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Posts posted by Tlindsey

  1. On 9/27/2024 at 10:17 PM, Justnotrook said:

    Hello! My name is Rook, and I am a big planted tank enthusiast. I love all shrimp, Nerite snails, and basic nano fish. I am usually a “lazy fishkeeper”, so I try to make my tanks low maintenance. My absolute favorite fish would have to be the clown killifish, or a short-finned koi betta. I talk a lot about the hobby, personally. I love saying I can’t go to a party because I have to “boil wood”. 

    And I hate hydra.


    here are some photos of my tanks, the 5 gallon is a bit cloudy because I just added some more crushed coral.





    Welcome to the forum. 

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  2. On 9/27/2024 at 8:08 PM, cullywilliams said:

    We got a set of angelfish about a week ago. A day or two later, we saw eggs. After some quick googling, we thought they were orange and not going to progress. We left for a three day trip, came home, and the next day see fry. I have no idea what to do now. We have a spare 23gal tank that were working on setting up now in case that'd be beneficial.


    Current tank is a standard 55gal that has two three-spot gouramis, a flame/dwarf gourami, two danios, a small pleco, a few coreys, a few otos, and the pair of angelfish. See attached pic for the fry and the two angry parents.


    What do we do now?


    Welcome to the forum.  Congrats the parents are not angry but instinctively protecting the fry. All cichlid parents will do that. I personally would leave the fry be. My main reason would be the plants in the aquarium. The fry will find tiny microorganisms to feed on. I suggest adding a sponge filter to your aquarium to seed it with beneficial bacteria. You then could use the sponge filter in a fry growout aquarium. @cullywilliams

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  3. On 9/27/2024 at 8:20 PM, Sandrock14 said:

    Hello everyone,

    I have a 10 gallon tank that has been running for about 10 months. I previously had swordtails but recently traded them in. The only fish currently in the 10 gallon is a juvenile Zebra Pleco.


    I am looking for stocking ideas? I'd like to get something with a personality. I currently already have a betta in another tank and tetras in a 3rd tank. I'm looking for something a little different. Please let me know your ideas and thoughts!



    Side L.jpg



    Very nice looking setup.

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  4. On 9/23/2024 at 3:50 PM, jwdoss said:

    I’m about to treat my fish with Paracleanse and Maracyn 2. I read that antibiotics are most effective when given in food rather than dosing the tank water with the powder. That being said, doesn’t the water have to be treated as well? Or, will routine water changes work out whatever bacteria or parasitic organisms are in tank? And, do parasites like gill and skin flukes only live “on” the fish? Please help. Thank you.😊 My water parameters are:

     PH-8, Nitrate-20, GH-250-300, Nitrite-0, Amonia-0, KH-120, Temperature-78



    If your fish are showing no unusual behavior or illnees I suggest just stick to the normal routine water changes, aquarium maintenance. 

  5. On 9/22/2024 at 6:20 AM, darkspecops said:

    Hi good day, I’m new to this hobby as my wife and I have set up a tank a few months ago.   We currently have a 55 gallon tank with 6 discus, one male betta fish, three mystery snails, two red bristlenose , and one spotted black and white bristlenose.                                                 I was hoping to add one or three Amazon puffers as a local fish store said they would be fine and potentially two German blue rams. Can this be done? We have a fluval fx2 high performance canister. 






    Welcome to the forum.  I suggest not to add any puffer species with species like Discus.

  6. On 9/21/2024 at 10:11 PM, rydin4life said:

    Is that rhe same as pea gravel. They are different in size.

    On 9/21/2024 at 10:11 PM, rydin4life said:

    Also..is it better to get something without any coating at all or does it not matter so much? Yes it's completely ok. I personally wouldn't use the brand with the coating. 



    • Thanks 1
  7. On 9/21/2024 at 7:06 PM, Julie63 said:

    Thank you for you quick reply. The Aquarium has been set up for 3 months. It has been cycled. It is planted. Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate are all at 0. PH is 7.9. There is has been a bristle nose plexiglass in the tank for 5 weeks. He is not itching.

    Correction bristlenose Pleco

    How you noticed any rapid breathing?

  8. On 9/21/2024 at 6:52 PM, Julie63 said:

    Hello, I need Treatment advice.

