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Posts posted by Tlindsey

  1. On 4/13/2024 at 8:40 PM, macdaddy36 said:

    A school of tetras is probably the safe choice because the keyholes and acara could possibly fight. You could also go with hatchetfish or some kind of headstander.

    Totally agree the issue is the aquarium size. All cichlids require appropriate space for territory. 

  2. On 4/10/2024 at 5:14 AM, Epiphanaea said:

    So that was easier than anticipated.  



    I don’t know if these are gastromyzon or pseudogastromyzon, and I discovered them because I disturbed them while vacuuming the gravel!  I had not even entertained the possibility that there could be fry yet.  Hopefully I didn’t suck up any.  

    It seems more likely they are pseudogastromyzon, since there are more records of those breeding in captivity, but I can’t find pics online of either at this stage so who knows?  

    They’re about 4mm, and hanging out under the sponge covering the filter intake, so very high flow area.  Food and waste also collect there.  That end of the tank is also likely a little warmer, as the larger filter generates some heat.  Room temp is around 70F, tank is probably a degree or two warmer due to the filter - did I mention I wasn’t watching this all that closely yet?

     I only have dipstick readings, I just did a water change, and I was trying to get the pH and mineral content in general up, since that seems to be key to keeping these guys happy.  Per my dipsticks, pH 6.8 - 7, GH 25, KH 40, TA 40 - but again, those are all lower than intended and lower than I had been keeping the tank / the quarantine tank they were in before generally.  Based on what I sucked out of the gravel and the presence of detritus worms, I was overfeeding, plus *so many bladder snails* all pooping, so that was messing things up.


    The adults getting mostly spirulina flakes, and frozen daphnia a couple times a week.  Algae is just starting to take off in the tank, no idea on species - some mossy stuff, some hairy stuff.  Tank was infused with whatever random infusoria I’ve been culturing from a local pond, the microscope I ordered from Amazon sucked and is being returned, so again I am clueless, but I can see cyclops and there were scuds in the culture jar.  I didn’t introduce any visible scuds and haven’t seen any, but microscopic fry are a possibility.  There are an abundance of bladder snails, breeding as they do, so plenty of newly hatched snails to munch on if they’re into that.  I also have ghost shrimp in the tank, one of which was pregnant with eggs developing nicely, but then no fry.  They could have failed to hatch, but they also could have been eaten by the loach fry - I think probably not, they’d be too big, but it’s possible.  

    So. Yeah.  I fail as a scientific observer, because what the heck, fish, you’re supposed to be hard to breed and it’s been less than a month!  But, fish babies.

    Congrats to be honest never kept hillstream loaches but apparently the environment is ideal for them to spawn. Looks like the fry is definitely finding food. @Epiphanaea

  3. On 4/6/2024 at 7:43 AM, Greeebulbas said:

    Heya, I so badly want to get tetras fish, do you have any good informative blogs or articles, maybe some information on caring for them, thanks!

    Ohh, old thread, sorry, did't see

    Welcome aboard 

    You can get the information right here. Just use search bar above type tetra species and post or members with experience will chime in. @Greeebulbas

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 4/1/2024 at 1:23 PM, elamysmith said:

    Any ideas what might have happened?

    It's various reasons the one I've experienced is that the fish was not healthy although it looked healthy. 

    I suggest not to add anything else to the aquarium.  I would wait for about minimum a month and hopefully things remain good. I would quarantine any other fish prior to adding in the future. 

    • Like 1
  5. On 4/1/2024 at 11:45 AM, DaveO said:

    First baby sighting this morning.20240401_1008332.jpg.aa23e08c7cd99dcf6a4c1cc3cc6814cd.jpg


    Problem is it is in the adult's tank. I haven't put a pair in the breeding tank yet. That will happen soon. I'm afraid this one will not survive the adults, but we'll see.20240401_101235.jpg.b52ba83b2bcffa3211154eebd10f81b8.jpg

    It's an exciting experience. 

    Congrats. @DaveO

    • Like 1
  6. On 3/29/2024 at 11:18 AM, ecarter said:


    I recently decided to try keeping mudskippers (thanks, @Zenzo!). I got a 29g and put in a special order for dwarf Indian mudskippers at my local fish store. I have no idea when they'll arrive, but I want to make sure their home is ready when they do. I could really use some feedback on the current setup.

    I have about 5g of water in here, a sponge filter, and a small pump to make sure the filtered water fully circulates around the tank. I'll put a heater in there, too. And I'm planning to add some more sand. I've also order some red mangroves to go into the terracotta pots.

    The goal is brackish, but I believe the local fish store keeps mudskippers in freshwater, so I plan to start there and slowly acclimate them up.

    Does this seem like a reasonable tank design? Should I add more land and less water? Any advice is very welcome!

    Also, I'd like to get 3-4, but I'm not sure the tank is big enough. No other tank mates planned, maybe some nerite snails.

    Thank you!




    What type of lid will be used? I've read enclosure should be humid. 

  7. On 3/29/2024 at 12:55 AM, Henry the fish keeper said:

    Not really, I have a swordtail in there along with some guppies.

