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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2023 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone Hope you are all doing well. Sometimes I come across hobby related objects that people has and they look amazing. It can be a painting of a friend, a goldfish ring, pleco plushie, toys, trinket, decors, and many more. I would love to see what kind of stuff everyone has that is related to the hobby at their home other than tanks and equipments. I wanted to create this topic as I think it would be fun to see what everyone has. To start the topic, here I am sharing what my sister knitted for me as a New Year gift. An Axolotl! Now it is your turn! Or you will face an axolotl attack ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ˜† Oh please. Just kidding,
    6 points
  2. Gift from brother Gift from husband Gift from friend. This is a garden fish. It has a stake and can swim outside in the plants. But I keep it inside. Souvenir from FL keys. Bought at a booth at a craft fair there. Also I swim them past the betta tank and he chases them. Good stimulation/exercise. And of course I needed one of these too: Metal art. I think I got at Ross. And hereโ€™s a clutch. Get it? A clutch! From my husband. I have a lot of sea turtle art around too.
    5 points
  3. The non fish fishy stuff I have is all gifts from friends. My snail sign and turtle from @Chick-In-Of-TheSea My Fishtopia sign @TeeJay and his daughter Hanna had made for me. Reverse Respiration ball cap and mug as well as a fish tail stocking from @dasaltemelosguyand his wife. Not aquatic but for my frog tank because my hubby calls me panda from @Elodie Rose
    5 points
  4. White Christmas sung by Bing Crosby will live forever in my head around this season
    4 points
  5. Most gorgeous voice, singing very intense song, this is my all time favorite. It would give Buddha the chills.
    3 points
  6. A school of 12-24 rummynose tetras would look awesome in that tank.
    3 points
  7. My favorite psychobilly band did Run Rudolph Run: King of Jazz, Harry Connick Jr's rendition of I'll be home for Christmas: Merry Christmas Everybody!
    3 points
  8. @Odd Duck taught me how. You put a drop of glue on the plant and shove it through the water column fast. Hold it on the spot you picked out ahead of time. You only have a few seconds because the water activates the curing of super glue.
    3 points
  9. I would be torn between -I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus- and I believe in father Christmas both as favorite must haves. However for a playlist definitely I believe in Father Christmas
    3 points
  10. Hi all. I have a planted 55 gallon set up for about 5 months now. I have 4 Pearl Gourami and 3 Hillstream Loach. I was looking for suggestions on what would look good to add next. I was thinking about a mid to top tank school of tetra, or even another bottom fish like Kuhliโ€™s or Cory. I will be adding different decor for hideaways or just letting the plants do their job I'm open to any ideas, or even just general discussion. tank for reference (ignore the dirty glass, spilled water from the vac ๐Ÿ˜…)
    2 points
  11. That not ich it could be epistylis he's how you can tell the difference between ich and epistylis if it's epistylis you would want to lower the temperature at it spreads more quickly at higher temperatures and feeds off of gram negative bacteria on the slime coat of the your fish the most effective treatment is maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days and add ick X to the tank @aqualust Bill
    2 points
  12. Could you give your water parameters? This helps determine what fish would work well in your tank. I have pearl gouramis in my 60 gallon with a red spotted Severum, an Indian peacock eel, some keyhole cichlids, roseline sharks, angelfish, and glass catfish fish.
    2 points
  13. And now for something completely different! Edgard Varรจse, Ionisation:
    2 points
  14. Like Lefty-O, I'm no engineer either! I have built several tank stands though and thought I'd tell you what I've come up with that has served me well over the years. For my top and bottom shelves, I frame them with 2x6 and add 2 supports evenly spaced left to right running front to back. I use 3/4" plywood on stands that are larger than the tank sitting on it. For legs I use doubled up 2x4s. I realize that I'm probably going way over what I need for the tanks but I figure if I do that I'll never have to worry about anything happening to the tanks in the future. Best of luck to you with your project and I hope you will post a picture of what you create with the tanks in place.
    2 points
  15. @Guppysnail already picked my #1 so I'll go with my #2,
    2 points
  16. I've used thread with good success. Once roots actually grab onto driftwood the thread can be removed. Just make sure not to get it too tight and cut into the rhizome. Twist ties would work too but thread with a natural color would blend in better.
    2 points
  17. Depending on how thick the plywood top is, your present design is probably ok. Thicker plywood will disperse more weight without sagging. Adding a third 2x4 in the middle would work, but I think that @lefty o's suggestion would be easier and faster.
    2 points
  18. I have a lot of art in my house, some of which is water/fish related. Here is a small painting that was gifted to me from my Etsy wish list:
    2 points
  19. They all look great. And them being gifts make them even better and more valuable. ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜
    2 points
  20. My favorite (which annoys my kids, which just makes it better) is I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas. https://youtu.be/GNDri18-eQ0?si=2IRwGQfOVxgnX96X
    2 points
  21. i know a few people liked them the last couple of years, so here they are again.
