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Everything posted by Ninjoma

  1. If you're willing to try low end brackish, I find fiddler crabs really fun. They are very active and always up to something goofy.
  2. I use a tropical terrarium soil mix of 1.5 parts sphagnum moss, 2 parts Coco coir, 1 part tree fern fiber and 0.5 parts earthworm castings in my paludarium. Some definitely does get in the water sometime and I haven't noticed it harming my guppies, fiddler crabs or ghost shrimp.
  3. That's Morty (Mortimer)! Here's pretty cool, other than that one time he completely buried my monte carlo under substrate. Here's a longer video of them I shared earlier:
  4. I may have went a bit overboard on the footage 🙄. Around 22min I feed the tank and after that point you can see a lot more "aggressive" behavior. My general experience with my rainbow shark is that they are a very chill, mild manner fish. They mostly hang out with my roseline sharks and SAEs, but do stray from the pack to explore the rest of the tank more than my other cyprinidae fish. They also do short split second chases of the other cyprinidae fish here and there, but none of the fish or inverts seem to be concerned with or scared of them. They are on of my favorite fish.
  5. Eventually she will stop rolling around on my keyboard and just sit under my monitor, or I will move her to the ground and she will find a different place to lay or she will jump on my desk again and the cycle repeats.
  6. The explanation I have heard from Cory, is that if a leaf is dying off it is because the plant is consuming the nutrients from the leaf to use elsewhere. I personally trim dying leaves if I don't like how they look, and leave them otherwise.
  7. Honeybear needs attention now! This is what happens every day I try to work from home: Thanks! Yes, I love my crabs, they are my favorite. Here are some pictures I took of my male lilac crab "Plum" recently.
  8. I like to try aiming for 100% on aqua advisor for initial stocking, but once everything is setup and settled, I may add more if I think I can/ want to based on the behavior of the fish.
  9. More so previously. I've only been playing Slay the Spire and Super Smash Bros Melee for the last 12+ months. White cat is Coral. He's a brat. Gray cat is Honey Bear. She loves to bad.
  10. For background root feeders I would recommend ozelot swords, melon swords, crypt spiralis or vallisneria. For side of tank root feeders I like tiger lotus the most. Dwarf lily or a medium crypts like lutea are another option.
  11. My top three in no particular order: 1. Tiger lotus Very easy to care for, giant, beautiful and spreads like crazy. My favorite midground plant. 2. Buce green wavy. I like rhizome plants a lot for covering wood and rocks. I think buce is my favorite because it is short and seems hardier than anubias which can suffer from rhizome rot. Green wavy is a nice color and texture that can work in most setups. 3. Ludwigia rubin. Stem plants are nice for filling out backgrounds. I like ludwigia rubin because it is easy to care for, is large and can have a nice range of different colors from green to bronze to red depending on the amount of lighting. It feels like a great jack of all trades
  12. My top 5 in no particular order. 1. Swordtails I like livebearers because they are easy to care for, kind, active and easy to breed. I think I like swordtails the most because they are some of the bigger ones and I like that the males and females are distinct, but both are very colorful. 2. Pearl gourami I find their faces with their upturned mouths extremely cute. I also find their shyness endearing. They are one of the biggest fish in my tank, but get spooked the easiest. 3. Angelfish I love how big, kind, colorful and derpy they are. Their body shape is also very unique and amusimg to watch when they are eating. 4. Rainbow shark I find them very elegant and beautiful looking. They also feel like a guard dog who protrol the area and protect the other fish. 5. German blue rams I my opinion these are the most beautiful all of fish. I love their vibrant colors.
  13. I'm pretty happy with how my tanks are looking. I'm mostly trying to perfect my background stem plants. 75g 29g 10g 40g Brackish paludarium. I've been experimenting with tiger lotus and ludwigia. Tiger lotus seems to do really well in low end brackish so far. My hornwort has definitely been thriving as well.
  14. One of my Indonesian batik fiddler crabs. They are red and white, which is pretty cool compared to the brown of the gold claw fiddler crabs. Very reclusive so far. Lulu had eggs! Unfortunately the larvae need a full marine setup, so it isn't really possible to breed fiddler crabs in a community tank, but still interesting to see. Got a cute video of the whole community chowing down at feeding time. Bonus, miscellaneous crab photos.
  15. My thought is that adding an airstone is easy and cheap and prevents issues with running low on oxygen which can be catastrophic in worst case scenarios. So it's not that it is absolutely needed, but I think the cost to effect ratio is such that it is a good reccomendation for most people.
  16. In terms of space, I think a HOB with a pre-filter sponge and a nano sponge filter take up about the same amount of space. However, if you choose to go with a HOB, you will still probably want to run an air stone, which will take up additional space. I personally like running HOBs in all of my tanks because being able to add specialty filter media on a case by basis is important to me. I also think they are better at picking up debris than sponge filters. I also like that the increased flow helps spread fertilizer across the tank to different plants. In most of my tanks I run both types of filters. In my 10g, I use a HOB and a small zis airstone.
  17. Not so far. I've seen him nibble on some buce a bit.
  18. Wow, those are rad. Probably the coolest rainbows I've seen.
  19. Got some decent footage of my blue kong zebra crayfish today: Also, I don't think I shared a photo of my apisto yet. Bonus: tankception relection photos
  20. My blue kong zebra crayfish only likes to explore in 30 second increments with hour long breaks inbetween.
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