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Posts posted by Tlindsey

  1. On 2/17/2024 at 8:20 PM, Pepere said:

    It took me two times….


    now the first time was to the twin of this one and the handle pulled up through the plastic.  It was in the basement and I dumped on the floor.  I inspected it and noted the plastic was thin in that area so chalked it up to simply a defect.


    I inspected my other one and there was no problem…


    then today the handle itself broke dumping 2 1/2 gallons on my hardwood floor…



    30 minutes later it is all mopped up and I have an oscillating fan and dehumidifier going. 


    the braided rug garnered a lot of the water and that is drying in the basement…



    I am going to see if I can find some sturdy stainless steel buckets…

    @Pepere I personally have a five gallon plastic bucket I use that is over 30 yrs old. I don't know if you have a home depot or lowes in your area both sell durable buckets. 

    • Like 1
  2. On 2/16/2024 at 10:27 AM, yakteriyaki said:

    Hello, I have one large neon tetra about 25% bigger than all the others, and he’s just sitting at the bottom of the tank. He was fine a couple days ago. 

    Hasn’t moved in about an hour or so. He’s still moving his mouth and breathing but he doesn’t look like he’s moving otherwise. is he just on his last limb? Is there something specific wrong with him? Any help appreciated? Thanks. 


    @yakteriyaki Yes something definitely wrong because the Neon looks bloated. How long have you had the Neons?

  3. On 2/14/2024 at 2:53 PM, NOLANANO said:

    Can I get a decent enough microscope in the $100 range

    The time I was interested in buying one the decent ones were over the $100 range. 


  4. On 2/13/2024 at 10:47 PM, Ryan A said:

    Hello everyone!

    I recently set up an aquarium for our staff room. I want to stock it with something interesting that everyone can enjoy. I would like to hear any ideas or perhaps anything you have tried. Thanks in advance!  😄 

    Hello Ryan! Is this your first aquarium?

  5. On 2/13/2024 at 11:25 AM, seevuplay said:


    I'm new to the Flowerhorn world! So here is the situation.  I've got a paired up set of FH.  For the past month or more they have been exhibiting breeding behaviors. Moving substrate, slightly aggressive behavior towards each other.  For the past couple of days, the female has been just seen bobbing at the surface. She will interact with the male for a few seconds, but will then return to the bobbing position.  She has also stopped eating. Does this normally happen before egg laying or could this be a symptom of something worse?? I've got a livestream of the fish up 24/7 if anyone would like to observe their behaviors.  https://www.twitch.tv/seevuplay

    Thank You for any and all help! 


    @seevuplay How does the one look that's at the surface any torn fins or missing scales? How did you find out it was a proven pair?

  6. On 2/11/2024 at 7:50 PM, LDZ said:

    Hey all,  I just cleaned my quarantine tank and unknowingly used Low Splash Bleach.   

    How bad is this???  What do I do?   I've been rinsing and rinsing with Prime but I read de-chlorinators don't work on low Splash Bleach.   Do I need to toss the whole setup?   I would really be upset if I killed a future qt fish before it even had a chance.  Thanks for all your advice.


    @LDZ I personally would toss it.

    • Haha 1
  7. On 2/11/2024 at 5:34 PM, EggShappedFish said:

    Yeah, I actually only washed a few spots where I was going to glue some filter parts with silicone, and I knew that there had been algae growth at those areas. I really only used a lightly soaped sponge to clean the area let it dry, and forgot everything about it!

    Yeah I usually use hydrogen peroxide because it just breaks down into to water after a while, but this time I wanted to clean it so that silicone would stick properly.
    I will do a couple of large water changes to flush the system out, and hope that I get most of it!

    I meant won't be a issue.

    • Like 1
  8. On 2/11/2024 at 4:58 PM, EggShappedFish said:

    Oh now that you're mentioning it I did wash a couple of corners in soap water (very little soap though). 

    Should I make a 100 water change? And would that even be enough? 

    @EggShappedFish I suggest sterilize aquariums with part bleach and water and rinse out. The traces of Chlorine from beach won't be a issue once dechlorinator is added to aquarium water. 

    • Like 1
  9. On 2/11/2024 at 4:47 PM, EggShappedFish said:

    IMG_20240211_223538.jpg.8251db8b702ac2a4fd33a3ef587ce389.jpgI have filled the tank with fresh tapwater, and started my DIY filter (PPI mat & ceramic rings) but I now notice these bubbles on the surface. Should I be worried? There are no fish, no gravel, nothing else than just water and filter. 