    2 points
  22. I hoped to cross her with a sibling who was turquoise, but he passed away before maturity, and she died before I could spawn her. I think that the line was weak, and traits were recessive. I got there by crossing a Gold female with an electric blue male. Their fry were all muted gold and pale blue, but once they spawned, the results were fantastic. Some desired traits skip generations. As a rule of thumb, I like to think that fish often look more like their grandparents than their parents. You are right . . . it is difficult to know exactly where you're starting with fish. Even if you keep careful records, it can be difficult to know where you began unless you go back to F0s in the wild. For this reason, it is more satisfying, as a breeder, to work with US Native fish, where it is relatively easy to catch them from the wild and build a healthy line. I like cold water species more recently, because they are easier to keep. Here are some wild caught (F0) Notropis chrosomus from Red / Lime Hills region of Alabama that I hope to breed this year. I also have a hobbyist bred line that I could cross them into as well...
    2 points
  23. I have a 120g(48x24x24) that currently houses a fahaka puffer. I have a Fluval FX6 on it for filtration. The flow is good but it leaves dead spots in the front center of the tank and along the back glass. I have a second FX6 that I could hook up, but I was wondering if this would be overkill and I should just get a powerhead/wavemaker? Any and all suggestions on best flow in this tank to keep the sand clean would be great.
    1 point
  24. Hello, I have just put together a rack with 3 tanks for Betta. I have 20 gallon longs with divided sections for each male and loads of aquatic plants. Each divided section has its own sponge filter. I bought a 10 lb. C02 canister with lines going to each tank with a 30 cm diffuser at the end of each one. If the sponge filters are running at a low intensity, will the C02 get around the length of my 20 gallon tanks, and disperse enough to reach the plants? Also, assuming the placement of the diffuser is at the bottom in each tank, where should the diffuser be positioned in the tank (middle, left or right side? Should I consider bunching a few sponge filters together and put the C02 at the opposite end of that? I don't have an HOB filter for these divided tanks, as I thought each Betta could have a filtered space. I would really appreciate any advise about how to best get the C02 distributed with my tank configuration. I am new to the hobby. Thanks in advance!
    1 point
  25. Botanicals round 2 added to the tank. I'll have to keep an eye on things to make sure that I don't crash the tank. I can't get the lotus pod to sink, but it's pretty cool. It's just floating around like some cloud in the tank waiting to crash somewhere. When I dumped in all the cones and stuff I definitely was not gentle. I laid them up in the front of the tank with the ohko wall behind it. All of the baby shrimp can graze there and all of the female shrimp can use it as a source of food away from the stress of the dishes. I do need to get Riddick out of there. It's just not a massive tank where she has a lot of room. I don't think she'll eat any of the baby corydoras, but that's the other thought. Lastly, I kind of need to figure out why I am seeing some shrimp with backbone patterns on them. I can't tell if it's just molt patterns or if it's a trait from something that shouldn't be in there. I will need to do another cull just to make sure that I don't have issues moving forward, it's a process. Hopefully having the botanicals in there makes it easier to see certain things.... Similar to having a white net as the background.
    1 point
  26. Have you tried the spray bar kit?
    1 point
  27. should work, though tops may be difficult.
    1 point
  28. You want to use maracyn2 it predominantly treats gram negative and some gram positive bacteria maracyn predominantly treats gram positive bacteria and some gram negative some it won't be as effective as treating epistylis
    1 point
  29. You, sir, remind me of a friend of mine in our local club. He bred more ACA recognized cichlids than anyone outside of Chicago last year (what is it with Chicago and cichlids?!). He's always got his eyes on the next project, but loves each species along the way. It takes a special kind of dedication and passion to do what you do. And I wouldn't have fully recognized it if I hadn't seen someone similarly driven locally. Hats off to you, sir! To the folks reading here, it's even more impressive than you think. I assure you!
    1 point
  30. I will post a picture tomorrow morning I am out for the night currently. It is only a few fish at a time but all three of these tanks had 100+ fish a couple months ago, I sold 30 fish out of one when I first put them in these tanks and now have less than 50. Thank you for any help and I will tag you when impost the picture.
    1 point
  31. The Squish, our fahaka puffer, has been added!! Immediately went to hunting and now we will get him grown out as fast as possible!
    1 point
  32. you can keep that running. all you have to worry about removing is the carbon. There's no carbon there from what I could tell. PH looks good. I don't think that's causing any annoyance for them. If you keep see them flashing, it would be ich-x + salt time. (external protozoan parasites)
    1 point
  33. thanks to all for your responses. I will ask my friend for his next guppy grass clippings and put those in my tank to try and add top cover. I will also need to move out a few cories because i have too many right now.