    I received 12 captive bred Odessa Barbs from a reputable online dealer. On day 2, I noticed some itching. By day 5 it became worse. Otherwise, they seem like they are okay. They are active and eating. I don’t see any white spots. I have added Aquarium Salt and raised temp to 80 degrees, just in case. I am 24 hours in on a PraziPro treatment. Symptoms are not getting better.

    Did I guess the correct treatment here? Thought it might be an external parasite. Is there anything else I should be targeting? 

    How long has the aquarium been setup?

  9. On 9/21/2024 at 12:02 PM, clownbaby said:

    I lost one pygmy recently from what I believe was stress (had to net them and move them temporarily into a different tank) but I don't think they aren't getting enough food to survive. But they all are definitely  underfed. Would increasing the numbers of the pygmy cories help at all? Should I just let it be? I will be heading to the shop in three hours to help my mom pick out her betta, and while I was there I planned to get a few more fish if they had them. Petco is hit or miss - sometimes they have large numbers of pygmy cories, other times they act like they've never heard of em lol.  

    Let it be for awhile observe. If things get better then add more pygmy corydoras. Have you considered target feeding? I personally have a 2" width section of pvc pipe I use for target feeding. Don't know the exact length but target fed fish in a 40 breeder and a 55 gallon. I also was thinking of dropping a little food for the pygmy corydoras after lights out. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 9/21/2024 at 11:10 AM, clownbaby said:

    that's my situation. Is it the stocking problem? Do I just need to separate them and have my cories in a different tank? My only other idea would be increasing the numbers, which I will do today. But still, I feel worried. Any advice is very much appreciated.

    1. Only a stocking problem if the pygmy corydoras don't get enough food to survive. 2. If pygmy corydoras start to look malnourished and you start to lose a couple. I would suggest separate the two. 3. I wouldn't increase the number of neons. I think that probably would make the feeding situation worse. @clownbaby

    • Thanks 1
  11. On 9/21/2024 at 11:16 AM, Pepere said:



    here is one I made that I would have no hesitation to  bumping it up to 4 feet wide and to suit for a 90 gallon tank…


    Tounge and groove bead boards made in to panels with crossbraces top and bottom glued and screwed and panels screwed and glued together and shelving glued and screwed in place.  Rocksolid with no hint of racking..

    I plan on building similar when I get a 75 gallon 4 foot wide tank… When I do there will be a center divider panel in the middle front to back rpoviding another bearinG surface.  There will only be a bottom shelf and a top with doors full height.  Ie no open shelf as seen in above photo…



    Nice stand build. 

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  12. On 9/21/2024 at 6:48 AM, Flowerhorn_K said:

    pointed more backwards, that it means female.

    And straight down would be male

    It's the size difference from my experience with spawning cichlids never seen a females egg tube pointed back. 

    On 9/21/2024 at 10:18 AM, Tlindsey said:

    It's the size difference from my experience with spawning cichlids never seen a females egg tube pointed back. 

    Hope this helps


  13. On 9/21/2024 at 8:28 AM, Squatching_Fish said:

    Main point: I need an aesthetically pleasing 90 gallon fish tank tank stand. On a budget I can make one, or buy one then make it pretty. Tips, links, blueprints, personal experience. Show me yours.


    I ordered a fish tank stand from Amazon 1000 lbs weight rating LOL! I put it together and I would be nervous putting a 55 gallon tank on this let alone a fully loaded 90 gallon 1200lb tank on this. Plus side = I have a somewhat nicer piece of furniture to put somewhere.

    I never realized that after about 55g, 75g tanks the stand selection becomes minimal without spending a ton of money. This will be my display tank in my living room on a hardwood floor 1st floor.



    I actually followed the plan of Joey King Of Diy stand build youtube. I beefed up my 180 gallon stand build.https://photos.app.goo.gl/TUE5j7ZKF2f2i9PR7


    On 9/21/2024 at 9:50 AM, Tlindsey said:

    I actually followed the plan of Joey King Of Diy stand build youtube. I beefed up my 180 gallon stand build.https://photos.app.goo.gl/TUE5j7ZKF2f2i9PR7


    It cost me less than $200 for supplies at the time. 

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