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Posts posted by Tlindsey

  1. On 3/16/2024 at 3:48 PM, Spaghider said:

    First of all, I’m a first time poster (have had this account for a few weeks though) so hello forum!

    With that out of the way, I’ve been looking for a good DIY option for an aquarium lid. I’ve been trying to find a good lid for my tank (12” x 6” x 5”), but I’m nervous they won’t fit. So I thought that if I made a DIY lid, I could properly customize and size it  it to ensure the lid would fit! Are there any easy options?

    Some cut a sheet of polycarbonate for a lid. If you have a Lowe's or HomeDepot check them out. @Spaghider

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  2. I have very little experience with gourami. Give yourself a pat on the back for your quick action removing the male. Even if it was 1 fry that made it from the egg stage to free-swimming stage and growing. That's quite an accomplishment for your first breeding.  @Gliderzz

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  3. On 3/16/2024 at 3:05 PM, Gliderzz said:

    I've always wanted angelfish, have a 55 gallon tank. Was initially thinking of getting a group but it seems like they can get pretty aggressive. There is so much conflicting information with how many a person should keep, that it seems like getting a solo angel will reduce all of the problems. Would it be fine getting a solo angel or are they a social species?

    Most people that buy Angelfish on impulse find out the hard way about cichlid behavior lol.

    I told a co-worker her aquarium was too small a 30 gallon and 2 of the 4 she purchased were going to pair off.

    After around a week of having them the co-worker said 2 were getting aggressive and she noticed eggs. Imo a solo angelfish will be ok. If you can find a proven pair get them.

    Basically what I'm saying is Angelfish are cichlids and should be treated as such. If wanting to keep a group make sure aquarium has the proper space to accommodate them. 


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  4. On 3/15/2024 at 3:39 PM, macdaddy36 said:

    I recently built an aquarium stand but I am concerned because it is not perfectly level. It’s a combination of the floor being slightly off and the stand slightly being off. I shimmed to get the top of the stand perfectly level where a 25 gallon rimless cube will be, but now the bottom of the stand where my 10 gallon will be is not completely level. The 10 has a frame on the bottom but not the top.


    the picture above shows the bottom. Its level front to back but not side to side.

    i will use a leveling mat for both tanks.

    How concerned should I be? 


    Great custom stand build. I personally would be proud of myself if I built that stand. 

    Definitely agree with everyone on the level being good. @macdaddy36

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 3/14/2024 at 5:00 AM, Mr.catfish said:

    I have heard thet useing eldercones/tannins works like methylene blue In this video: 

    Does it work?

    Yes tannins works similar to using methylene blue but natural to prevent eggs from fungus. I believe the tannins from oak leaves and wood used in a 20 long helped  apistogramma eggs. I have hard water really perfect for CA and african cichlid. 

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  6. On 3/13/2024 at 9:58 PM, Mic said:

    My plants were delivered a week ago and put in this 29 gallon tank that I set up a couple weeks before. 2 anubias nana out of 6 have a strange fuzz/fungas(?) growing on the rhizome and are losing leaves.
         One is superglued to driftwood, the other wedged between 2 rocks. Has anyone dealt with this before?




    Where was the glue applied on the roots or rhizome of the 2 affected plants?

  7. On 3/12/2024 at 7:40 PM, EcstaticTiara said:

    Just popping in to say hello 😊 this is my betta male (Klaus Heisler) and female (Merlin) giving that betta hug 🤭 and all of their beautiful little babes. (Fry 1 - Fry 74) all are doing well. My qt tank is a whole other story and feeling like I'm losing my whole mind. Trying to transition everything to a 30 gallon for my main area of living and keeping my 4 other tanks (5-10 gallons) in my office. So, hello☺️



    Wow that's awesome. Welcome to forum @EcstaticTiara

  8. On 3/12/2024 at 8:02 PM, JS Fish said:

    One of my teachers at my school is leaving and is looking for someone to take in her animals and tanks.

    She gave me this 5 gal tall aquarium in great condition!


    I'm hoping to put wood, rock, sand, and vallisneria for decoration.

    For stocking, I'm thinking a type of snail(I'm not good with snails, please suggestions if you have any) and pea puffers.

    I know the pea puffer will eat small snails. @JS Fish

  9. On 3/12/2024 at 8:26 AM, FishRBeautiful said:

    The floating thing is a carbon filter (the kind I use in my 20 gallon) that someone advised I add a few days ago. I probably should have mentioned I have two sponge filters in there (1 I got a few days ago and haven’t had time to hook up yet). The one that’s been running a few months has an air stone inside (like Girl Talks Fish explained to do). 

    Your comment makes a lot of sense to me. Here’s what I’m thinking based on what you said. I’ve had the tank running in between fish, sometimes days, a couple times, probably a whole month or two. I don’t always clean it after a fish dies before adding new ones. I also don’t clean the tank as often as my 20 gallon since I keep it low stocked and nitrates are low. I thought I was keeping the cycle alive but maybe I’m just creating stagnant water. Could there be build up bacteria in the surfaces of the tank, rocks, decor etc or even in the water? Would an antibiotic kill it or would I need to take the tank down and bleach that? I’ve never used bleach in a tank so it totally scares me. 

    And the minnows that survived were in this tank, not my 20 gallon. 




    Or could I just do a series of water changes for a while?

