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Everything posted by Tlindsey

  1. Yes looks like a detritus worm. @ricbennett3
  2. I believe those are scuds no not bad. @Dr Blue Balls
  3. Unfortunately that will happen with cichlids. @Lennie
  4. The Wetspot Tropical has them.https://www.wetspottropicalfish.com/product/andinoacara-pulcher/
  5. Welcome to the forum. @Rob Knox
  6. I personally would go with a sump but cannister filters would work. @TJ _isme
  7. Tbh don't know what it is but looking at its mouth not a Oto. @PaigeIs
  8. Yes setting aquarium on a level spot outside is fine. I personally have used the garage floor. @Baloo
  9. I don't know what kind of plant that is but when you quarantine observe the plant and the container for unwanted critters. The wood branches should be ok and lol I would toss the thorny looking branch. @HelplessNewbie
  10. A pike cichlid what specie I don't know tbh.
  11. Once had pair that looked exactly like that when they were young. As they matured color got darker that's my experience with the EBA. They will also change color depending on mood and breeding.
  12. Totally agree the issue is the aquarium size. All cichlids require appropriate space for territory.
  13. Congrats to be honest never kept hillstream loaches but apparently the environment is ideal for them to spawn. Looks like the fry is definitely finding food. @Epiphanaea
  14. Welcome aboard You can get the information right here. Just use search bar above type tetra species and post or members with experience will chime in. @Greeebulbas
  15. I have tossed ants in my aquariums before and believe me you won't get them back 😄
  16. It's various reasons the one I've experienced is that the fish was not healthy although it looked healthy. I suggest not to add anything else to the aquarium. I would wait for about minimum a month and hopefully things remain good. I would quarantine any other fish prior to adding in the future.
  17. It's an exciting experience. Congrats. @DaveO
  18. We all make mistakes. I personally would have to use a template..
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