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Everything posted by Ninjoma

  1. I was thinking I would get a male and a female with the hopes that they pair up. I heard there can be issues with more than one male in the tank? What ratio were you thinking with 4 or 5? What happened with the two you had?
  2. Thanks for the advise! My understanding is that Blue and Gold rams need higher temperatures like 80+, but Bolivian Rams like it 72-79. I was planning on aiming for 77 or 78 in this tank, which should work from what I've read so far. I definitively plan to include several good hiding places and add the rainbow shark last, so hopefully he'll only claim a small cave. But, I can try something else if they can't get along.
  3. I think I've just about finalized my stocking list for my 75g tank (48x18x20)! It's definitely inspired by the top 5 freshwater sharks blog post https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/freshwater-sharks . Anyone have thoughts? Could I squeeze in a few more roseline sharks or would that overcrowd the tank? -4 Pearl Gourami -6 Roseline Sharks -4 Siamese Algae Eaters -2 Bolivian Rams -1 Pictus Catfish -1 Rainbow Shark
  4. At least according to CaribSea, aragonite helps maintain a of 8.2 PH. That would probably be too high for most (maybe all?) freshwater tanks. You could probably mix it with regular gravel or sand, (about 1 pound per 10 gallons) to help mineralize your water and stabilize the PH though.
  5. Here's some fish I would consider -Pearl Gourami -Dwarf Pencilfish -Bolivian Ram If you want to do warmer temperatures -German blue ram/ gold ram/ angel ram -Angelfish
  6. I have 3 -40g breeder -29g tall -10g I'm currently working on a 75g, that will hopefully have water and living things in it by the end of the year.
  7. Oh wow, that is useful context. I did not know they could fit an entire brine shrimp cube in their mouth! I would really like both, so I may experiment with the crayfish, but I'll probably just have to choose one or the other. As an aside, have you ever housed a rainbow shark with a pictus catfish? Any thoughts on how that might go?
  8. Hey All, I'm currently working on stocking ideas for my 75g tank. One fish I'm considering are pictus catfish. However, I was planning to include dwarf mexican crayfish (cpo) in the tank. Does anyone know how likely pictus are to try to eat the crayfish? Has anyone successfully housed pictus catfish with CPO crayfish or other medium sized invertebrates like amano shrimp or bamboo shrimp? I would also like to include some mystery snails and rabbit snails in the tank. Do pictus catfish eat larger snails?
  9. I actually already have two different mystery snail egg clutches in my 29g. I sorta think I should remove them, but mystery snails are so cute!
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