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Posts posted by Tlindsey

  1. On 2/25/2024 at 3:30 PM, pdmeighen said:

    ... and I'm having issues.


    I have a 55 gallon tank which has been active for about 5 years.  I've had a series of problems but I'll spare you the details including everything being cover with "Grey Gunk".

    Everything died - snails and fish.  The plants weren't doing too well.  I removed everything leaving the soil substrate and gravel.  Next I drained 3/4 of the water and replaced filter media (which I probably shouldn't have done).

    Yesterday I added water, some rocks and some plants.  I plan to add more in the coming weeks.

    There is still some Grey Gunk (see picture) which I vaccumed out.  When the vaccum touch the Gunk it released a cloud.  I'm wondering if the Gunk is a fungus and the if the cloud was spores.

    Next steps - add Neocaridina Shrimp which I'm hoping that will eat the grey gunk and some snails.

    Anyway please feel free to offer any suggestions and recommendations on what the Grey Gunk is and how to fianlly be freee of it.






    @pdmeighen Welcome to the forum. 

  2. On 2/24/2024 at 11:42 AM, Kenaqua said:

    I currently have a 3in Spotted Congo Puffer that isn't willing to eat any bloodworms. It will definitely go after any snails I put in the tank which is good but my Ramshorn population isn't able to keep up. I think possibly part of the problem is the store I purchased from was feeding using minnows which I don't. Anyone have any ideas on how to get my puffer to readily accept bloodworms? Thanks!

    @Kenaqua I suggest offering raw shrimp. The puffer is probably waiting to be fed the snails. 

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  3. On 2/23/2024 at 6:11 AM, Gideyon said:

    I've heard mixed thoughts on Java fern. Some say low maintenence, others say it takes some work in the beginning. 

    Don't ask me why (because I don't know) but I have an aversion to having to attach plants. Maybe it's a visual thing. I like them coming from the ground.  

    You can place the plant on the ground as long rhizome not covered by substrate. 

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  4. On 2/23/2024 at 5:39 AM, Gideyon said:

    I'm considering replacing my fake plant with a couple of real ones.   But I need it to be low light, no co2, and if all it had were ambient light, it'd be okay. And a root feeder - I don't want to glue it to anything.  It's for a Marineland portrait 5 so I only have about a foot of height to work with (no val or swords).   

    Does that exist? 

    And no snail eggs... Not even the possibility. 

    I've seen these tissue cultures, but I have no idea what that is or what to do with it. It seems like an expert level thing. 

    Tube plants are my only option? 

    I was thinking of wisteria for the background (or does it get too tall?), dwarf sag, and maybe a crypt.  But I can't find them where they aren't kept with snails. 

    I'm plant ignorant.   So any help would suffice. 

    @Gideyon Are you ok with attaching the plant to wood or a rock with sewing thread?

    If so Anubius or Java Fern will do ok in low light. You can purchase Anubius in plastic containers Petsmart or maybe Petco.

  5. On 2/22/2024 at 11:43 AM, Andrew Puhr said:

    I have a 4ish month old Tiger Oscar. He is probably about 4-5 inches in size. I also have a group of convicts that I have had for about a year. They are both currently in separate 40 gallon breeders. I want to transfer them to my 4 foot 120 gallon tank. I have read online of a bunch of different people having success keeping them together and recommend them as tankmates. I figure the 4' by 2' footprint gives them plenty of space to spread out. I was going to add a lot of rockwork and decorations to allow sight breaks and hiding places but just want to have success. 

    I have other tanks in the fish room so if I do this and chaos ensues I can separate them easily. Looking for feedback or advice on successful transitioning. If I should add the Oscar first or convicts first, etc. 

    Oscar with a group of most CA cichlids is a recipe for disaster especially Convict's. 

  6. On 2/21/2024 at 8:30 PM, tolstoy21 said:

    I have been trying to breed wild-caught red cherry tetras (Hyphessobrycon sp. MZUEL 17771) for a over a half year now. I don't really know how to sex these, nor do I know anything about their preferred breeding environment, etc. The only detailed video I could find about how to breed them was in German and You Tube is a poor translator, so I got half an idea (a half baked one) about maybe how to approach the subject.

    I paid a pretty penny for these fish, so after four failed attempts, I felt kind of discouraged. Then something happened -- PFM, as we say in the IT industry when something fixes itself and no one knows how (PFM stands for Pure F*in Magic). And this was a true PFM moment . . . 

    I went to check on my blue dream shrimp (got these recently) and guess who is in there? Yeah, cherry tetra fry!


    No idea what they hitched a ride in on -- java moss, java fern, alder cone, worm hole, teleportation or something else to do with advanced particle physics -- but there they are, enjoying tasty blue shrimplets!

