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Posts posted by Tlindsey

  1. On 2/2/2024 at 7:44 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

    Ditch the cartridges and go with a coarse sponge pad instead that can be cleaned out and will last 10 years+

    Yes I agree It saves you money. 

    On 2/2/2024 at 7:29 PM, Bigdog99 said:

    So, I have been changing my fish tank filters for almost 2 years now but, do I stick the cartridge in front of the old one or……I just don’t want to kill the bacteria in the cartridge. I have to change the cartridge tomorrow…advice? Gotta hang on back filter that comes with the topfin 5 gallon kit. Please help.


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  2. On 2/2/2024 at 7:50 AM, Gideyon said:

    After we moved to a new home, we just don't have a place for a tank. So we were thinking of a 5 gallon.  They're too small for a sponge (to my liking at least).  So I was wondering, are there any 5 gallon kits that have a low flow filter (for a betta)?   

    Also, one reason we've been hesitant to have tanks are kids who could potentially throw things. So I also considered acrylic.   Are there ways to get the scratches off, or once it's scratched, it's there for good?  If the latter, I need a glass 5 gallon. 

    I can find tanks, but not reliable kits. Or if someone knows of a good HOB for a small tank and low flow, maybe I can put something together. 

    @Gideyon There are sponge filters for a 5 gallon. If glass gets  scratched the scratch will be permanent. 

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  3. On 1/31/2024 at 10:42 PM, Ohio FishPlant Dude said:

    It seems like I may have had these glow light tetras close to 10 years...What started as a school of 15 has dwindled to 3 remaining!

    They are still active, social and eating well. Talk about a hardy, resilient tetra! One tetra has developed  a severe bent spine, just like some old men do! anyone else have a similar  experience with certain fish which live quite long?

    old fishes2.jpg

    old fish1.jpg

    @Ohio FishPlant Dude I think you should commend yourself. Ten years for a small tetra is rare. Great job giving that long life.

    • Like 1
  4. On 1/31/2024 at 8:28 PM, MN Mom said:

    We have a community tank with 2 honey gourami (both male), 8 hengeli/glowlight rasbora, 2 bristlenose pleco, and 3 amano shrimp. And 1 ramshorn snail. Can I add Apistogramma with this stock? Would they have issues with the gourami or amano shrimp? The shrimp are now over an inch long. Tank is 32.5g, heavily planted with lots of hides. 

    @MN Mom If you put a pair in your aquarium and they spawned they will chase and defend the eggs, wigglers, and free-swimming fry. 

  5. On 1/31/2024 at 8:42 PM, Rosi said:

    @Tlindsey Thank you! Does the glass top have holes in it for the equipment to go through? (Wires and HOBF) Were there any modifications that you needed to make? Do you have any recommendations on brand?

    Also, for your topless tank, do you find cat hair in there? If so, does it bother your fish? I feel like even with a top, I can't seem to keep the hair out. 😂

    @Rosi The aquarium tops will come with plastic inserts.

    The inserts can be cut to size for the hob filter and wires. 

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  6. On 1/31/2024 at 8:32 PM, Rosi said:

    Hello Friends! 

    I have a 20 gallon TopFin starter kit. For those of you that don't know me, I have 5 species of plants, a male betta, 2 otos, and 2 nerite snails. 

    I plan to eventually get a small school of fish, but that's another topic for another day. 

    I need to upgrade my lighting on my tank from the stock lighting hood, which will require me to get a new hood altogether. In addition to my beautiful aquatic babies, I also have three curious cats that love to try to sit atop the fish tank and play with the fish if they're allowed... 😑

    My question to you is what tank hood is the best to protect my aquarium inhabitants while also providing enough light to my plants? I must also mention that I have a Fluval T series heater and a HOB Aqua Clear filter. 

    Everything I'm finding online is glass and has two sections-a front and a back. Do these work well? I'm not opposed to the glass tops, but it must be strong enough to keep the meows out while also allowing enough space for the heater/HOB filter, and enough light through for my plants. 

    Thanks so much for any advice!


    @Rosi glass tops definitely will work. I personally have a cat and caught it on top without issues. Also have a topless aquarium and cat drinks out it lol.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. On 1/25/2024 at 10:39 AM, BIRD0887 said:

    So i may have inadvernantly created a major problem...last wk i had to move my clawed from to a 10 gal and began feeding him half worms, and now temp there r 2 rams in the tank. Well they werent acting right n it turned out to be the ammonia level...ive treated n changed part of the water but i stirred up the gravel and the tank is so full of worm pieces!! I know thats why the ammonia is spiking, and i jst need the rams to survive for a wk til i put them in there new home...any advice to combat ammonia??

