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Posts posted by Tlindsey

  1. On 1/13/2024 at 7:12 PM, Sam Smith said:

    Just regular golfish, the ones for 35 or 14 cents.

    Comets and Fancy 3 grow too large for a 10 gallon so you will definitely have to upgrade. Also suggest large weekly water changes to keep fish healthy. If you didn't have the fish you could easily put small aquatic frog or small newt species in the 10 gallon. 

  2. On 1/13/2024 at 11:34 AM, Monkeypoint said:

    How do you know when they’ve hatched? I realize this is probably a stupid question but as this is my first time hatching baby brine shrimp, I’m not sure what the hatchings look like. I’m seeing a lot of tiny brown eggs swirling around. I started with a very small batch - 1/8th of a teaspoon. I would have used less water but the heater isn’t long enough so I had to go with nearly 2 liters. It’s been running for nearly 24 hours. 

    The bb will be pink in color jerking swimming motion. Also attracted to light. You may want to stop the air for a minute to observe. 

    • Like 2
  3. On 1/12/2024 at 3:27 PM, gabdewulf said:

    After a lot of online stalking, I used my ancient carpenter to make my own stands. I'm finishing up the shelves.

    I have room on two stands for 4 20 long and an under rack of 10s.

    The color was carefully chosen from the discount bin.


    Pic to show over all and the joints.


    Looks great and sturdy as stated. 

    • Like 1
  4. On 1/11/2024 at 11:33 PM, Sam Smith said:

    Hi! I am Sam Smith, a beginner. My family has a 10-gallon tank that is older than me! We had lots of different fish, and at some point we also had aquatic frogs. Now the tank has 4 goldfish. I actually don't take care of it too much; they just seem to stay healthy with just food given to them every night and a filter running. I used to feed them every other night, but they were eating each other's fins! Now they stopped, and they look very nice! It has a piece of driftwood in it that I got from a friend when he was redecorating his 75-gallon. I also have a lot of creeping jenny that I picked from my garden in there. They grow roots within about 1 week. I took some land moss that did not have roots, and it is still alive in there for a few months already! I don't have gravel, but there are seashells I collected from the beach covering most of the bottom. Here is something interesting about goldfish: you can train them! I always feed them in the same corner, at the same time. Now every night at that time they are in that corner!

    I also have a 5-gallon tank with Ghost shrimp and snails. I just got it this week! The snails are also from a friend. They look like trumpet snails. They already started breeding! (Click here to see it.) I don't mind if they overpopulate; I think it looks cool! I plan on putting some in the goldfish tank when I have a lot of them. The goldfish will control the population. I also want to make a separate small breeding container. I don't have a filter yet, but I ordered one and it will hopefully come on Monday. I am also planning on getting more shrimp on Friday. I plan on eventually getting small fish. Maby neon tetras, guppies, or another small fish? Let me know what you this is good. If I get guppies and they overpopulate, I will probably give my friend the males and keep the females, or vice-versa. Oh, and the tank itself has gravel and 2 pieces of driftwood with some aquatic plants, creeping jenny, and moss.

    Here is my idea for everyone. You can make a semi-water semi-land aquarium and put in amphibians like frogs and salamanders!

    Thank you for reading through this.

    Sam Smith

    Welcome to the the forum. What type of goldfish feeder comet, fancy goldfish?


  5. On 1/10/2024 at 11:45 PM, Jaspyjasp said:

    Hey @Tlindsey

    they have not spawned yet. They had (obviously that first time) but now that they’re back together, the daddy has not been that happy with mom back in the tank. Wondering if adding another female might help? But yeah i dont want the little babe to get too harrassed generally as it’s about 3/4”.

    I would let the little female grow a bit to atleast sexual maturity. I'm no expert on apistogramma and hopefully others chime in with their thoughts. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 1/10/2024 at 6:43 PM, Kaiju said:

    I recently watched Godzilla: Minus one and it absolutely SLAPPED, (would recommend for anyone). A real refresher from the terrible movies (Other than the newest Guardians of the Galaxy). The story was amazing, the actors had such great expression, the set was beautiful, and it only had a 15mil budget (USD), most movies on this budget are drier than my friend's sense of humor, but this movie always kept you on your toes. I'd also like to point out, any mediocre Marvel movie costs more than twice that budget and it still isn't very good. This was a movie that puts Hollywood as nothing more than an embarrassment (they need to take notes). I'm no critic (not professionally anyway) but saying this movie was crazy good is an understatement, it shook me to my core. This is by far my new favorite movie. I'd like to know anyone's take on this movie or any others. I'm open and would love to hear the community! 

    I'll have to check out the new Godzilla movie. I agree a couple were bad along with a couple of King Kong movies 😆 


  7. On 1/10/2024 at 11:10 PM, Jaspyjasp said:



    Hey community !