    Cleaning a aquarium with part bleach and water is fine but don't use the splash less brand. Just rinse aquarium out allow to dry out completely. You could also fill with water after the cleaning and add dechlorinator. I personally would replace or clean the substrate ornaments and filter if starting over.

  10. I personally wouldn't add anymore cichlids because once either paired off your going to have problems in a aquarium that size. I would add a group of tetra.

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  11. On 3/11/2024 at 11:40 AM, J3azy said:


    I am new to the hobby, purchased a 10G in 11/2023 and a 75G in 2/2024. The 75G went through a fishless cycle and I am now adding fish. My LFS has some electric blue acaras that I want for the 75G, but their stock of EBAs was on hold last week due to ich.  I called yesterday and the fish are no longer on hold and available for sale. Should I have any concerns about purchasing fish that recently had ich? I am wondering if I should buy or wait another week or two.

    I personally would wait the week or two.@J3azy

    • Like 1
  12. On 3/10/2024 at 9:03 PM, Dextreous said:

    I got 8 ember tetras from my lfs (theyre the first fish for my tank) and while it got every one, the last one got sucked up from the filter and while they did give it to me for free on the way home it started to swim sideways and even rest on the bottom of the bag. 

    After float and drip acclimation it looked to be doing okay but it doesn't really explore or react to food. It only reacts if one of the tetras nudges it and it'll act fine for a bit.

    As of now he just floats in the middle of the column. 

    Here's him when introduced:

    Introduced https://imgur.com/a/en7leVr

    And here's it now:

    Now https://imgur.com/a/9AAWKSS


    Let me know if it's beyond saving. Thank you.

    Looks much better than in the introduced video. Hopefully it will pull thru. That was stressful for the little fish to be stuck onto the filter. The employee shouldn't have given you a injured fish. @Dextreous

    • Like 1
  13. On 3/7/2024 at 3:45 PM, bryanisag said:

    Back story: about 5 years ago I bought a horseface loach at an lfs in Monterey CA. I unfortunately lost this guy in a move last year.

    After setting up a new tank at the new house I bought 4 more horseface loaches from Dan's fish. I have had these fish at least 6 months now. These fish look vastly different from the one I had before.

    Does anyone know from experience or on good authority that these fish are the same species?

    Do they take years to grow perhaps?

    Also the four I currently have look different from each other. 2 have a long white band along their belly.

    Is this a male vs female trait? Or are these potentially different species as well?

    Any info on the subject would be awesome. I have read the seriously fish page on them but other credible websites would be appreciated too. 



    I did a little research and only found info on the one species. I'll assume that as they mature the patterns change. @bryanisag 

    • Like 1
  14. On 3/9/2024 at 7:23 PM, Pepere said:

    Done by a Masters grad student in Biochemistry.

    No magic bullets to instantly kill it off.  No dim your lights tweak your ferts, get algae eating animals…


    Rather reducing the conditions that makes your tank too inviting to BBA…

    just 10 and a half minutes…

    Very well worth watching a few times…

    Yes we'll worth watching. Needed to watch this a year ago. Thanks for sharing @Pepere

  15. On 3/9/2024 at 7:04 PM, Mattyd123 said:

    Hi There, im pretty novice to fish breeding but ive done my fair share of breeding ricefish, zebra danios, CPD’s and have some other fish growing out for future projects. Im curious if anyone has bred for things such as faster fry growth rates? Especially with my ricefish fry ive noticed there’s a huge disparity in the size and growth rates of fry 

    has anyone tried say pulling the top 5 or however many fastest growing fry and then breeding them together and then repeating for a few generations? And if so what were the results? 
    I can imagine there could be problems with fish growing faster than they are “meant” too but there is probably also a sweet spot? 
    not really planning on experimenting myself as i have limited space currently but the idea is interesting too me. 

    Not experienced with those species but proper foods and water changes to remove growth inhibiting hormones, Nitrate for cichlid fry growth. @Mattyd123

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  16. On 3/9/2024 at 3:02 PM, beastie said:

    Nerite snails like to rest above the water surface so best give them a space to do so. But yeah they like to explore 🙂

    It's a habit for me to not fill my aquariums all the way up. Keep Polypterus so a gap of waterline is needed. The Nerite is in aquarium with pipefish and ghost shrimp. 

  17. On 3/9/2024 at 2:53 PM, Monkeypoint said:

    I have a black racer Nerite snail that goes on a walk-about at least 3 times a week. He's found a way to push the plastic piece of the lid that is used to cut spaces for peripherals and off he goes. I check around the base of the aquarium 3-5 times a day. I always find him in the same spot - in the back, stuck to the bottom of the glass. I gently slide him up, drop him back in the tank and withing minutes, he's sliding around again.

    It's amazing how fast they move you blink and gone.😆

  18. Has anyone had a Nerite escape from the aquarium 😆

    I found my nerite snail just in time before it was completely out of the aquarium. Also did some modifications around the AC 50 where I found it. The aquarium is mature has biofilm and some algae.


  19. On 3/7/2024 at 12:14 PM, BIRD0887 said:

    So how oftern should i change the actual whisper filter cartridge in  my filter? I know not to change the filter floss, but the actual whisper cartridge in my filter is super bad, do i jst rinse it off or change it? There r 2, and i dont wanna mess up the ecosystem because my tank is in really good shape...

    You can rinse it off now or any time you want. When I used the cartridge I would rinse off every 2 weeks.

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