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Everything posted by Tlindsey

  1. @pdmeighen Welcome to the forum.
  2. @Kenaqua I suggest offering raw shrimp. The puffer is probably waiting to be fed the snails.
  3. @Pepere That setup looks awesome. Do you rinse the gravel off in the filter? I'm asking because the gravel could support beneficial bacteria.
  4. Yes almost until I looked again 😆
  5. You can place the plant on the ground as long rhizome not covered by substrate.
  6. The reason for attaching these plants because rhizome can't be buried in the substrate.
  7. @Gideyon Are you ok with attaching the plant to wood or a rock with sewing thread? If so Anubius or Java Fern will do ok in low light. You can purchase Anubius in plastic containers Petsmart or maybe Petco.
  8. Oscar with a group of most CA cichlids is a recipe for disaster especially Convict's.
  9. Yes that's why I asked about quarantine.
  10. The lima shovelnose could be fed tilapia as well. Do you quarantine your minnows prior to feeding?
  11. @JosiahBass My mom had one many years ago but she fed it live guppy feeders. That was the trend back then. I would definitely get it on sinking pellets. Give a little time to adjust to it's new environment.
  12. Tbh couldn't give you a limit on how many you can put in.
  13. I personally would place the rocks directly on the glass bottom if the fish like to sift or burrow.
  14. @EggShappedFish It will depend on how much weight the stand can hold. If rocks are placed correctly the aquarium should be fine.
  15. Many years ago I personally would use feeder goldfish for freshwater and damsels for saltwater setups. Now that I have a sump pick out sponge, or other biomedia to jump start cycle. I won't sacrifice live fish anymore.
  16. They are definitely a species own fish. I remember my introduction to them in the 1970's very piranha like behavior.
  17. @MidnightBel The Seachem Ammonia Alert will work in water with tannins.
  18. @Pepere I personally have a five gallon plastic bucket I use that is over 30 yrs old. I don't know if you have a home depot or lowes in your area both sell durable buckets.
  19. @Hurric Sorry for the loss. I never kept the Von Rio but had that experience with a group Congo Tetras. That's possibly a male trying to spawn.
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