    @EggShappedFish was aquarium cleaned with anything prior to setup? If so what was used for cleaning?

  10. On 2/11/2024 at 2:13 PM, Stef said:

    Ugh, so my 6 month old AquaClear 50 seems to be burned out. I’ve cleaned out the impeller and the area the impeller sits in and found some sand and sand dust. When I put it back together and plug it in, it runs for a day and burns out. Today I found a lot of sand granules under the media basket. I think it’s toast. I also had been using an intake extender.  The bottom of the intake tube sat about 4 inches above the sand  

    The tank is a 40 gal breeder with two large Ranchus and a black moor goldfish. I just upgraded them and the sand is new (Imagitarium black sand). The tank also has a large coop sponge and water params are holding steady. 

    So should I replace the filter and use a pre filter sponge?  Will the sand just migrate again?  Should I just double up on sponge filters and forget about hobs?  Remove one of the intake extenders? I was about to use more of this sand in the Ranchus now empty semi bare bottom tank with this same sand but that also has an AquaClear 30 and don’t want to be in the same boat.  

    Just not sure if this sand was the right pick for goldfish. My first time using it. Or the extender tube was the problem. 



    @Stef I personally would replace the filter especially if it not running properly. If you decide to go with another Fluval AC 50 yes place a pre-filter on the intake. I would personally raise intake. 

  11. On 2/10/2024 at 8:48 PM, purpledantastic said:

    Hi all - I just ordered some wild caught habrosus and I'm not sure if I need to do anything special to acclimate them for my pH, which is around 7.8-8.0. I am not sure what my water hardness is - I only have test strips for that and those results seem unreliable (it shows all the way high on GH and KH, but it also says my pH is 6.5). I looked up my city's water report and it said the hardness was between 80-130 mg/l. The little cories will have a tank to themselves, so I thought about using something like Seachem Neutral Regulator to lower the pH initially, and then phasing that out/raising the pH back to my "normal" through small water changes. Do I need to do that or will they be ok? 

    @purpledantastic I personally would drip acclimate. 

  12. On 2/10/2024 at 11:49 AM, Finding NiMo said:

    20 long

    7 lemon tetra, 1 GBR, 6 pygmy corys, 5 amano shrimp, 1 nerite snail

    pH 8.2, nitrite 0, nitrate 20-30, don't remember exact kh/GH, but it's high, 12+

    Anyone know what this is on my GBR dorsal fin? It's thick like a mass, not flat. Also a similar small spot on the upper lip.

    Appreciate your help






    @Finding NiMo looks like a bacterial or viral infection to me but not sure.

    I suggest doing larger water changes to reduce the Nitrate level. 

  13. On 2/10/2024 at 12:04 PM, EnvyDontKnow said:

    Hello everyone, new here and I'd like some advice, I was recommended this site by my friend Kaiju (who I think left the forum bc he didn't need it anymore?) but I'm starting a 6.5 LONG gallon tank sometime this year housing 10 Orange Ricefish and 10 Orange Rili Shrimp. I can list plants and hardscape if wanted or if needed but I don't think I need much help with that. I plan to order from two sites Bucplant and Aquarium Co-op. I'm looking for help from people who have kept these species or have many nano tanks and good experience with them. Iv'e done the research and stuff and I think I'm prepared, I've also planned to order a plethora or aquascaping tools, fertilizers, water conditioners, and glass cleansers. I worry about overcrowding of fish, but I've heard people don't need to worry about that as much with smaller fish. Please let me know if you need clarification on everything. And thank you to advance from everyone who responds! 


    Order list:

    - 1 golfball of flame moss, Java fern, Mini Amazon Swords

    -10 ricefish and 10 Orange Rili

    -Various meds and water conditioners and algae control/fertilizers

    -Various Hardscape


    I don't have any experience with rice fish or the shrimp but wanted to welcome you to the forum.

  14. On 2/10/2024 at 12:50 PM, TheDesktopAquarium said:

    I have only started my tank last Wednesday, I think that I should note that I have fluval bio stratum, I dosed my tank with the proper amount of fastart f on Wednesday then on Thursday, Around that time I was seeing a little bit of ammonia, then yesterday, and today I noticed that nitrates are starting to show up, and now a little bit of nitrites are also showing up. I’m not new to cycling aquariums, but this is the only tank I have right now, it’s a 5 gallon tank with some dwarf Sag, Anubias, Java fern, water sprite and plan to put some water Wisteria



    Wow that's crazy definitely positive Nitrate.

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