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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Right? I think I am misusing or underutilizing my closet space right now.
  2. You're not "buying another tank", you're "resolving an issue" with different fish temperatures. 😉
  3. @Guppysnail could you try feeding them kind of like this with the worms?
  4. I think I've given up on mine. It's a hood and it has a bit of a texture to it. There's so much buildup on there.
  5. @sweetpoisonCheck out https://aqadvisor.com/ to double check stocking levels based on your tank size and filtration. It's a pretty handy tool. 🙂
  6. LOL! Oh my goodness! Can you send me the upgrade instructions? I seem to have an older model who shorts out when I say the “S word”. I told him it’s only gonna get worse when these eggs hatch, because I will have like 100 “S” things to discuss. That’s a fantastic name for a Nerite. Half the time I don’t know where mine is. He’s super stealthy. This is what I did to cover my gaps; it’s plastic mesh found in the crafting section - 6 sheets for less than 3 bucks. It works for adult snails but I wouldn’t recommend it for baby snails.
  7. Anxious to see what the plan is for those empty 10 gallons. So much potential. 🙂
  8. Yeah, I think I'm going to switch back to my Marineland filter because I know that it will continue on after the power returns. This filter is annoying me. Cartridges = profit. They are stuck in their ways because they see dollar signs.
  9. Yeah.. it's a known issue with the AquaClear (AC). Further up in this thread, other people have complained about the same issue with the AC. 👎 I've got it on a battery backup now.
  10. She probably would; she is a little oinker! But I read somewhere that snails can eat until they experience discomfort, so after 3 hours I took it away. She stayed on the bottom with it, but carried it here & there. It was too cute and funny. I just love watching her. Yesterday she was parasnailing off the glass and the driftwood. She takes shortcuts to the bottom of the tank; she just lets go of whatever she is on. Sometimes I think she lands kind of awkwardly, but then she just keeps cruisin' along. I'm the noob. I think @Guppysnail is the expert. She's hatched snails before and has been super helpful with sharing her knowledge, experience, and tips!
  11. My mystery snail, York, keeps laying eggs. I have decided to hatch some! Here is another thread I started specifically for that. I think you posted that list on your thread!
  12. Some thermometers auto set to a certain temperature. At 2:04 in this video, I like the strainer the guy made. It prevents a disruption of the substrate when refilling the tank. Perhaps you can make something like this, then do a few water changes to clear your water up? I love the "forest" you created.
  13. Beautiful fish and gorgeous planted tank, @Fish Folk!
  14. Today my quarantine gang has moved into paradise 🙂 They are enjoying a gentle sunrise there. I added black neons since my one lone wolf lost his buds to ick a few months ago. I also introduced a Bolivian ram which has an adorable personality. The usual gang are pristella tetras, a mystery snail named York (she's the "Big Apple"), and a zebra nerite snail named Hampshire. 29 gallons For plants we’ve got Java fern, Java moss, and micro sword.
  15. I’m guessing I already know the answer to this question but.. does aquarium salt kill the bacteria on the sponge filter? Asking because I am usually at a 0 ammonia for my quarantine tank and several days after I added “level one” amount of salt, I got an ammonia reading for the first time. 0.5 ppm The ranchu sure is cute.
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