    1 point
  34. They are amazing. I love the golden ones even more( I haven't looked at their coloration souce in depth, so I hope it is natural and just selective breeding, idk?)! But I have to mention that they get quite big. My LFS has some in their display tank and they are both thick and big. Seriouslyfish says 9-11cm but there is no way my LFS ones are that small. They are almost the size of my hand. I think they need fairly big tank considering they also like a big school. My LFS ones look like the big ones in this video I would lean towards some bottom dwellers other than kuhlis or some other fish that would love to graze on that wood piece. Kuhlis are adorable but seeing them is very hard if the tank is properly set up because they will happily hide ๐Ÿ˜„ Corydoras, whiptails and bristlenoses(don't hide a lot like other plecos, especially females) would be a better choice to see them more. For schooling fish, I really want diamond tetras or congo tetras sometime. But I have no experience with them yet. They are not small so it is hard to find a good tank to fit a nice size group for me as my biggest tank is 180 liters but I have goldfish there I would add 3 SAEs. They are funny and helpful when it comes to algae eating. Make sure to find true SAE if you will get any.
    1 point
  35. I'd say so. My fish had ich at some point and I could it see it spread from one day to the other. Meanwhile, the two spots your fish has could be just two scales it lost for some reason and which most likely grow back. Like I said, i wouldn't worry about this as long as it doesn't change. ๐Ÿ™‚
    1 point
  36. @Lots Of Loachesthanks for all of this info! I like the idea of using the 2x6 pieces. Better to be on the side of overkill than risking things turning out flimsy. Iโ€™ll definitely post pictures once things are up and running
    1 point
  37. I love the look of your tank and can see how amazing it will look once the plants fill in! I will always suggest Kuhli loaches for any community tank but I also love having a school of Striata Botia. They have a great pattern and work well with so many fish. How about Marble Hatchet fish to add some movement at the top of the tank? Maybe a school of Columbian Tetras for the middle? There are so many options out there, it's hard to choose! Please post some pictures as you make additions and the plants grow up.
    1 point
  38. My water fluctuates between temp 73 and 74. I was keeping it at 78 until you recommended lowering it. I am using a Aquarium Co-op 100watt heater. pH 7.2-7.3 GH 220 ppm KH about 60-70 ppm 20 nitrates 0 Nitrite 0 ammonia 0 Chlorine Filtration: Aqueon 20 quiet flow with this filter: https://www.ebay.com/itm/284974384306?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=UcAcLRkPQna&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=gbDO3-0VR1O&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I took the filter out while I dose with Expel P Aquarium coop 20 gallon sponge with an air stone inserted 2 additional air stones. The shrimp are all doing great. I have blue dream and a bamboo shrimp in the tank. I'll be doing a 50% water change tomorrow morning and then adding Paraclense.
    1 point
  39. Iirc the whole plot of the first Deuce Bigalow movie is caused by a broken aquarium. ๐Ÿ˜…
    1 point
  40. Oh WOW! Those are super cool grown in, I have looked at a couple other colorizations of it already. I am trying to stick to slower growing corals which I heard brain types are as well as others like Zoanthids. Finger corals I heard take over nano reef tanks very quick, so to limit them in that set up, especially if you are planning to house anemone. I think to start I will concentrate on corals and anemone, adding "critters" at first. Then once the tank is settled and I am on a good schedule with parameters, water top offs or changes, I can add a couple or 3 fish. First part will be cleaning it up and resetting the live rock. I should be picking the tanks up this week from my friend, been playing tag on getting up all week, but we are meeting friends for dinner tonight, so should pick it up today. Need a stand first though, so trying to find one that will suffice for the first build. I also need to get to work on installing my RO system outside where I am making my water preparation station. As of right now I am forced to drive 30 mins away to the best LFS in our area for their water.
    1 point
  41. Maybe you could try a nitrate free fertilizer? Phosphates and nitrates should be easy to come by just by feeding I think. I'm using a fertilizer with micros + potassium and it works for me.
    1 point
  42. I wanted to add an update with this pond. Note to self - do NOT choose galvanized water troughs. First, it leaked. Second, most of the fish and snails died. Third, the floating water plants developed a sickly green color and failed to thrive. Though it is intended to be used for animals to drink out of, it must leach out something toxic into the water. It also rusted in spots within a few months. The bigger Rubbermaid stock tank is much better. The plants and fish are thriving.
    1 point
  43. im no engineer, but if it were me, and i wanted a stand more than a few inches wider than the tank, i would double up the front and back top 2x4's, just to be sure they didnt sag over time.
    1 point
  44. Check out Valley Uprising Not strictly a climbing movie, the movie covers the early climbing 'scene' in the Yosemite Valley. Depending on how long ago you climbed, you may recognize some of the names.
    1 point
  45. Well, that really screws up all the math.
    1 point
  46. The start! If these make it ill update! If not this thread will disappear and no one will be the wiser to my failure!! ๐Ÿ˜‚
    1 point
  47. I'd be interested to see it from the other side, since it kind of looks like it extends farther back. Either way I have to imagine a tank like that is a real pain to keep clean.
    1 point
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