    I would remove the clawed frog and place in a tote. It's the biggest contributor to the bioload with the feeding of the worms.

  8. On 1/24/2024 at 8:35 PM, anodyne99 said:

    How do you all store your flakes/pellets/freeze dried food? I accidentally bought an extra canister of flakes recently and wondered how best to store them before and after opening. 

    I know there is super specific guidance for dog and cat foods, but not sure about fish!

    *bonus question: if you cut a mini block of brine shrimp in half to feed a nano tank, can you return the remaining half to the container? Should you put it in a separate plastic bag or wrap it with tinfoil or something? 

    @anodyne99 I just store flake food in dry area of my home.  Yes if Brine Shrimp hasn't thawed out you could place it back into package container. If you like place cut piece of frozen brine in a freezer bag.

    • Like 1
  9. On 1/20/2024 at 9:35 AM, Pepere said:

    I bought some Sparkling Gouramis from Aqua Huna that arrived about 2-3 months ago.  They are certainly bigger when they arrived, and are all getting along fine currently.


    No croaking perceived yet.  Any idea how old , mature they need to be before they start making audible sounds?

    @Pepere Hope this helps.https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/917-croaking-vs-sparkling-gouramis/

  10. On 1/19/2024 at 3:15 PM, Mercfh said:
    Hi! im looking for some stocking options for my 55 gallon tank.
    Right now I have:
    1 Bristlenose Pleco
    1 Zebra Pleco
    2 Raphael Catfish (1 spotted/1 striped) like
    3 tetras (They've been getting slowly eaten I think by the raphaels......so smaller fish isn't a good idea)
    6 Kuhli loaches
    A few snails
    Right now I have a Fluval 407 and a Aquarium Coop LARGE sponge filter (It's also planted) and a sandy substrate.
    The Kuhli loaches hide most of the time (as do the raphael's) so im looking for something active for the bottom and also maybe some sort of middle/top swimming fish that is HARDY and does ok in a 76-77 temp and 7.8ish pH.
    AqaAdvisor says im at 81% stocking (Which feels higher than it should be) but my filtration is 241%.
    Any Ideas?

    @Mercfh what specie of Tetra were eaten? I suggest a high bodied species. 

  11. On 1/18/2024 at 11:44 AM, pstrokaty said:

    @Tlindsey This is a new tank, set it up about a month ago. Got the substrate and plants from a friend, so got some snails eggs as a bonus. Added 10 neocardina shrimps four days ago, and for now, that's the whole crew.

    @pstrokaty I suggest treating the aquarium as a quarantine tank and observe for a month or so.

    If those snails came from a pond it's possible for them to harbor internal parasites. 

    • Like 1
  12. On 1/17/2024 at 4:09 PM, pstrokaty said:


    Hello guys, I have a few bladder snails in my tank, well now probably a few dozen... Recently, I noticed that some of them have white, completely white, coiled threads sticking out, like in the picture. I've read a lot about their poop, seen a lot of pictures, and the shape seems to match, but not the color. Supposedly, it should range from green to brown depending on their diet, and indeed, most bladders in my aquarium produce feces in that color. So, just to be sure, I decided to ask. 😄 I even analyzed their anatomy and which side they have their anus on, lol.


    @pstrokaty How long have you had the bladder snails? Were any of them recently added.

  13. On 1/17/2024 at 8:55 AM, slynnsin said:

    If you were going to make a paludarium that holds 100 gallons of water for a group of ropefish how would you do it? The idea would be to have a large enough land portion for a colony of isopods to live and for it to be sturdy enough for the ropefish to get up there and catch them. I have seen the pond style set up Oddball Aquatics has on YouTube, but I would love to see them swim around in a glass tank on the bottom. My concern with the glass is building something sturdy enough. I have seen the paludarium set ups from custom aquariums but I am wondering if anyone else has looked into something similar. Thanks!

    @slynnsin My first of ever hearing of a paludarium for ropes but definitely will be watching this. 

