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  1. I purchased 2 with my last order. 1 works fine, the other one I can hear running, but does not produce air. The bad part was, I found this out on a 2 hour car ride back home after getting fish.
  2. Saturday I went to do an update on an app when my phone informed me I was low on storage. This seemed odd as I dont do anything that takes up large amounts of storage. Iooked through some stored video I have saved and deleted a videos and pictures to try and free up some storage. Even after doing the above I was still getting low phone storage messages. Today I found the culprit, the aquarium Co-OP app I dont know how or why, but some how I had 19gigs of storage being used. I un installed the app and installed it again. Before and after usage...
  3. I would start with 6 of which ever you choose below for a 20L. Multifasciatus, Similis, Caudopunctatus are all but impossible to sex when young. In a 20L IMO you will have to remove some of the original 6 once a pair or 1M/2F trio is formed. If you're looking to breed Multifasciatus, or Similis to sell, use pvc elbows vs shells it is MUCH easier to catch them.
  4. Here are some updated pictures These have all been glued to rocks. The Anubias that has the torn leaves was with the Petrochromis Juveniles in the 90 and has been moved to the 75 gallon.
  5. I tried Val the first time, and the Tropheus just destroyed it and the Multis had it dug up every couple days.
  6. Looking good... I have found that the large Tropheus in my 125 are leaving the anubias alone. The Petrochromis discovered the anubias in their new tank and started shredding the leaves so I had to move it to the 75 gallon tank. Yesterday I started gluing some anubias and Java Fern to rocks in the 75 gallon.
  7. A slight side note. The difference between Tropheus and Petrochromis. I moved the Petrochromis Friday to the 90 gallon tank. Look at the difference in the rocks of the 2 pictures. The petro's absolutely cleaned algae from the rocks
  8. Here is an update with pictures. All the plants are still alive and appear to be ok.
  9. Day 3 and the Tropheus in the 90 gallon seem to enjoy the new plants...
  10. Today is Wednesday 11/4/20, the plant order from Aquarium CoOP has arrived to the midwest. I placed the order Sunday morning 11/1. The plants are in different packaging than my last order and I really feel the new packaging is a great improvement. The plants arrived in excellent condition. I have Lake Tanganyika tanks and fish with hard water and ph running 8.0- 8.8 Both my GH & KH are 300+ The 75 gallon tank has Julis, Leleupi, Daffodil, synodontis petricola, and a Burundi frontosa. The 90 gallon have Tropheus Ikola. The 40 gallon has Gold Ocellatus. The 125 has Tropheus, Julis, Petrochromis, Petricola and a single calvus and Leleupi. I decided for the time being to leave the plants in the rock wool and pot. This will allow me to be able to remove the plants easily if the fish just start trashing the plants. This is my own undertaking and I have not ask for or receive anything special from the CoOP. So enough of my chatter. Bellow you will see in the excellent shape the plants arrived in and the placement within the 3 tanks.
  11. Cory in the 125 Tropheus/Petro tank I planned on leaving the plant in their pot and anchored them with rock to see if the fish will leave them alone. If the fish leave the plants alone I will glue them, and try to make them permanent in the tank.
  12. Hello Everyone, As a complete plant newbie I tried growing plants last year with very little success. I want to try and give it another chance. I just completed another plant order from the CoOp. This time I'm going to try only Java fern and Anubis. I plan on trying 1 Java Fern and 1 Anubis in the 125 Tropheus/ Petro tank, I dont expect it to go very well. I also plan on planting the 75 gal Juli, Leleupi, Daffodil tank. The 40 gal Ocellatus Gold tank and the 40 gal Multi tank. I had put some of the Easy Planters in my cart, but I removed the Easy Planters and decided to try super glue due to cost constraints. This might have been a mistake, we shall see. I welcome everyone to follow along and I will document this journey, both good and bad to try and grow live plants in my Lake Tanganyika tanks...
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