    Is it ok to move a 5 month yr old apisto female in with her parents in the display tank? I JUST rearranged their tank so im thinking this could be a good time? 👀Their tank is 36x12x12  with a lot of plants and nooks/caves. Or should I continue to raise her bigger? I’m asking bc there are two more apisto fry that are also 5 months but 1/4 if the size!! Want to get them to be bigger but maybe they can’t because the dominant one is so “big” (??)

    Thank u for any insight! Theres not a lot about when to add juvenile apistos back with their parents on the web :((




    @Jaspyjasp I  personally would be worried if the parents spawned. The smaller apisto would be harassed by the parents. Your aquarium is heavily planted that may help.


  8. On 1/10/2024 at 8:40 AM, Sweetpickles said:

    Thank you!!

    Yes it is! I feel like it's verification that I am giving the fish a healthy environment. I hope I am!


  9. On 1/10/2024 at 8:29 AM, Sweetpickles said:

    I am not a fish breeder. I'm just very excited to find new life in my 20gal! Last Friday I was peering into my little eco system and saw some swift movement.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing!! Two baby corydoras!! I have 3 adults. 1 of them is probably about 4yrs and the other 2 are only about 1yr. I never expected any babies. I have never seen their eggs. And I have a Panda garra that I was sure would eat any babies. I think it was he that wiped out my shrimp colony. He seems to be leaving the corys alone and they do have little crevices to hide in. I also recently have had one mountain minnow fry survive. 

    Just an exited new fish baby momma sharing! 


    Congrats! It's very exciting when something like that happens 🙂 

    • Love 1
  10. On 1/7/2024 at 8:16 PM, Manringjk said:

    So, my partner and I bought a pair of kribs from a LFS yesterday. I have been interested in getting into cichlids lately and knew I wanted to start with an apisto or a krib. It just so happened we stumbled upon the kribs while shopping for something to stock our nano tank (don’t work the kribs went into their own 10g not the nano 😝)

    While I was doing the research into the kribs I found that they are good spawners without much interference from the human food factory so I thought they might be a decent way to start breeding. 

    I have 3 guppies pregnant in a community tank but I don’t plan on removing any fry and letting happen what will happen. 

    if anyone has any tips for kribs specifically or their personal experiences with breeding them or their care in general I’d love to see it! 


    Bred Kribensis Pulcher a few years ago. The female would use a section of pvc pipe to lay her eggs in. I had a little algae so fry had something to graze on. A very hardy species but are very aggressive if eggs, wriggler, or free-swimming fry in the aquarium. 

    • Like 1
  11. On 1/7/2024 at 3:36 PM, IsisP said:

    How long could it take to be fully cycled?


    Depends on how fast your parameters stabilize. It could take 6-7 weeks if you started with no live beneficial bacteria.  Also depends on various factors such as bioload and water temperature. 


    On 1/7/2024 at 3:42 AM, Seisage said:

    I looooove turkey basters for aquarium work!! I've only just started keeping personal tanks, but I volunteer at a local aquarium and we use turkey basters for feeding and cleaning (primarily sea cucumber and urchin poop...) all the time. I'll definitely be getting one for my own tanks. They're amazing for targeted removal of waste and debris. Better than siphons, in my opinion, because they're easier to use and don't remove much water. They're also better than siphons for fine substrate like sand because the suction is so delicate and controlled!

    Okay, I'm done being a shill for Big Turkey Baster now lol. But seriously, they're a game changer.


    On 1/7/2024 at 12:21 AM, princedreaming said:

    So my idea is to use eco complete on top of the filter plates, and then a layer of aquasoil, and then a cap of sand, for a total of 4" or 5" inches. I once did an undergravel with just eco complete and aquasoil (ADA) and it seemed to work great while I hadn't, which admittedly was only a few months before I had to take it down for life reasons. I know the layers, plus the mulm on top, will eventually become one, but will that be a problem?

    The reason I want the sand is I think the botanicals would look nicer on top of sand than just dark aquasoil, and because I plan on having fish that like to play in sand. Thank you for reading.


    On 1/7/2024 at 3:36 PM, IsisP said:

    How long could it take to be fully cycled?



  12. On 1/7/2024 at 12:21 AM, princedreaming said:

    So my idea is to use eco complete on top of the filter plates, and then a layer of aquasoil, and then a cap of sand, for a total of 4" or 5" inches. I once did an undergravel with just eco complete and aquasoil (ADA) and it seemed to work great while I hadn't, which admittedly was only a few months before I had to take it down for life reasons. I know the layers, plus the mulm on top, will eventually become one, but will that be a problem?

    The reason I want the sand is I think the botanicals would look nicer on top of sand than just dark aquasoil, and because I plan on having fish that like to play in sand. Thank you for reading.

    @princedreaming A first for me to hear of substrate other than gravel used with a under gravel filter. 


