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Mr. Ed's Aquatics

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Everything posted by Mr. Ed's Aquatics

  1. Is this the list of what you have ordered and it's going into quarantine or is this the list of what is going to the sales floor from quarantine?
  2. I got a guppy and mystery snails tank on the way to that level, but damn that is a lot of snails.
  3. All surfaces of a cycled tank containe the helpful bacteria including plants. If the amount of hornwort is similar in surface area size of the sponge filter I would think you'd be fine. You can also use a few handfuls of gravel from a cycled tank. If you don't want to add it to the substrate, keep it in a cup or bowl on top of the substrate until your new tank is cycled then return it to the tank it came from.
  4. One tip I got early on was try to scape the tank in 1/3rds and avoid symmetry. Keep the taller stem plants in the back 1/3 of the tank, medium height centerpiece plants like big swords and such in the middle 1/3. And keep the smaller and carpet plants in the front 1/3. Maybe plant one side heavier than the other, or have separation off center. One tip I learned along the way, feature big, almost oversized hardscape and plant around it. Draws the eye, and then you notice all the details. Great stone or driftwood really completes a scape. Happy aquascaping
  5. This is a great way to keep your aquariums looking and running the best. I quickly found out that I was doing too much/many water changes on my planted tanks and wasting ferts. I also changed the cichlids tanks to 50% water changes (usually do 33%) as nitrates were accumulating faster than I thought. Never thought math would be helpful with aquariums. But I think the tanks and fish look better since I started tracking and adjusting accordingly.
  6. I can't post a long back story as I got a big male and 2 females and nature provided, but I did just change the scape a bit. Mbuna on top, shellies on the bottom. Nice tank, love the multies.
  7. I'm not sure if you were being serious or not. You're definitely keeping healthy fauna and growing great plants, and I like the tanks how you have them. If you're serious about changing the scape, check out George Farmer's or MD Tanks YouTube channel. Lots of great aquascaping videos, super helpful.
  8. My favorite part of the hobby is raising up my baby fish. What's everyone else breeding / growing out. Here's some of my little guys right now, let's see yours. Pictured are Pseudotropheus Acei and Saulosi and my Neolamprologus Multifasciatus. I have Electric Yellows, Snow Whites and Sulferheads coming soon.
  9. I'm always looking at your channel for ideas and help. Thanks for the inspiration and great advice.
  10. I really like your tank and how upbeat and helpful your videos are. Thanks and welcome to Washington, I was excited to hear Cory was bringing y'all to the PNW.
  11. Hi, My name is Edward and I keep and breed a few kinds of cichlids, livebearers, shrimp, and snails. Here's a few of my favorite tanks.
  12. So pretty, I just started on Tanganyikans. So far just some multies, but was thinking about 6 bar fronts.
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