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Everything posted by Atomicfish

  1. It looks kinda like a worm or something coming out of the orange spot.
  2. When my fish had ich I used something called herbtana Microblift.
  3. Angels are so pretty. I have one in my fish tank ive had it for 3 years. its hard to say what those babies will look like when there older but my guess is there not much different from the adult fish.
  4. Hmm Is the water hard or soft? I know that if the water sits for a while mineral deposits can develop.
  5. I don't know for sure but I don't think clown loaches get that big. I think the max size is about 6 inches.
  6. My Marimo Moss Ball seems to be reproducing I started out with one and it has since split into several now that I have a 20 gallon tank.
  7. Some people and some pet smarts know what they are doing and some have no clue. so any advice I would take with a grain of salt. Here where I live we have a Petco and the people there are pretty helpful in the fish department.
  8. I don't really have any live plants in my fish tank but most recently other than the plastic ones I have the Marimo Ball. its a plant you do not really have to do anything special with it just sits there,
  9. 10 gallons is too small for more than one Angelfish and even that is iffy in a tank that small even though I have one. Angels can get pretty big and really would need at least a 20 all though I heard 30 or bigger would be better.
  10. Hello my name is Thomas and I am 42 years old. I have a angel and 5 cherry barbs currently in a 10 gallon but moving to a 20 gallon very soon with other fish that I am aquiring from a friend who no longer wants it. I am a long time fish keeper and I’m a big fan of your coop YouTube videos.
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