  13. On 1/6/2024 at 3:32 PM, BIRD0887 said:

    I have 2 fantails, about 2in or so, a comet that's getting bigger 1 1/2in, a Wakin that's about 4in., a 8-10in plecko, an albino claw frog, albino Cory and a trapdoor snail :).... Thoughts? It's a work in progress, these fish have been together about a month, except the Cory he is older. Just added live plants also! From aquariumcoop




    The Albino Clawed frog may be a problem if the fish are small enough to fit in it's mouth. 

  14. On 1/6/2024 at 3:17 AM, BIRD0887 said:

    So i have currently, a 55 gal goldfish tank that just made me fall so hard for the hobby! I am not new to fish keeping, ive had tanks my whole life, but ive never looked at fish the way i started to recently! So i just setup a new 10 gal and my son really wants a betta fish...now ive done some research and have seen so much content on youtube, my thoughts were to put a little group of black emperor tetras and celestial pearl danios ( 8 of each), with the betta. Any feedback would be much appreciated...i dont really wanna dedicate my second tank to just a betta...oh and i thought after the tank really cycles, i would add a group of corys and a plecko or hillstream loaches....is that to much for a 10 gal? Ive had all bigger tanks so im not to sure with that size fish and tank??

    @BIRD0887 Welcome aboard 😀 

    On 1/6/2024 at 12:06 PM, Carson Wargo said:

    Some bettas can be agressive to their tankmates- so start with a few then build up. A 10 gallon planted tank with a betta, 3-6 tetras or danios, and an oto catfish would be good. It's better to understock your tank than overstock.

    @Carson Wargo Welcome aboard 😀 

  15. On 1/4/2024 at 9:46 PM, Ujaynme said:

    Just and quick question since this is the first time I’ve kept fancy goldfish. I had regular comets growing up. 

    Should I take it as a sign they’re happy if they start leaving eggs all over the tank?

    I have 4 Oranda annd double tails on an 75gal. The eggs are not fertile they just go milky white and moldy if they don’t get eaten. 
    Edited to add photo

    @Ujaynme Yes the Goldfish are very 😊 

  16. On 1/3/2024 at 11:06 PM, Mercfh said:

    So im already having MTS right now, and while I do have a 29G fully stocked community tank (It's more the "family tank") im already looking at bigger tank options for what I consider my favorite types of fish: Loaches/Catfish (All the bottom dwellers).

    im not sure what a good size is to do. I want something decent but not like crazy big. The fish I really want to have in there are:

    • Various Pleco's
    • Bumblebee catfish
    • Raphael Catfish
    • Maybe a single pictus catfish (I know they get large so)
    • Loaches (Kuhli)
    • Cories
    • Ropefish or some sort of freshwater eel like fish?
    • Maybe a black knife ghostfish (Although i've heard they can get maybe too big)


    Obviously cant fit all of them. But has anyone had experience keeping a "mostly bottom dweller" type fishtank? I eyeballed maybe a 55 gallon...but is that too small for most?

    Also any other catfish/loach/eel like fishes that are interesting?


    @Mercfh Small lower jaw Polypterus may be interesting. 

    I personally have a amazon bumblebee catfish and a striped Raphael Catfish. They both hide 😆 

    Most catfish are nocturnal. 

  17. On 1/2/2024 at 10:09 PM, Mercfh said:

    So I have an Aquaclear HOB 50 filter, this morning I found one of my peppered cories stuck to the filter intake. I turned off the intake and he seemed pretty lethargic...but no fins seemed ripped.

    He's acting ok now tonight...but should he be ok? He seemed just stuck to the filter for awhile. He was breathing fast at first but it's slowed down.

    @Mercfh That probably was very stressful for the Pepper Cory I suggest slowing the flow or placing a pre-filter on the intake. It's possible for that to happen again. 

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  18. On 1/2/2024 at 1:56 PM, bryanisag said:

    Hi all, I have a batch of 10 Corrysoras eggs in a jar of methylene blue that I except to have hatch today or tomorrow. I want/need to move them to a tray in my "deans fry system" but I'm unsure the best way to transfer them.

    If half are out of their eggs do I try to move them out of the blue stuff or wait till more are hatched? 

    Do I use a net or a spoon or what technique?

    I have a small shrimp net so maybe that is best?

    How important is it that the blue water not getting into the fry system?

    I already crushed one fry from another batch with the net so I really think it's not the best option.

    Does pouring the jar into the net hurt the fry?

    Maybe if half the eggs hatch I can add all the eggs and fry to the tray because the remaining eggs will probably be okay to hatch without fungus attacking them for the last day or so?

    Any general advice is appreciated 

    @bryanisag If fry are small enough to fit through a airline hose you could suck the fry up into the shrimp net. Keep net close to end of airline hose so you won't harm the fry.

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