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Posts posted by Tlindsey

  1. On 3/24/2024 at 11:05 PM, Loc Tran said:

    My zebra pleco haven’t eating anything for the past 2 weeks. I feed them bloodworm and carnivore pellets but they are not eating them. Yesterday I tried to feed them bloodworm again but this time I cover their tank with a piece of table cloth to darken the tank so they can feel more comfortable to come out during the night but this morning when I check the amount of bloodworm still the same as last night. I wonder what advice everyone have for me to help them get back their appetite. Thanks. 

    P.S : I have baby guppies and one albino Cory in the tank with my plecos

    I suggest check your water parameters asap. @Loc Tran

    • Like 1
  2. On 3/24/2024 at 6:54 AM, quikv6 said:

    keep my nitrates below 10 in my Oscar tank at all times.

    This is crucial for keeping a Oscar from getting infected from HITH. Great advice given. 

  3. On 3/23/2024 at 10:02 PM, AquaJT said:

    That’s a real solid idea thanks. Extra thick plywood? I’m hoping it won’t sag 

    3/4 plywood is available also at most diy stores.

    I agree with staining the wood. 

    • Like 1
  4. On 3/23/2024 at 2:45 PM, Redeye505 said:

    So I have a 50 gallon bow tank. It runs about 78 degrees. 7.0 ph no ammonia. I have live plants 2 ghost shrimp a bristle nose pleco and I am down to 4 neon. I just bought another 6 neon and 6 Celestial Pearl Danio they are currently in a quarantine tank. Been in there for about 2 weeks. My worry is the amount of ramshorn snails I have. I have been only lightly feeding my neon's to try and dwindle the snail population. I am afraid my pleco is not getting enough food. Every time I drop a small wafer in there the snails bombard it and eat it all. I don't mind the snails I do have alot of them. Should I be worried about my pleco. He stays in the rocks most of the time. He does not look unhealthy. 


    I suggest netting or using a hose and siphon the snails out when they bunch up like in the pic. Feeding less will help control the population. @Redeye505

  5. On 3/22/2024 at 9:32 PM, Seisage said:


    Thank you both for responding. I guess I was stressing over nothing because the anubias plants have already started growing new leaves! It's slow, of course, but there is new growth. I guess it was just the stress of moving them, but they didn't melt like this the last time I had to move them, so I was worried. I did end up pulling off the yellow leaves, just so they don't foul the water too much.

    That's a great update. 

  6. On 3/21/2024 at 11:21 PM, Pyro said:

    Trying to find the Fluval FX6 motor bushing/o-ring just that not the impeller or the service kit everywhere I have searched it keeps saying service kit I cant even figure out what type or what size it is cause that’s all I need to replace on mine and don’t need an impeller the one I have is almost brand new does Fluval have a look down on this so you have to buy the service kit every time?

    I never owned a canister filter but I would try matching the old o-ring to one from home improvement store. 

  7. On 3/20/2024 at 8:27 PM, ninjapenguin303 said:

    I have a 5 gal tank that I have been keeping my baby platys in. I have a total of I think 5 or 6 babies and they have grown up past fri size and I want to move them into a bigger 15 gal tank at my girlfriends house which is about a 20 min drive. I have never moved fish before only taken them from stores and drove them to my house. The 15 gal is ready after the cycling process we went through and we want to move them soon. What do you guys think is the best way for me to do this while minimizing stress on the fish and complications in the moving process? Please help never had to do this before. 

    I have personally transported small fish in a five gallon bucket for short travel time.

    You could leave them in the 5 gallon as well. Some purchase battery powered air pumps but I think you will be fine without one.

    Don't fill either with too much water. 

    • Like 3
  8. On 3/20/2024 at 10:08 PM, HelplessNewbie said:

    I have 9 Bolivian rams in quarantine. I intend to keep 2 pairs and sell the rest. How can I tell that they have paired off? Will they exhibit mating behavior even while in quarantine?

