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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Hehehe... pikes... my brother had one and he would buy it feeder fish, but it would ignore them and eat all the nice fish. 🤣
  2. P.S. - I disagree w/ her betta ranking. They are prone to fin rot, bloating, tail biting, and a number of different issues.
  3. Meanwhile my grandma has always said "Silent like the P in fish." 😆
  4. Oooh @Hobbit has a great method for this. It's here:
  5. @Odd Duck, that cat is about to try somethin, and the dog knows it. 😅 Busted! 🤣 I'm sure @nabokovfan87 can contribute to this thread also. He has some cute little pooches!
  6. You can do the fizz test (add a drop of nitrate bottle #1 from the API test kit, and if it fizzes, it can leach things into the water
  7. If it is camallanus the treatment is expel-p sorry you’re having issues @The endler guy
  8. No, I haven’t. When I first brought her home and she was in quarantine she had white feces. I did a round of paracleanse and it returned to normal color. We can ask @redfish, @flyingcow, and @xXInkedPhoenixX also.
  9. Well, I am a beginner w/ shrimp. They are so different than fish! Kuhlii loaches eat snails. Something to keep in mind.
  10. I have been working with first generation shrimp. A lot of people post about losses with the first gen. But once there is second gen, they are born into the water and have a tolerance to it. Therefore they are hardier. I just saw my very first shrimplets a few days ago! I’ve found pristella tetras and black neons to be especially hardy.
  11. Geppetto got his second dose of Kanaplex. (Round 2 of this treatment.) Fins are improving. I did blue light for him today. I read that’s calming to fish. There are probably less reflections as well since the blue light is dimmer.
  12. Very cool! I think shrimp are not beginner friendly. As @nabokovfan87pointed out, it’s best to keep them on their own or with snails or they will get eaten. Also I’ve had to drip water back in. Dumping it back in from a bucket , they were too sensitive to that, even if it was just 10%. I wonder if you can go more horizontal with your heater, more toward the substrate? So you don’t have to worry about it cracking from air exposure during your water changes. Unless you plan to unplug it prior to water changes. Tetras are great for kids’ tanks. Very hearty.
  13. One of the reviewers was feeding a few sticks at once and said the shrimp would always avoid the spirulina if they had options. They would only eat it if it was the only choice in the tank.
  14. Yes I do believe it was called African water fern. I have hard water, so it's probably not a good plant for me. Thanks!
  15. I saw an aquatic fern in a fish store the other day. Has anyone ever tried one in their scape? What did you think of it? P.S. It is not a java fern. It looks like an actual fern. Only smaller.
  16. This is trial & error, as each betta (aka Siamese Fighting Fish) has a different personality. Some people say to never put anything with a male betta, only with a female betta. It seems neon tetras are a popular pick. Mystery snails are not a good choice because the betta thinks their antennae are worms. I believe @xXInkedPhoenixX has had some success with keeping a male betta w/ guppies. Have a separate tank set up in case any fights or bullying happen. I had my betta in with a nerite, and I came to learn that the betta was picking on the nerite after dark!
  17. That’s what I thought too. Plus the flavors were weird. One of them was cinnamon?? I don’t know how I feel about putting stuff like that in my tank. I trust Repashy.
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