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Posts posted by Tlindsey

  1. On 3/6/2024 at 10:00 PM, Nate Duncan said:


    Here’s my 20 long, I have Celestial Pearl Danios, Pygmy corys and honey Gouramis. I have a Fluval 307 on it, but keep the flow quite low since all these guys hate it.

    Im struggling with flow dead zones specifically in the middle and debris loads up quite quickly. I do weekly water changes as well.

    Is this just the nature of the low flow or does anyone have any tips? I’d up the flow but the fish really struggle. 

    My inflow and outflow are on opposite sides of the tank. Was maybe thinking about ditching the Fluval for two sponge filters or something. 



    @Nate Duncan How do you remove debris? I just use a gravel vac. 

  2. On 3/2/2024 at 8:45 PM, GoofyGarra said:

    A few days ago i took in a male platy from a sub-optimal home. I am currently quarantining him and I noticed something odd. Whenever i see him swim he appears to be wiggling side to side as if against a strong current, but there is no strong current in the tank. He does not appear to have any external issues, but spend most of the day hiding in the back of the tank. 

    Parameters are:


    Nitrite: 0

    pH: 7.4

    KH: 300+

    Chlorine: 0

    Any ideas on what is going on?

    @GoofyGarra Possibly a disorder of the nerves. 

  3. On 3/2/2024 at 8:10 PM, saminator0107 said:

    Hello all! Sorry for the delay. So, i ended up catching 4 green sunfish. They are temporarily in the tank for now, and yes they will get put back in the same water i got them from within a few months. I have contacted a breeder that has warmouth. He said the ones he breeds only get up to about 8 inches, which would be perfect for my 75. Also, your probably wondering about the picture i have included of the car. Long story short, me and the GF were on the way back home with the fish, and we were rear ended by a speeding drunk driver while stopped at a red light. Thankfully the bucket with the fish in it had a lid on it, and my girlfriend had the bucket between her feet on the floorboard, which i think both things saved the fish. Me and her are not seriously hurt, just some whiplash and we are insanely sore, which is a given. Sadly, i think my brand new car is totaled. 2023 VW jetta, Manuals trans, 6k miles, just gone. The car has frame damage so im sure insurance will total it out. Sucks, but i have very good insurance and that will work itself out. Most importantly me, my girlfriend and the fishies are all okay. The fish are adjusting to the tank just fine, and all of them have already eaten some worms. I will end up ordering some warmouth and putting these guys back. These guys might be the first sunfish to survive getting hit by a drunkerd!! LOL! Feel like owe them a TON of worms for their troubles, lol. I have emailed the breeder and he said they will not be available to sell for another few months when it warms up in ohio, where he is located. 


    This is the breeder if anyone is interested:







    No need to apologize good that you and your girlfriend didn't get hurt.

    • Like 2
  4. On 3/2/2024 at 1:04 PM, quikv6 said:

    I have a 180. I recently just moved it, shimmed the stand (a 2x6 wood stand), and moved my inhabitants from my 125 into it. I know you are thinking along these lines anyway....but man....everything about it was heavy, and brought difficulty. just getting it from the floor dollies onto the stand was very taxing. And shimming the stand to get it as perfect as possible required patience and strength....as my tank sits in a nook between 2 walls with 75 inches of space total. The tank itself is probably close to 400 lbs dry.

    Anyway....I would really think the about a dedicated-well built stand for it. It is HEAVY!

    @quikv6 I definitely agree about the weight of the aquarium alone.

    I personally built a stand for my 180 gallon after I noticed old stand with deterioration.  

    • Like 1
  5. On 3/2/2024 at 1:07 PM, JMC said:
    I have discovered some tiny (less than 1mm) brown creatures in my aquarium. They seem to like to swim just above the mulm layer. I also saw a lot of them on the foot of a dead bladder snail (not sure if they killed the snail or found the snail after he died).  They are most numerous in my scud aquarium. 
    They swim around some and seem to be attracted to light. The closest thing I can find online that looks like them is referred to as “water mites”.
    Any help identifying them and advice on if they are harmful to fish, scuds or snails would be greatly appreciated. 




    On 3/2/2024 at 1:07 PM, JMC said:
    I have discovered some tiny (less than 1mm) brown creatures in my aquarium. They seem to like to swim just above the mulm layer. I also saw a lot of them on the foot of a dead bladder snail (not sure if they killed the snail or found the snail after he died).  They are most numerous in my scud aquarium. 
    They swim around some and seem to be attracted to light. The closest thing I can find online that looks like them is referred to as “water mites”.
    Any help identifying them and advice on if they are harmful to fish, scuds or snails would be greatly appreciated. 



    @JMC looks like seed shrimp.

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  6. On 3/2/2024 at 10:29 AM, Tlindsey said:

    @Tony s thanks for the shout out for the Cleveland Zoo.

    Tbh I'm disappointed about the size of our public aquarium. 

    Years ago our old public aquarium was much larger but your right better than not having one.

    • Like 1
  7. On 3/2/2024 at 8:40 AM, Tony s said:

    You guys have such amazing zoos over there. We live in central Indiana. We visit the big ones yearly. Usually 3-4 hour drive one way for us. Toledo has a one of the best touch tanks I’ve seen. And Columbus and Cincinnati have rescued manatees. Cleveland has one of the best elephant yards I’ve seen. My daughter was exploring zoos since she could walk. I just followed her around. I think I’m trying to create a zoologist here. Or a keeper would be great. Up to her of course. 😁

    @Tony s thanks for the shout out for the Cleveland Zoo.

    Tbh I'm disappointed about the size of our public aquarium. 

