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Posts posted by Tlindsey

  1. On 5/1/2024 at 10:57 PM, ricbennett3 said:

    I’ve noticed these little wriggly worm things living in my floating plant roots. They wriggle through the water when I knock the plants about. The white clouds like eating them when I do that. They camouflage very well in the roots otherwise. Detritus worm? 

    im hoping they are anything nefarious. They gross me out a bit. Especially when I reach my hand in and floating plants stick to my arm. I know they are there, too. Bleh. 



    Yes looks like  a detritus worm. @ricbennett3

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  2. On 4/28/2024 at 5:40 PM, Dr Blue Balls said:

    They don't look like scuds to me. Maybe I'm wrong. I put up another video. Let me know if you still think they're scuds.

    @Tlindsey Yes not scuds some type of ostracod aka seed shrimp. 

  3. On 4/27/2024 at 11:36 AM, Flumpweesel said:

    I remember there were some old posts about using sodium thiosulphate  but I'm struggling to find them. 

    So is anyone using it as a dechlorinator instead of the big brand preparations and if so how are you dosing it ?

    I know a fish hobbyist who bred cichlids that used thiosulphate as a dechlorinator. Don't know if he is still using it though. @Flumpweesel


  4. On 4/26/2024 at 7:05 PM, xxannan said:

    I'm so glad I found this forum! My name is AJ and I have been keeping fish for several years. Right now I am breeding bettas, blue gouramis, multis, and angels. I also have various live-bearers and I keep koi in an outdoor pond in the warmer months. I look forwards to learning and sharing my knowledge !

    Welcome to the forum @xxannan

  5. On 4/25/2024 at 6:36 AM, AtomicSunfish said:

    I find it really odd that the market for blue acaras has been flooded with the morph known as the “electric blue” acara. EB acaras are generally more than twice the price of true blue acaras, so I guess that explains it. But I generally prefer pets that are closer to the wildtype, and not morphs. Even my LFS is having a tough time ordering blue acaras for me. It’s weird, because you can still easily find oscars, Jack Dempsey, ram cichlids, angelfish, etc. that still have the original colors and patterns. I’d rather not order fish myself, but I might have to. Anyone else lament how hard it has become to find true blue acaras?

    The Wetspot Tropical has them.https://www.wetspottropicalfish.com/product/andinoacara-pulcher/

    • Like 2
  6. On 4/24/2024 at 11:31 PM, Rob Knox said:

    Hi! My name is Rob Knox and my wife and I both keep and breed several species. Currently we are raising gold Macmasteri fry from 3 different females, nijsseni (ucayali) from 2 females, red spot gobies and hundreds of peacock gudgeons. Looking to connect more with community, I tend to be more on the reclusive end.

    Welcome to the forum. @Rob Knox

  7. On 4/23/2024 at 11:57 PM, TJ _isme said:

    I want to get a 110 gallon tank for a turtle, I am thinking I will get one red eared slider, I am not sure to what filter to use for this, you are welcome to dm me what filter you think I should use or you can post it on here.

    Also the tank is indoors if that makes any difference.

    I personally would go with a sump but cannister filters would work. @TJ _isme

    • Like 1
  8. On 4/22/2024 at 4:55 PM, PaigeIs said:

    I saw this little fellow in the tank today and wondered if it might be a baby Otocinclus. I have otos in a community tank that currently includes a herd of platy fry. Actually, there is always a herd of platy fry. I noticed this little guy today on a piece of decor. At first, I thought it was a deformed or sickly platy fry, but then I noticed how it moved. It just went from plant to hardscape to plant, resting occasionally. It didn't swim around in constant motion as the plates do.  I've had otos for a few years but have never had them breed before (as far as I know). 

    Does anyone know?  Is this a sad platy, or an unlikely oto?

    Here is a link to a video of it moving.  