    Wasn't sure if I should ask this in Fish Breeding.

    You will notice 2 keeping others away by chasing them from their chosen territory or area to spawn. Most cichlid species do what I've described. 

    • Like 3
  9. On 3/20/2024 at 12:23 AM, Yoshi said:

    any micro algae present

    I noticed the one I have eating the biofilm off the glass also eats algae off ornaments and plant leaves. 

    Tbh I don't feed anything but hopefully what it finds will be enough. 

    • Like 1
  10. On 3/19/2024 at 10:43 PM, Tony s said:

    Have you seen hippo dung. It’s only half eaten to start with. And most of the zoos that have hippos also use them for waste management. They get huge

    Tbh I don't want to see it 😆 Yes I've heard about Zoo's use of the tilapia for waste management. 

    • Haha 1
  11. On 3/19/2024 at 8:47 AM, Tlindsey said:

    One of my anubias plants had for a few years now. The light colored leaf17108523729137821082928696707982.jpg.65a5c491a013e0c39b3123341a1fe37f.jpg recently grown. 

    Also the anubias roots aren't buried just tucked in the little basket. So having the roots buried or not attached to anything has nothing to do with the melting. 

  12. On 3/17/2024 at 4:34 PM, Seisage said:

    I recently repurposed a tank for ADFs. To do so, I had to remove the gravel in the tank and replace it with sand, which required me to uproot the anubias (the rhizomes weren't buried, only the roots). They were doing alright before, but now a bunch of leaves are melting and things are turning yellow. Some leaves are still alright. I didn't want to plant them again, but I didn't have any rocks or pieces of wood to glue them on, so I've just left them floating for now.

    Could it be that they're melting because they don't have something to hold onto? Or would it just be the stress of being uprooted?

    How should I keep the plants from melting more? I do have wood and rocks now, so I plan on gluing the plants down within the next week or so. Should I just trim away the melted leaves/stems and glue down what's left?

    How long have you had the anubias? Also besides light the anubias needs food. Trim off the yellow melting leaves and hopefully new leaves develops. 

  13. On 3/18/2024 at 11:46 AM, KWoods said:

    Hello all, I recently bought a “male female pair” of Rainbow Kribs and was wondering if anyone could help me with sexing them. The first one is larger, more colorful, and seems to roam freely around the tank and outgoing. The second one is smaller, less colorful, and more timid. The first one always chases the second one if they see each other, so the second one ends up hiding in the back of the aquarium. The last two pics are the only times I could get a picture of the second one. Sorry if the pictures aren’t great.







    Purple belly female. @KWoods

    On 3/18/2024 at 3:38 PM, Tlindsey said:

    Purple belly female. @KWoods

    Females bodies are rounder the one in your last pic may be a young male. It hard to tell because it's looks stressed. 

  14. On 3/17/2024 at 10:37 PM, srushing said:

    Hello! Brand new to this site and just a few months into aquarium ownership. I got two mystery snails about 6 weeks ago, and one laid several clutches of eggs in our community tank. Three clutches were infertile but the last clutch is hatching. One confirmed baby so far, and several on the way. Do I just leave them alone at this point? I was definitely not intending to breed them, but I want to take care of them now that they’re here. (I do realize that I’ll have to take them out at some point so they don’t overrun the tank.) As an added wrinkle, I’ve had some baby bladder snails as a result of a live plant hitchhiker. I’ve been finding their empty shells, so I think something may be eating them or they’re dying some other way and coming out of their shells after death. Could the same happen to the baby mysteries?? For reference, in addition to the mystery snails, I have serpae tetras, blackline rasboras, sunburst platys, glow tetras, an otto catfish, and two kuhli loaches. Thank you for any help!

    Welcome to the forum.