  8. On 3/2/2024 at 8:11 AM, BlueLineAquaticsSC said:

    I have family in northeast Ohio and whenever we visit we go to the Akron Zoo. They have very few aquatic exhibits, but they door have one of my favorites I’ve ever seen, and Amazon riverbank filled with turtles, rays, Midas cichlids, and parrot cichlids. They also have a rare blue variant lobster that showed up at a local seafood restaurant that they gave to the zoo, and some Silver Fulu Cichlids.










    Wow those are great exhibits. I'm a big fan of Octopus. Thanks for sharing. 

  9. On 3/1/2024 at 5:55 PM, quikv6 said:

    Thanks Tlindsay. I appreciate it. Just curious...is the "softwood" bad simply because it will break apart/decay faster? Or is there some sort of other issue with things that can be released from softwood?

    Softwood like pine release resins that can potentially be harmful to fish.

    Yes if aged it's probably good but I personally wouldn't use it.

    I have branches and small hollowed out hardwood in a couple of my aquariums. They have been in the aquarium for a few years now.


  10. On 3/1/2024 at 3:02 PM, quikv6 said:

    Hello all, 

    I found two lovely large pieces of wood while walking the beach.  Both look to be very weathered. 

    I'm less concerned with how to clean/sterilize like most threads cover.  I am concerned with the types of wood,  and if they are safe for an aquarium. 

    Any help is appreciated.  Thank you. 20240301_140542.jpg.d663e8d751bd2aa56eebd02fd2e8ff7a.jpg20240301_140548.jpg.3638403c172ddd775cff296b60ea7a69.jpg

    If you know that the area is fertilizer or contaminate free wood ok to use. Also the wood could possibly be from a softwood tree and will break down faster than hardwood such as Oak.

    Give it a good rinse and if it comes apart easily don't use.

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  11. On 3/1/2024 at 12:51 PM, Guppysnail said:

    If it was just an injured fish and not a disease or parasite I would just vacuum water change and ghost feed.  Maybe another water change after testing.  

    I would not even think of tearing it apart for just an Injuries death. As a matter of fact I’ve left tanks sit empty other than some plants for months. There is still enough microfauna producing waste to keep some bacteria alive that will multiply rapidly. 

    @JohnNYC I agree with everyone but if any fish was infected by Columnaris definitely would use bleach.

    • Like 1
  12. On 2/27/2024 at 3:51 PM, DebSills said:

    Back in October, I found a 65 gallon tank (36x18x24) for $45 on FB Marketplace...not a bad deal, but it needed some work and I wanted to build my own stand for it. I work from home 4 days a week, so this tank is my zoom backdrop and also just as a stress reducer when I have to deal with annoying people 🙂

    Here's the tank after we took the top rim off - it was cracked and there was some dirt between the glass and the frame from the previous owner leaving it outside on its side. It was not a pretty removal, but it made it a lot easier to get all of the silicone off - which took a LONG time...at some point, someone tried to reseal the tank but just went over the old stuff, so it wasn't pretty


    here's the tank after I removed all of the silicone (forgive the blue...its an old Aqueon light that I threw on there)


    my stand build - it has since been painted black


    Heres the "pre-water" look


    And here's the (almost finished...I might add more H'ra and/or a rock or two from another tank) planted look - forgive the cloudy water, most of the plants have been in other tanks for over a year, so its going through a bit of a bacterial die-off



    I'm still not 100% sure what I want to put in there, so if anyone has some suggestions, let me know

    I will be putting in (from other tanks); 6 pepper cories, ~5 Otos (2 existing, plus 3 new at some point), ~10 amano shrimp, (~10 CPDs...not sure on these)

    My current thought is to add Black Ruby Barbs and Bloodfin Tetras (maybe 9-12 of each), but again...not "married" to this idea

    Tank is currently sitting right around 73, but will most likely push it up to ~75/76 once I add the second ACO heater (currently in use), sponge filter, FX2, Small Aquasky light just for the sunrise/sunset, ACO 36in light, currently set at 40% (turned up to 100% for pic above), currently running a tetra air pump, but will be swapping with ACO pump so I have the battery backup if needed in the future.

    Let me know what you think 

    I'm happy with it so far 🙂


    *edited to swap last picture for one with fewer glare

    @DebSills I think you did a excellent job on the aquarium rebuild and diy stand build. I felt extremely proud of myself when I got the confidence to build a stand for a 180gal. 

    • Like 2
  13. On 2/29/2024 at 2:55 PM, EnvyDontKnow said:

    Hey, reaching out for help regarding cycling the tank. The time old question, can I cycle my tank with fish in it? I know it's possible but it's a bigger process. Iv'e had succes with some guppies, bettas, and Otocinclus. The most amount of time I can do fishless cycle is a day. Any reccomendations? These fish are supposed to come with the rest of my order.

    @EnvyDontKnow How many aquariums do you have setup and running?

  14. On 2/28/2024 at 5:52 PM, saminator0107 said:

    Yeah, thats what i was thinking. 4 might be pushing it a little. I will end up getting 3 at most then.

    I plan to add plants when the tank is finished cycling. I have someone giving me some extra clippings they have this weekend. I will also be getting some root tabs since this is rinsed play sand. Also, can you provide a link to Jonah's aquarium?

    Great vendor ordered Rainbow Darter from them.


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  15. On 2/25/2024 at 7:56 PM, Guppysnail said:

    I got these Monday from Dans fish.  

    They were stunning metallic rose gold with a thin stripe.  7C28BD6F-A625-4F97-8A2E-81ECE659FFE3.jpeg.5ef93cfc3ece163d704a7f780169726a.jpeg

    Tiday the boys are brick reddish and the stripe is wide. The girls are washing out and losing the stripe.  This is the spawning color coming in. I caught some boys sparring today.  It’s comical as anything to watch. It’s a Wiggle fight 🤣



    @Guppysnail very nice pickup.

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