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Everything posted by Tlindsey

  1. Once had pair that looked exactly like that when they were young. As they matured color got darker that's my experience with the EBA. They will also change color depending on mood and breeding.
  2. Totally agree the issue is the aquarium size. All cichlids require appropriate space for territory.
  3. Congrats to be honest never kept hillstream loaches but apparently the environment is ideal for them to spawn. Looks like the fry is definitely finding food. @Epiphanaea
  4. Welcome aboard You can get the information right here. Just use search bar above type tetra species and post or members with experience will chime in. @Greeebulbas
  5. I have tossed ants in my aquariums before and believe me you won't get them back 😄
  6. It's various reasons the one I've experienced is that the fish was not healthy although it looked healthy. I suggest not to add anything else to the aquarium. I would wait for about minimum a month and hopefully things remain good. I would quarantine any other fish prior to adding in the future.
  7. It's an exciting experience. Congrats. @DaveO
  8. We all make mistakes. I personally would have to use a template..
  9. What type of lid will be used? I've read enclosure should be humid.
  10. Most cichlid species do that. Territorial behavior or spawning. That's probably the tank boss cichlids also establish rank.
  11. If the swordtail and guppies are healthy and eating well I personally would try another lfs. Quarantine before adding them to your main aquarium.
  12. Do you have any other fish in the aquarium?
  13. Are you buying the Molly's from the same lfs?
  14. It's up to you. If you keep them in the mesh bag don't allow bag to get clogged with waste also suggest maintaining prefilter during each water change. I would not rinse the prefilter under tap water because beneficial bacteria will cultivate on it. It can take a cycle up to 6-8 weeks. Everyone experience different full cycle times. I would do extra smaller water changes and test weekly until water parameters stabilize.
  15. What size aquarium are the EBA in? I ask that because if aquarium is a 20gal or smaller it's going to be rough for other inhabitants.. I personally suggest letting the parents rear the fry but be aware they may eat the eggs because it's their first spawn. Now is the time to figure out what you want to feed the fry when they become free-swimming. Most start with baby brine shrimp which is one of the most nutritional first foods for most baby fish. Some cichlid fry will eat microorganisms from plants off sponge filters also pulverized flake food or pellets may be accepted. What other fish do you have in the aquarium? Also like to add water quality is important so don't overfeed and more water changes should be done.
  16. I like your plan. Whatever is easier for you especially removing the fry.
  17. I suggest go pick up cheap tote. I think that's too high and risky.
  18. If you want lower nitrate you can feed less easy green.
  19. If plants look good and growing then keep doing what your doing. @brayden malone
  20. At the time I was feeding the brand San Francisco Bay squid cubes.
  21. I don't know about the smell but had a saltwater Snowflake Moray that went nuts on squid 😆
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