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Everything posted by Tlindsey

  1. If observing normal behavior no rapid breathing. I wouldn't worry btw Betta looks good to me.
  2. I remember someone built a plywood aquarium and put casters on it didn't here from that person anymore after a couple of months. I personally wouldn't risk it.
  3. I know of people having chinese hi-fin shark with koi with no issues. They like to graze on algae. Tbh don't have any info on growth rate.
  4. Thanks everyone happy to be here 😊
  5. How old are the fry did you remove the fry from the parents. I learned that fry will feed off slime coat of the parents.
  6. Apistogramma, Electric Blue Acara, and of course Convict Cichlid from my experience were decent parents.
  7. Once had a female that after eggs were fertilized would brutally beat the male. She was a great parent.
  8. How many times a day do you feed Betta? How long is light kept on?
  9. Without definite information on the aquarium inhabitants health while filter was used I suggest cleaning inside filter and soaking hoses with a half bleach water in a bucket or tote overnight. I agree with replacing the media.
  10. Seafood is ok although foods like smelt contain thiamine which is not healthy for fish long term. I personally don't feed cooked fish or shrimp to fish. Also recommend adding vitachem to shrimp or fish.
  11. What size aquarium? Are there any fish in the aquarium. Also some specie of south american pike are prone to HITH if water is too hard.
  12. I've been keeping fish for years early 80's but now consider myself a true fish hobbyist due to learning from another forum and the resources from the internet.
  13. I have a pair of Doryichthys Martensii that has spawned but male has lost 4 of the developing eggs from his pouch. Did research on a seahorse forum and found out this happens sometimes with inexperienced pairs.
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