    So, at least I know now that I can raise the fry in my tap water. But the linger questions remains -- how the heck do I intentionally breed them?


  7. On 2/22/2024 at 6:56 PM, JosiahBass said:

    Ok, if it will eat live I will try to feed it some small minnows. Like I said I have a bass he only eats live, though I have gotten him to eat frozen tilapia.

    The lima shovelnose could be fed tilapia as well.

    Do you quarantine your minnows prior to feeding?

    • Like 1
  8. On 2/22/2024 at 6:01 PM, JosiahBass said:

    I was wondering what to feed my lima shovelnose catfish I have tried earthworms and frozen bloodworms I have only had him 2 days he might still be to stressed to eat. I originally got him for my bass tank as a tank mate for my bass who is 6 inch's long. He was slightly too small my bass was picking at my lima catfish so I moved him into a different tank so I could grow him out. I plan on getting a bigger tank in a month or so, and I am hoping I can put them back together in the bigger tank. any suggestion's would be greatly appreciated. 

    @JosiahBass My mom had one many years ago but she fed it live guppy feeders. That was the trend back then. I would definitely get it on sinking pellets. Give a little time to adjust to it's new environment. 

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  9. On 2/21/2024 at 3:25 PM, EggShappedFish said:

    I did take a few of the rocks offered by my neighbour, and placed them randomly inside the tank for now (after cleaning and treating them), but not sure if I should add more. I need to place them apart from each other, because my goldfish are great at getting stuck. I feel like its easier to visualise where they should go, once they are in the tank


    In a way I kind of like the simplicity and don't think that more rocks would do much good. Maybe they just need to be rearranged

     Nice looking rocks. 

    • Haha 1
  10. On 2/21/2024 at 6:28 AM, EggShappedFish said:

    I am in the process of setting up my 720lit tank (190gal) and currently considering how many rocks to put in it.
    Is there a rule to how much weight a tank can carry?
    It is an old styled tank with aluminium frame. It stands on a wooden frame with no top (I did not use a plywood sheet on top of the frame, so it is just resting on the edges of the frame).

    @EggShappedFish It will depend on how much weight the stand can hold. If rocks are placed correctly the aquarium should be fine.

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  11. On 2/19/2024 at 7:38 PM, IanB said:

    @NOLANANO Ha, that is all very good advice and almost exactly what we did for the first tank (also a 75g). He got all sorts of community fish over about a year in weekly trips for the fish store for new food or plants or fish. Then, once his attention span calmed down, we re-homed the fish to a friend who wanted them and set up what he really wanted— an Amazon puffer tank. He has had that for about 8 months and still loves it/feeds it every day. He chose everything that went into the tank (with some vetoes for compatibility).

    This time around he is really obsessed with something predatory and I need something plant-friendly. He fell in love with the Exodons months ago and is really fixated so I want to make it happen, even if it is species only and his impulse stuff has to go with his puffers.

    As a species-only tank did it do well?

    They are definitely a species own fish. I remember my introduction to them in the 1970's very piranha like behavior. 

  12. On 2/18/2024 at 7:27 AM, MidnightBel said:

    To clarify again. The 2ppm and planted tank is an established tank I've had for 2 years that was used to seed an old filter for several weeks before my first betta.

    I didn't use it again this time around and created a completely scrap cycle because the planted tank was seeded from my turtle tank. Former wild turtles kept with tropical fish for years that I rescued from neighbors who tried to release them back into pond. I didn't want them introducing stuff to the pond from fish from around world and didn't know how they would do against a heavily populated turtle pond after growing up in captivity. Anyways I used their media to help seed my planted. The planted was used to seed my 1st betta. Who developed dropsy after being introduced to it. I just wanted to eliminate risk in case it was related, so did fishliss cycle for this new bettas filter for a month before adding him. It wasn't strong enough of a colony though, because meds crashed it too. 

    @MidnightBel The Seachem Ammonia Alert will work in water with tannins. 

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  13. On 2/17/2024 at 8:20 PM, Pepere said:

    It took me two times….


    now the first time was to the twin of this one and the handle pulled up through the plastic.  It was in the basement and I dumped on the floor.  I inspected it and noted the plastic was thin in that area so chalked it up to simply a defect.


    I inspected my other one and there was no problem…


    then today the handle itself broke dumping 2 1/2 gallons on my hardwood floor…



    30 minutes later it is all mopped up and I have an oscillating fan and dehumidifier going. 


    the braided rug garnered a lot of the water and that is drying in the basement…



    I am going to see if I can find some sturdy stainless steel buckets…

    @Pepere I personally have a five gallon plastic bucket I use that is over 30 yrs old. I don't know if you have a home depot or lowes in your area both sell durable buckets. 

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