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Everything posted by Tlindsey

  1. @Herefishie I hope you change your mind about TFH magazine it's a great magazine.
  2. @Mercfh Yes looks like 7.8 to me. Not overstocked imo. When you're fish start growing and the guppies start to breed that will increase your bioload.
  3. @Danothechef I was thinking roots of the Amazon Sword may affect the function of undergravel filter in the area with it's roots.
  4. @reefhugger Vacuuming the gravel will have minimal affect on beneficial bacteria only waste trapped in the gravel would affect water parameters imo. Like stated different answers
  5. @Rewcolee1 I loved going to RMS Aquaculture when I was young. They had two locations back then.
  6. @Manringjk Welcome aboard 😀 I'm also from NEO my favorite lfs is Something Fishy.
  7. @Siett88 That will be fine but don't know how long the Platies or Swordtails will last.
  8. @Monkeypoint Newly hatched brine shrimp is highly nutritional after a day loses nutritional value. Yes you could feed every day. I suggest hatching small amounts of eggs but if you want freeze the rest. Not sure if large Angelfish will eat them but the tetras yes. Don't have any experience with shrimp. Be careful of overfeeding bbs because that will definitely affect your water parameters.
  9. @alcidmr just put the new pre-filter on you will be fine 🙂
  10. @Robert K you may have a captive bred Senegal they don't grow large like the wild caught Senegal from lake Turkana Africa. They grow over a foot. I personally have cb Senegal bichirs.
  11. @Robert K I've personally attempted to keep one lone male cichlid with a group of Senegal on 3 separate times. After cichlids matured they eventually became territorial and started to push bichirs around. I agree with what you stated about the tetras and the senegal growing up together. I personally wouldn't try a community like what you have with larger bichir species.
  12. @yve You can treat with No Planaria, Prazi Pro, or some have treating with dog or cat dewormer.
  13. @yve are the worms flat and glide on the glass and substrate. If so those are planaria. I suggest treating the aquarium if they are planaria but if they are detritus worms like stated I wouldn't worry about them.
  14. @Vanessa K lowering the water level will help also.
  15. @Sparkyrad5150 I personally would use the pre-filter pad and any of the biomedia. I don't use carbon or anything to help remove Ammonia, Nitrite, or Nitrate so the last eight wouldn't be a choice for me.
  16. @beastie like stated depends on the aquarium size. Have you ever considered the Boesemani Rainbowfish.
  17. Tbh I only have battery operated pumps on hand. That my biggest fear because it's cold now where I live.
  18. @tolstoy21 I'll definitely keep posting 😃
  19. @Rockhound welcome to the forum. I suggest testing your water to find out if it suits the species you have listed. Some from the wild come from water with lower PH hardness. Test GH, KH, and PH and list them here.
  20. @Mattlikesfish36 I personally would do the 40 breeder more space although the 20 long would work as well imo.
  21. Spirulina powder would be my choice for a food source. Yeast will be eaten as well.
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