    On 3/17/2024 at 10:37 PM, srushing said:

    Hello! Brand new to this site and just a few months into aquarium ownership. I got two mystery snails about 6 weeks ago, and one laid several clutches of eggs in our community tank. Three clutches were infertile but the last clutch is hatching. One confirmed baby so far, and several on the way. Do I just leave them alone at this point? I was definitely not intending to breed them, but I want to take care of them now that they’re here. (I do realize that I’ll have to take them out at some point so they don’t overrun the tank.) As an added wrinkle, I’ve had some baby bladder snails as a result of a live plant hitchhiker. I’ve been finding their empty shells, so I think something may be eating them or they’re dying some other way and coming out of their shells after death. Could the same happen to the baby mysteries?? For reference, in addition to the mystery snails, I have serpae tetras, blackline rasboras, sunburst platys, glow tetras, an otto catfish, and two kuhli loaches. Thank you for any help!


    • Like 1
  15. On 3/17/2024 at 10:37 PM, srushing said:

    I’ve been finding their empty shells, so I think something may be eating them

    Possibly the khuli loaches are eating the bladder snails. You can remove the small mystery snails when ever you like and hopefully someone will take them.

    • Like 1
  16. On 3/17/2024 at 12:25 PM, cmo1922 said:

    Thanks Tlindsey! I managed to catch one to re-home today but the other (the smallest, least dominant male) keeps evading me. Do you think removing one sub male but keeping the other in there would work out? I will obviously keep trying to catch the other guy if that is best but was just wondering your take.

    The one I caught was the one the dom male tends to chase the most. 

    Tbh it will be rough for that male. Once the male and female spawn the less dominant male may be harassed by both especially by the female. 

  17. On 3/17/2024 at 10:15 AM, cmo1922 said:

    Hello, I have a 29 gal with 3 male cockatoo Apistogramma...I know, not the best choice. The intent was to have 1 male and 2 females, but was sent 3 males instead. Anyways, I was advised by breeder that it should be fine, as long as I had lots of structure and no females. And since they were mailed to me, I couldn't feasibly return them.

    Things were seemingly going well. However, I started working from home more a few weeks ago, so I'm getting a chance to observe their behavior more during the day. I am noticing that my dominant male is chasing the others more. It used to be a quick chase and then all was well, which I assume would be normal all things considered. But now it is more of a pursuit where he chases around the tank for a few seconds and then stops. I don't see wounds other than occasional split caudal fins which I assume is from displaying. The sub males ignore each other.

    Thoughts? Is it time to separate? I want to keep the dom male with the platies, as I assume he would be the most robust of them long term and he is the most efficient at eating platy babies. Then I was going to try and find a home for 1 sub male and then put the other sub male in my 20 gal, but the 20 gal has reached stocking limits IMO and I also don't want him to decimate my shrimp colony. In the 20, I also have 2 honey gourami who like to hang at bottom of tank, and a bunch of cories, so I'm sure adding the apisto to this situation would be a poor choice. So I'm thinking I would have to re-home both sub males if I remove them.

    Here is a pic of dom male. Based on appearance of when they arrived 3 months ago and now, I think they have all reached age of full sexual maturity (perhaps 7 or 8 months old). You can see a sub male at the edge of the pic.


    Thanks in advance for advice!

    I personally would rehome the 2 other male and keep the dominant male.

    The dominant male has claimed the 29 gallon.

    • Thanks 1
  18. On 3/16/2024 at 10:55 PM, brayden malone said:

    hi, i was wondering if you guys could tell me if the fish I want are too much for a 6-gallon tank with plants. I was hoping for some bolloon mollys maybe 4 or 5 and 1 honey gourami—also either shrimp or corys. I am good with matience and love to do it. i have lots of floating plants and some stems. medium planted tank I would say.

    also just as a side note would corys dig around/ up my sand and plants?

    Welcome to the forum. Yes Corydora do browse around with their barbels aka whiskers but shouldn't be a problem for deeply rooted plants. 

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