    If the swordtail and guppies are healthy and eating well I personally would try another lfs. Quarantine before adding them to your main aquarium. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. On 3/29/2024 at 12:29 AM, Henry the fish keeper said:

    LOVE mollies but sadly everytime I bring them home they don't do very well and end up dying.


    Here are my water parameters:

    Nitrite: 0 ppm

    Nitrate: 0-20 ppm

    KH: 40 ppm

    GH: 180 ppm

    Chlorine: 0

    Are you buying the Molly's from the same lfs?

  9. On 3/28/2024 at 6:45 PM, TealStarlight said:

    Should i remove them from the bags and dump them in the bottom of the filter instead to free up space? 

    It's up to you. If you keep them in the mesh bag don't allow bag to get clogged with waste also suggest maintaining prefilter during each water change. I would not rinse the prefilter under tap water because beneficial bacteria will cultivate on it. It can take a cycle up to 6-8 weeks. Everyone experience different full cycle times. 

    I would do extra smaller water changes and test weekly until water parameters stabilize. 

  10. On 3/28/2024 at 2:11 PM, J3azy said:



    I got a couple of EBA’s recently and noticed the following over the last few days:

     - The female EBA (Assumption based on washed out color in  face) began hiding in a corner over a rock

    - A 2nd EBA (likely male) is keeping other fish away from the area 

    While looking at the female EBA just now I spotted some eggs!

    What now? I’m new to fish keeping and am not sure what to do.  


    What size aquarium are the EBA in?  I ask that because if aquarium is a 20gal or smaller it's going to be rough for other inhabitants.. I personally suggest letting the parents rear the fry but be aware they may eat the eggs because it's their first spawn. Now is the time to figure out what you want to feed the fry when they become free-swimming. Most start with baby brine shrimp which is one of the most nutritional first foods for most baby fish. Some cichlid fry will eat microorganisms from plants off sponge filters also pulverized flake food or pellets may be accepted. What other fish do you have in the aquarium?

    On 3/28/2024 at 2:50 PM, Tlindsey said:

    What size aquarium are the EBA in?  I ask that because if aquarium is a 20gal or smaller it's going to be rough for other inhabitants.. I personally suggest letting the parents rear the fry but be aware they may eat the eggs because it's their first spawn. Now is the time to figure out what you want to feed the fry when they become free-swimming. Most start with baby brine shrimp which is one of the most nutritional first foods for most baby fish. Some cichlid fry will eat microorganisms from plants off sponge filters also pulverized flake food or pellets may be accepted. What other fish do you have in the aquarium?

    Also like to add water quality is important so don't overfeed and more water changes should be done. 

    • Like 1
  11. On 3/28/2024 at 12:32 AM, Jaspyjasp said:

    @anewbie It looks like my trifasciata spawned again and we have 23-25 little fry hanging out with the mother!! How long should I keep the fry with the mother in the display tank before I remove them? My thought is to let the mom raise the fry for a few weeks and remove dad when he starts to get agro. After a few weeks, I’ll suck the remaining fry out with a turkey baster and put them into a 10G to grow out. I could keep them in the planted display tank but i’m also thinking how painful it will be to remove them when they get too fast for me to catch. What do you think?

    I like your plan. Whatever is easier for you especially removing the fry.

    • Like 1
  12. On 3/27/2024 at 10:38 PM, KoiAngels said:

    I used to have a 20gal brackish water tank with a single Indian Mud skipper. Recently that tank shattered, so that mud skipper is currently in a bucket. I have an other 30 gal Freshwater tank stocked with

    1 - Koi angel

    1- Pearl Gourami

    2- Swordtail

    1- Sunburst platy

    5- cherry barbs

    3- kuhli loaches (planning to get more)

    Can I temporally keep my mudskipper in this tank. Also can I use a turtle dock instead of land. The water in that tank is close to ~2 ft

    PS- It  might be up to a year before I can get a new tank.



    I suggest go pick up cheap tote. I think that's too high and risky. 

  13. On 3/27/2024 at 6:17 PM, face said:

    The only one that has any real difference imo is Safe because is a powder it does the same thing but is much cheaper in larger tanks and impossible to measure one’s in smaller ones lol

    Definitely agree. 

  14. On 3/26/2024 at 11:22 PM, brayden malone said:

    I have a 6-gallon planted tank with 5 endlers. and I add 14 drops of easy green to it every day but every water test I do says there is still less than 20 ppm of nitrate I have floating plants and my tank light is on less than 6 hours most days. it is a medium-planted tank with around 9 plants. am I doing anything wrong or should I just add more 


    If plants look good and growing then keep doing what your doing. @brayden malone

    • Like 2
  15. On 3/26/2024 at 2:42 PM, BlueLineAquaticsSC said:

    Kind of a silly question, but what is so appealing about blood worms from a fishes perspective? My moray is only consistently eating blood worms, which he will come out for as soon as they are out in the water. He has taken frozen seafood before but sometimes turns his nose at it and doesn’t come out quickly for them. Morays hunt by smell so I’m assuming the blood worms are more pungent, but is there a way to replicate that in other food or any suggestions on some delicious smelly foods aside from blood worms. 

    I don't know about the smell but had a saltwater Snowflake Moray that went nuts on squid 😆

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