  14. On 1/16/2024 at 10:39 PM, KabirK_ said:

    Hello everyone, this is my first time posting on this forum as I’m usually on Reddit.

    i have a 30 gallon that’s nicely filtered and planted, my setup isn’t anything crazy but this is my 2nd ever tank besides my main one. I have a decent amount of experience with regular common live bearers such as mollies, platy, guppies, etc.

    but in this tank I have a thriving community of neons tetras, rummy nose, tiger barbs, kulli loach, snails etc. I haven’t had any problems or concerns with the tetras and all as I’m quite familiar with their behaviour and patters. Though today I have added 4 gouramis to the tank as I wanted to try something new. I buy all my fishes from the same one store near my house that’s owned by an old couple who have had it since 1982, well experienced people and they told me it should be fine, gouramis do get somewhat bossy but other than that the interaction between the communal fishes and gouramis is fine.

    but I’m just a bit unsure of what to understand from the gourami behaviour, I have 4 in total, 

    -3 gold

    -1 opaline

    It’s a 3:1 ratio female:male to I’m not worried about male on male aggression. Though I notice they still chase each other, not really any hard biting but literally just chasing each other ever so often. The tank is fairly new but has been well cycled, the fishes aren’t showing any sign of water related problems. It’s jsut the agression.

    is this maybe because it’s the first day, or possibly something else? Again I’m not to sure as these are my first step into the real of bigger fish.

    any advice or feed back is great!

    ****Tank is cloudy due to water clarifier that I had added****



    @KabirK_ Welcome to the forum. 

    Sounds like the Gourami are establishing a pecking order. I've personally had 4 female Pearl Gourami that displayed the same behavior. 

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  15. On 1/17/2024 at 12:17 AM, Fish Folk said:

    Nice! He’s the best guy. Most all of these cane from him. We met up and caught Catawba Greenheads together last March before NANFA Con. He has forgotten more about native fish than I’ll ever begin learn.

    Wow that's so cool!

    • Like 1
  16. On 1/16/2024 at 9:49 PM, Fish Folk said:

    Many of us have gotten into keeping fish thanks to the breadth of Tropical species in the hobby. Over the last few years, I have found Temperate climate fish species most intriguing. These live in local waterways around the USA. These photos are from our tanks…

    Banded Darters (Etheostoma zonale)





    Behavior is similar to goby species. Appreciates green plants in the tank. Males vary their brilliant green color depending on the season.

    Orangethroat Darters (Etheostoma spectabile)




    Very friendly and non aggressive. Cold water is best. Cold, unheated basements are perfect. Eats frozen bloodworms.

    Rainbow Shiners (Notropis chrosomus)





    More beautiful than many tropical species once mature, these Georgia and Alabama natives are my favorite Temperate species to keep and breed. They eat flake food just fine.

    Mountain Redbelly Dace (Chrosomus oreas)




    These are very nice in native river-stream setups. I have been able to breed… around a thousand by now.

    Gulf Coast Pygmy Sunfish (Elassoma gilberti)



    Very shy, these guys need live foods to thrive. Their courting dance moves are spectacular!

    Oh my… there’s so, so many more IMG_6302.jpeg.bc808096f1e7ee0616bd002bd808307a.jpeg







    @Fish Folk I've personally kept Rainbow Darter and agree some native species can look just beautiful as tropical aquarium fish species. 

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  17. On 1/15/2024 at 10:41 AM, Khole new fish said:

    Hello my betta is alive I throught she was gone but nope. Did a water change and her eye looks alot better she is a fighter.

    @Khole new fish that's great. 

  18. On 1/14/2024 at 8:58 PM, Augustjd27 said:

    Hey guys. I did a 25% water change on my 20 high fancy guppy tank and within 3 hours 4/5 adults and all 3 juveniles were dead. I'm not sure what the issue was and now I'm pretty afraid of ever doing water changes. They just seemed to drop dead with no major symptoms.

    The water temp dropped by about 2 degrees but I figure that's too small to matter. I tested and the tank and tap pH are identical. Only possibility I see is chlorine or chloramine as I don't use dechlorinator, but I've never encountered this issue before.


    Please feel free to share your thoughts on why they may have died. Thank you!

    @Augustjd27 I believe your water parameters aren't stable. Dechlorinator prevents beneficial bacteria from being killed by chlorine, or chloramine depending on declorinator used. Without dechlorinater your aquarium isn't going to cycle properly. It's a possibility ammonia was present or critical difference of the PH at the time you did your water change.

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