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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Aw I hope you have a good survival rate! I heard they kinda have a low one
  2. I would also def test the water for sure. My friend @beastie’s water company stats say 7.9 ph however she always read between 6.8-7.0 in all of her tanks. No buffer or aquasoil whatsoever. So yea testing is a more guaranteed way to know. Then it sounds like a nice idea to follow up the ideas given above if there is actually a difference
  3. Yummy, they gotta make 1k babies to enjoy the yummy all together ❤️ 😄😄
  4. Frankly, yes. I gravel vac my tank every week, and cleaned every source of food that is available to them, added competition on algae, bottom dwellers, other snails, etc. And they were still really high in numbers. I even stopped feeding my pleco after lights off, and removed catappa leaf from that old 29g, didnt make much difference ngl. Are they bad? not at all. You know the pest snails. They are pretty good, but can they me unpleasing to watch. Because in my experience, babies don't bother hiding during daytime like adults. They are basically everywhere. Especially on the water surface sailing around. I currently have them in my endler tub only. Great clean up crew, not really good algae eaters tho. As I can only watch the tub from above, it does not bother me. These guys actually have pretty shells. But they are the hardiest thing ever, and controlling population is pretty hard. They eliminated bladder snails from my tanks. I don't wanna say anything more
  5. MTS yes. If it is this size, very likely had babies. These guys can survive everything I believe with their trapdoor being shut strictly 😄 In my experience if the sand is super compact, they can't go in and turn it over well. They were amazing at burying in my JBL monado clay based substrate. On normal river sand? they can't bury themself at all.
  6. I would keep them as they are. As they have already lost some of their friends due to old age, and they are remaining, they have been spending quite the time there I believe. Moving fish into a whole new tank and making them go through a shipment/travel is a stress factor. And you don't know if X person will provide a better care for your fish friends really just because they will be in a bigger school. I would personally not disturb the system they are used to live in all this time just to increase a school. Keep them and provide them the best care you can. It will be fine I believe
  7. Actually, there are some science peeps here that randomly nerd about some topics! You may be interested in reading them Also for example, one of the well known hobbyist youtubers like Jason, from prime time aquatics also has Bachelor's Degree in Biology, a Master's Degree in Biotechnology and Chemical Science as well as a Graduate Certificate in Aquaculture and Fish Health. He also gives classes in uni too if I remember correctly. Another channel I like is Freshwater Ichthyology. She is a ichthyologist, fishkeeper and PhD student. She studies the evolution of Loricariidae, worked in aquarium stores for 6 yrs as well. She has masters in Biosystematics. I do enjoy hearing about the scientific perspective of stuff. My suggestion is, don't bother doing a survey. Give it a try. You never know without trying. At worst, do it as a hobby for yourself. If you don't try, you will always have a question on your head like, what if??? Go for it!
  8. cutiepie! From my experience, long fin bettas really love shallow tanks with open areas. The constant effort to swim to the surface for taking an air gulp really tires them. I understand why she feels ungrateful tbh. If it has the same footprint but much shallower she would be insanely happy I think Mine loves to be in more shallow tanks with no woods, just plants. Meanwhile plakats and females don't seem to mind at all.
  9. Now I'm scared it is a red tail catfish! 😄 And Someone will try to buy it for it's cute look: Then it be like: 😄 @Guppysnail That sounds funny 😄 Also thanks, We have almost everything they have here as it is a european brand. I like its liquid test kits, catappa leaves, bactotabs and o nip tabs. @nabokovfan87 sadly had struggle finding their stuff, and I was like hey look it has everything in the US too! 😄 but yea from one state to another, it changes a lot apparently.
  10. I would say whichever you like to look at. However, the taller may be better to cover background as your tank is really tall. However, to ensure it not to block vision with its shoots, you will need to remove them gradually. Gigentea -> Height: 12-20" Spiralis -> Height: 8-12" Americana/jungle val -> 8-12" Nana: Height: 12-20"
  11. Don’t mention worms and snails to him 😄 I intentionally introduce my detrius worms to every tank I have because they are amazing snack for fish. Two days ago I have seen a baby endler ate one bigger than its size lol. If you don’t have fish, then don’t introduce them. There should be some sort of population control for critters, which is mostly fish. If it is a shrimp tank only, due to lack of predators, you will be likely to have a population bloom and unsightly look. As I keep fish even in my shrimp tanks, I sometimes see one detrius worm and mostly never with my bare eyes. I think fish enjoy snacking in them, and they play a good role in the tank health. However make sure they are detrius worms 😄 . You wouldn’t like to introduce something that you would not like to have in a tank
  12. Mine melted on my 50cm cube tank. I bet it was bcoz I use tap water there and my tap has high kh and ph. In my betta tank I mainly use RO, and remineralize it, keept it around 6.5-7 ph. No melting whatsoever
  13. I personally believe detrius sitting on bottom is not good especially for bottom dwellers, they constantly spend time and sleep in poop and decaying stuff basically. Also bettas are usually prone to bacterial infections and having fin issues. You would ideally top up with RO water too. Do you have RO? Mystery snails poop like crazy. I have a mystery snail , 3 endlers, a betta and shrimp in a 50 Liter/13g tank and the amount of detrius accumulates is insane
  14. Based on my assumptions, it should be. I use a cheap plant LED on my 10g betta tank where I planted montecarlo on aquasoil couple weeks ago. It is not dying off, slowly growing and sending roots. I am also experiencing it very recently so I cannot make exact statements to not misinform you. My tank is wide and deep but pretty shallow, but I dim the light and not use it on max setting. But again, the growth is really slow. Don't have huge expectations like those co2 injected tanks. You can also search for dry start methods if you like. This way plants have access to co2 directly so you can grow your carpet faster and then fill your tank later on. I just did not expect to have a fast carpet so even if it takes months and months without co2, I'm just okay with it.
  15. I rinse mine with tap water but also rinse again with tank water before I use it. Otherwise, there have been times I've experienced it resulted on wrong reading of ph. I was shocked with the result bcoz I did use RO, then I took the tube, washed it with tank water and it directly read normal again. Previously I have seen the ph of my tap water. Idk how. So yea, I always clean it with tap water but again wash it with the tank water of the tank I'm testing right before. Mine never got sticky, but maybe try something like hydrogen peroxide? maybe it helps. Def not soap Or potentially vinegar maybe
  16. Frozen brineis still big for them, live/frozen baby brine would be a better choice My fish also love frozen daphnia. I have the ocean nutrition one and it is pretty small, just a bit bigger than baby brine really.
  17. that is very interesting. My betta also ignores frozen baby brine but every other fish I have go crazy for them
  18. When you look at the tank, how much substrate and background you see generally gives a clue about how densely planted a tank is. Ive never kept amanos and cherries together but they always give me a meanie vibe and I remember reading some comments about amanos bullying cherries. I would advice to search further on that one
  19. I have montecarlo on normal tropica aquasoil and it holds well. Just plant it right Here I tagged the part for you where he shows how to plant montecarlo properly on aquasoil. I followed this and it worked well for me. Just know that it grows fine but very slow without co2
  20. Water needs to circulate around the media, It sitting in the tank in a corner won't do much. Try to wrap it around your filter
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