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Everything posted by Tlindsey

  1. Yes but if you have to treat a fish for illness for example parasites, or ich you would need to sterilize the aquarium prior to quarantine for a new fish.
  2. This is very important info. I personally don't label any cichlids peaceful 😅
  3. I agree with @mynameisnobody . When two of the Angelfish pair off and spawn don't remove the adults because the bond between the pair may be broken. That's possibly why the male harassed the female.
  4. Notice a berries shrimp today. The pipefish noticed the eggs also. Observed pipefish going after berries shrimp 😆 That's ok another food source and population control.
  5. Definitely not a Bolivian Ram but a ram species possibly a Mikrogeophagus Ramirez German Ram. Looks female from color of belly.
  6. Feed less. How long has the aquarium been setup? I'm asking because you have 0ppm Nitrate. Also a ammonia reading >5ppm your 3 platy wouldn't survive. You may be getting a false reading from testing. I suggest siphoning the uneaten food asap.
  7. I would hold off on the water change until knowing for sure the water is safe for fish.
  8. No only add dead dry mulberry leaves. @xxannan
  9. Sorry for your loss. I agree about something in the soil. @Hyde
  10. That is what most recommend and use for the intake line of the sump. Great suggestion. @Rube_Goldfish
  11. Believe it or not some use the product Rid-x for septic tanks. From what I read it breaks down waste gunk. @porcnick
  12. 1) No doesn’t have to be cycled but some aquarist toss in a seeded sponge filter. I don't use meds immediately I personally observe the fish for awhile. 2) I use a bare bottom aquarium and heater if necessary maybe a couple of plants to make fish feel secure. 3)I would because sometimes a new fish may be infected with internal parasites. You may not know that right away. 4) Yes water changes when needed especially during treatment using medication. @TinaPax-Peeks
  13. How long have you had the Electric Blue Acara?
  14. How long has the aquarium been up and running? You have a 0ppm for Nitrate. A fully cycled aquarium would have a positive reading 5ppm or more. @Ryan1988
  15. If you buy them from the store and concerned about parasites quarantine the snails. Definitely would quarantine if they were collected from the wild. I personally have magnifying glass for observation. @TUCCI
  16. Tbh have no experience with the specie but possible the temperature swing triggered breeding mode. Your probably on the money about the color breeding dress. Also I'm assuming that is a male.
  17. Welcome to the forum It sounds like you did everything correctly prior to adding the fish. Possibly one of the fish you purchased may have been ill. If possible try to get a refund and wait awhile observe the fish. Hopefully things will get better.
  18. It's a combination I personally notice evaporation weekly especially the aquarium with the sump. The temperature and air in your I believe plays a role. @AtomicSunfish
  19. I purchased this product and the moss was brown with a little green in a couple of areas. I asked the manager to let me buy it discount she gave me 50% off. I have it in a bowl of aquarium water from a water change second week of replacing water. Well anyway noticed the moss may be coming back. I have a led aquarium light that is the source of light. What do you think? Will it come back or am I wasting time?
  20. Not to sure but the methylene blue may be good for atleast a couple more years.
  21. It doesn't look like I ich possibly bacterial.
  22. You definitely are prepared also your other plans sound great not only for the fish but you and your family. @TOtrees
  23. Most aquarium hobbyist don't like them but a over flow box are available. I have one on my sump. @BlueLineAquaticsSC
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