions in the shrimp nets (which we would promptly put them back into the water).

    No idea what species they were (they were also in the eel grass flats of a saltwater bay in NJ -- northern pipefish maybe?).

    Either way, long story short, the pictures of these fish bring me waaaaaay back on the nostalgia on the nostalgia train.

    Thanks for sharing!  Good luck breeding them. Looking forward to more posts! 

    @tolstoy21 I'll definitely keep posting 😃 

  17. On 12/19/2023 at 12:12 PM, Rockhound said:

    Hi, I'm looking at converting an existing tank I have into a cichlid tank or keep it as a community tank with some cichlids (depending on what seems to be best). The tank I have a 35 Gallon (36L x 12D x 18H). If I were to go with dwarf cichlids (I know I am limited to the dwarf species) realistically what or how many could I have in here? I'm thinking German Rams, Bolivian Rams, Apistogrammas, etc... I'd also be looking to have it nicely aquascaped to help facilitate this.

    I appreciate any help! 

    @Rockhound welcome to the forum. I suggest testing your water to find out if it suits the species you have listed. Some from the wild come from water with lower PH hardness. Test GH, KH, and PH and list them here.

  18. On 12/17/2023 at 10:45 AM, Mattlikesfish36 said:

    I have a group of 6 neolamprologus similis in a 10 gallon aquarium and I am looking to upgrade now that they have started to breed. I’m hoping to use this as justification to my wife that it’s time for me to build a multi aquarium rack. Any suggestions on which size aquarium I could get that would make for interesting behavior and room to expand their colony? 40 breeder would be the biggest I could fit in my current room. Should I go big with a 40 or am I better off with something smaller like a 20 long?

    @Mattlikesfish36 I personally would do the 40 breeder more space although the 20 long would work as well imo.

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