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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. So I’m not sure I like the Repashy for a snail breeder box. It spread out slightly, like melted ice cream on a sidewalk, and that was fine, but when it came to cleaning the breeder box, it took longer. Cleaning a breeder box full of snails is not a long task UNTIL you get to the part where you need to inspect what you’ve removed to ensure you haven’t sucked up any mini snails. They can be the same size as a tiny particle of food. I empty one turkey baster full of water at a time into the white dish and then I inspect. If I’m satisfied there are no snails I dump that water into the pitcher to be discarded. Well, when moving the Repashy to the white dish, it made the water murky, and rather than food dust on the bottom of that dish with space in between the bits, it formed a layer. It was hard to determine if there were snails, and it took me longer. I get up early to do my snail maintenance and welfare checks before going to work, but this dragged out the process. I’m just not sure it was practical? But it would work well in the grow out tank, probably in a little terra cotta plate like @Guppysnail uses for the green beans. I was pretty freaked out about moving the gang after reading about @Cinnebuns’s recent challenges, but seeing a little snail already living in there and looking good encourages me. I plan to send in “Snail Team 6” to perform a reconnaissance mission prior to issuing the order for the rest of the army to advance. I was going to drain the 10 gallon and use all 29 gal water but now that there is a snail in there already maybe I won’t? Do you think a one hour drip acclimation is sufficient?
  2. I think it's hilarious they ignored the spawning mop and laid eggs on the cord. 😂
  3. You could try inputting your filtration and your fish into this tool and it will show you the % stocking level that your tank has. https://aqadvisor.com/
  4. I guess not. Here's a chart about how color starts on them, and how color ends up once they grow. What do you think @DarthMollusk @Guppysnail @Katherine @Cinnebuns ? Do you think the type of snail pictured above is a mystery snail or a different type of snail?
  5. My pipes are in the attic; I'm in FL. Tank is 78, but tap can be like 82 or 84.
  6. I have groundbreaking news! Was changing water in both tanks today and I found something! A baby mystery snail! NOT a gold snail! (In the 10gal new tank). Every baby has been gold up to this point. I did not transfer any creatures to this tank. So.. how did it get there? How long has it been in there? And most importantly- isn’t it cute? 😍 (I don’t usually remove snails from the water but I wanted to see what it was.) This tank is a startup, going for a few weeks. Plants were from co op, all salt dipped 20 sec (but not the roots), except for the free “nerm glitter” I got. Driftwood was new. Sand was new except 1 shot glass full transferred from main tank to bring in bacteria. I had moved one of those swim-through rocks from main tank to 10 gallon to also bring in bacteria. It was in there for about a week. Water was transferred with pond pump at mid level and python hose. Lastly, the sponge filter. It seeded for awhile in the main tank. That is what I’d put my money on. A different colored snail taking a ride over on that. This snail has plenty of algae and biofilm to eat, and I added a piece of cuttlebone. New driftwood creates a thick white slime. It’s biofilm, and it’s loaded with protein and fiber. It’s good for critters to eat. Fish like it too. I also battened down the hatches (gaps in lid) with duct tape, for lack of a better solution, and dropped the water level a bit to discourage escape attempts. I’m ORD x 1 million right now. 😍 Need a name! A. Lucky B. Pioneer C. Trailblazer D. _______? E. Sneaky
  7. At the time my mystery snails were born, limpets were also born from the same clutch. They look like clear eggs but they are living organisms. They just move very slowly.
  8. Hi! I have a mystery snail egg journal. The link is in my signature line below. It was my first time hatching the eggs, and I did it and I think it’s cool! Mine hatched on 6/8 and I have another clutch that has been hatching a snail here & there. My egg journal shows everything I did to hatch the eggs and afterwards the snails can be sold to the local fish store.
  9. The thought actually crossed my mind, but then I felt weird about it: feeding undeveloped snails back to snails. That’s truly like the movie Soylent Green! 😳 They do chew out of their eggs though. And it’s recommended to keep the hatched clutched with them after birth, and they consume it. 🤔
  10. Today I made the Repashy Snello recipe, using the first recipe. Just had to boil some water & mix! It was easy to slice into little cubes and the fishies like it. York tried to bust into the breeder box to get some, so I placed her on her own special Snello cube. See the previous post? She laid eggs again this morning! How many eggs can this snail make?! 😱 I thought she was going to lay more because she spent some time cruising around above the water and in some spots she “swelled” and I thought I might see the process, but then she smelled Repashy and her priorities changed. 😂 Cory recommended storing the unused Repashy powder in the fridge. I froze most of the Snello and will take a little out at a time as needed.
  11. The Anubia on the right side of the tank melted! I think there is one puny leaf left on it. Most plants spring back, so I left the roots with leaf in there and removed the dead stuff. Also I believe the algae is from the plants being too small to use up all of the Easy Green. The water change would have diluted some of the Easy Green, so that should help. I am embracing the algae though. It means the tank is alive and algae does a great job at controlling nitrates.
  12. Did a water change on the 10 gallon today. Parameters are looking good. I plan to wait a little while more to be sure before the baby snails will be moved in. Got some algae going on in there. I wonder if snails will eat it. Lights off today.
  13. Some goodies came in the mail today! A fun sign and ingredients for a snail food recipe. Plus a cuttlebone and some more calcium chips. There are 2 recipes that I can choose from. I plan to make the first recipe. For these recipes the ratio is 1 part Repashy powder to 2.5 parts water. Storage: refrigerate 2 weeks or freeze 6 months. (If freezing, recipe can be made as a flat sheet and stored in a Ziplock, then chunks can be easily snapped off as needed). I also recently watched a Cory video where he made Repashy and before it set he dipped things into it to coat them (ie: a coconut hut, a pleco cave, a piece of PVC pipe). Then after it set, he put the items in the tank for the fish to graze on. I may try this with a small ceramic ring that came with a plant. Right now I’m using the ring to weigh down zucchini in the breeder box. 🙂
  14. I just want to say thank you for what you're doing @Woogie23. Did you boil the lettuce first? Might have been too crunchy for them?
  15. You could take the background you have now and you could do packaging tape along the top of it so that water can't get in. And do the same for the sides.
  16. Eh just leave the rocks as they are. The driftwood is not gonna float forever; it's just like this temporarily. Remember @sweetpoison, things don't have to be perfect! Allow yourself some room for error. Look at how great the other stuff looks. Work on some other stuff in the meantime, like the ammonia. While you're doing that, the driftwood is absorbing water. You're doing awesome!
  17. I use the black "by the foot" backgrounds from petco I use those too. I just scotch tape a little around the sides and it holds. Can’t really see the tape, honestly.
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