    Tbh don't know what it is but looking at its mouth not a Oto. @PaigeIs

  9. On 4/21/2024 at 1:07 PM, iMax said:

    First post here! I am an amateur guppy breeder in the sense that I bought a breeding pair of black Moscows 6 months ago and left them in a community tank with about 8.0 ph water! Had no idea at the time but they spawned more than could be eaten by the community and I have about 12 females and 7 males that have been separated. I just ordered 5 fry of Red dragon guppies from an unknown seller. I'm raising them up to live with the female population to hopefully broaden all of their genes and sell some to my lfs. Any tips/ideas on what they'll look like? 

    Welcome aboard @iMax

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  10. On 4/20/2024 at 2:48 PM, Baloo said:

    I've never leak tested any of my smaller aquariums prior to setup, but I have a new 60 breeder that I would like to test (because...Aqueon). 

    Since it's too large to easily put in a bathtub for this, I will probably find a level spot outside.  I am assuming I fill it all the way up, right, to check all the seams?  If so, it will be too heavy to test up on a sturdy table (to easily siphon it back out with gravity's help), so should I just leave it on the ground and siphon it slowly that way, until empty?  

    I feel silly for asking this, I've just never done this before - and with such a large tank it does not seem obvious or easy.  Some YT videos I watched only did this for smaller (max 20g?) tanks.  

    Thanks, fish friends!

    Yes setting aquarium on a level spot outside is fine.

    I personally have used the garage floor. @Baloo

    • Like 2
  11. On 4/19/2024 at 2:28 PM, Vítor said:

    Hello guys i went on a website and i really was shocked about the information and comparatives on different types of media, the guys from green aqua says that Seachem matrix is the best bio media, prime time aquatics aswell pondguru talks very well about the biohome, and in the end an experiment proved that the 30 ppi foam houses more beneficial bacteria than the all the ones metioned before.

    I don't want to believe in it 😂

    Does any one tried only having foams on the filter and had good results? 

    Have anyone read or saw vídeos saying talking about how more efficient foams are in housing beneficial bacteria?

    Here is the link


    Some fish hobbyist use the Matten Filter in their aquariums. I've heard they are very efficient. @Vítor


    • Like 1
  12. On 4/18/2024 at 11:18 AM, HelplessNewbie said:

    These were collected at a sandy lake shore littered with driftwood. Will someone be able to identify them and help determine if safe for my freshwater aquarium?

    If no way to identify, I was thinking of placing it for 2 weeks in a plant quarantine of sorts with a couple of endlers (I have lots). Do you suppose this is a good test?20240418_111352-COLLAGE.jpg.051176d161f150096c2657ef93942931.jpg

    We also have these branches and root. One piece looks like an antler, I don't know if that is aquarium safe.20240418_1102482.jpg.f40ddd37aa21678db790dae43a3f2e2b.jpg

    I don't know what kind of plant that is but when you quarantine observe the plant and the container for unwanted critters. The wood branches should be ok and lol I would toss the thorny looking branch. @HelplessNewbie

  13. On 4/15/2024 at 12:17 PM, Ryan1988 said:

    Hey All,

    This is my first time keeping Electric Blue Acara. I got mine from Aqua Huna, does coloring come in as they get older? Mine are more of a silver body and white / light gray head. Rather than the typical dark gray head and metallic blue body. The smaller one in the pic of the whole 75 gal tank looks like it is still developing its dorsal fin as it doesn't have the orange stripe that the bigger one has. If it's not developmental I would need to start consider lighting or stress perhaps. 



    Once had pair that looked exactly like that when they were young. As they matured color got darker that's my experience with the EBA.

    On 4/15/2024 at 1:49 PM, Tlindsey said:

    Once had pair that looked exactly like that when they were young. As they matured color got darker that's my experience with the EBA.

    They will also change color depending on mood and breeding. 

  14. On 4/13/2024 at 8:40 PM, macdaddy36 said:

    A school of tetras is probably the safe choice because the keyholes and acara could possibly fight. You could also go with hatchetfish or some kind of headstander.

    Totally agree the issue is the aquarium size. All cichlids require appropriate space for territory. 

  15. On 4/10/2024 at 5:14 AM, Epiphanaea said:

    So that was easier than anticipated.  



    I don’t know if these are gastromyzon or pseudogastromyzon, and I discovered them because I disturbed them while vacuuming the gravel!  I had not even entertained the possibility that there could be fry yet.  Hopefully I didn’t suck up any.  

    It seems more likely they are pseudogastromyzon, since there are more records of those breeding in captivity, but I can’t find pics online of either at this stage so who knows?  

    They’re about 4mm, and hanging out under the sponge covering the filter intake, so very high flow area.  Food and waste also collect there.  That end of the tank is also likely a little warmer, as the larger filter generates some heat.  Room temp is around 70F, tank is probably a degree or two warmer due to the filter - did I mention I wasn’t watching this all that closely yet?

     I only have dipstick readings, I just did a water change, and I was trying to get the pH and mineral content in general up, since that seems to be key to keeping these guys happy.  Per my dipsticks, pH 6.8 - 7, GH 25, KH 40, TA 40 - but again, those are all lower than intended and lower than I had been keeping the tank / the quarantine tank they were in before generally.  Based on what I sucked out of the gravel and the presence of detritus worms, I was overfeeding, plus *so many bladder snails* all pooping, so that was messing things up.


    The adults getting mostly spirulina flakes, and frozen daphnia a couple times a week.  Algae is just starting to take off in the tank, no idea on species - some mossy stuff, some hairy stuff.  Tank was infused with whatever random infusoria I’ve been culturing from a local pond, the microscope I ordered from Amazon sucked and is being returned, so again I am clueless, but I can see cyclops and there were scuds in the culture jar.  I didn’t introduce any visible scuds and haven’t seen any, but microscopic fry are a possibility.  There are an abundance of bladder snails, breeding as they do, so plenty of newly hatched snails to munch on if they’re into that.  I also have ghost shrimp in the tank, one of which was pregnant with eggs developing nicely, but then no fry.  They could have failed to hatch, but they also could have been eaten by the loach fry - I think probably not, they’d be too big, but it’s possible.  

    So. Yeah.  I fail as a scientific observer, because what the heck, fish, you’re supposed to be hard to breed and it’s been less than a month!  But, fish babies.

    Congrats to be honest never kept hillstream loaches but apparently the environment is ideal for them to spawn. Looks like the fry is definitely finding food. @Epiphanaea

  16. On 4/6/2024 at 7:43 AM, Greeebulbas said:

    Heya, I so badly want to get tetras fish, do you have any good informative blogs or articles, maybe some information on caring for them, thanks!

    Ohh, old thread, sorry, did't see

    Welcome aboard 

    You can get the information right here. Just use search bar above type tetra species and post or members with experience will chime in. @Greeebulbas

    • Thanks 1
  17. On 4/1/2024 at 1:23 PM, elamysmith said:

    Any ideas what might have happened?

    It's various reasons the one I've experienced is that the fish was not healthy although it looked healthy. 

    I suggest not to add anything else to the aquarium.  I would wait for about minimum a month and hopefully things remain good. I would quarantine any other fish prior to adding in the future. 

    • Like 1
  18. On 4/1/2024 at 11:45 AM, DaveO said:

    First baby sighting this morning.20240401_1008332.jpg.aa23e08c7cd99dcf6a4c1cc3cc6814cd.jpg


    Problem is it is in the adult's tank. I haven't put a pair in the breeding tank yet. That will happen soon. I'm afraid this one will not survive the adults, but we'll see.20240401_101235.jpg.b52ba83b2bcffa3211154eebd10f81b8.jpg

    It's an exciting experience. 

    Congrats. @DaveO

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