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  1. You can just coax them to stick to your finger, then coax them to stick to the breeder box. I either touch my finger to the glass next the egg, then sort of lift a bit and slide at the same time across the egg(s) and the egg will usually stick to your finger. Then you kind of reverse that action to roll them onto the wall of the breeder box. I’ve had the best success with the eggs on the wall of the breeder box vs. on the bottom. I’ve also use an old plastic credit card and press it tight to the glass, coming up from underneath the eggs slowly and lifting the whole egg mass onto the card. Then I hold my thumb gently over the mass of eggs since the whole group won’t reliably stick to the card when I do this. Then lift out and into the breeder box and I try to stick them to the side but it won’t always work, for some reason. Turning off any pumps/filters so there’s minimal flow during this part can help reduce the number of eggs dropped. I use this method when there’s been a mass laying which my bronzes are known to do. I got a crazy number of eggs from one particular laying and only collected about 2/3 of them. They weren’t sticking to the sides of the breeder box and I had a fairly poor hatch rate despite doing a methylene blue treatment the first day and having abundant (well, some, maybe not quite abundant) tannins in the water. Pics of the literal heaps of eggs they laid last October. I’ve never seen them pile them up like they did over the course of a couple days. 🤷🏻‍♀️
    6 points
  2. I entertained our freinds kids, (and their parents), ..with my wine barrel ponds full of guppies!! So awesome to see others getting as much fun out of this as I do! They were all very interested in the aquariums. But the ponds were a hit! The hands on (and in) was what everyone loved! Sooo much fun!!
    3 points
  3. really at that point my issue is cost. A platy from the LFS is $5-7. A fancy dans fish platy is more expensive+shipping makes it harder. I do follow the youtube channel and would believe in any of Dan's fish for good broodstock. I would certanly turn to Dan if my budget was higher, i just dont think i can afford it right now. (shipping is the real punch, maybe i can split it with a friend). Also took a trip to the National Zoo, pictures were taken: (admittedly most of the pictures were taken in the Amazon Exhibit): You know you are a nerm when you go to a zoo and one thing that you take pictures of are ramshorn and bladder snails in the turtle tanks...
    3 points
  4. This happened to me with an airline I was starting. I guess it had some mold or mulm coating the inside of it, and that decided to let loose. I didn’t swallow it, I was spitting it into a white bathroom sink and it was black. Took several flushes of my mouth with tap water to rid myself of it. LOL!! 😝 Most of the time I get my mouth away from the tubing before the water comes out. My theory is self-inflicted unpleasantries such as this strengthen the good ol’ immune system.
    3 points
  5. I thought I had 20, not 200…!
    3 points
  6. Fed the aquahuna purchased algae shrimp ....some extreme algae flake I got from the coop. As suggested on the forum this is an attempt at a polyculture with neocaradina in the floating german breeding ring abive. The spotted congo fry. The intent to have shrimplets for baby puffers when the sizes work out One of the F1 spotted congo fry. Still growing just the 4. Post puffer room reset the adult spotted congo group hasnt yet thrown eggs into my collector. Big fan of sitting on the leaves next to a shrimp that left the breeding ring Another of the four f1 fry. They like tiny snails and whiteworms currently And the four cross rivers got a billiondy'ish 🙂 earthworms tonight
    3 points
  7. Here fishy fishy fishy A local hobbyist is moving and I took him up on his offer to obtain some cool species We have very soft water in the NW and my kH hovers around 1-2 typically while gH is in the 4-8 range. Using RODI water and gH/kH + keeps us right in the pocket. I was surprised that he’d been keeping a group of Caridina at these parameters and having very slow but successful breeding of his colony of Crystals. My wife is now obsessed with putting in more red into the tank thanks to these as well as some Chili rasboras. Gorgeous. 7 in a 60 g is not a lot. She wants me to get a dozen or more. She’s loved these since we bought some for a friend’s birthday tank that I redesigned. I’ll have to honor her request to keep the Fish Wife happy. I’ve been intrigued by this fish in the last 6+ months as some club members and then a speaker at GSAS had mentioned them Panda 🐼 loaches. They are loving the 2 powerheads and the seclusion that the tank provides. His most prominent schooling fish in the tank were these Emerald eye rasboras. I’m going to try again for a shot - doesn’t at all capture the eyes 👀. Might take some video. So the epilogue to this is he mentioned that another tank he was taking down he was considering taking all the inhabitants vs rehoming them and I said let me know as most of the fish in that tank are ones I have or could rehome easily. Well I got the call and am very excited for a date in a couple week to go over and grab these fish. My wife has been reorganizing and changing up the living room and the eventual plans are going to lead to a new location for our 45 g tank. I’m planning to take advantage of this and do a new scape, substrate system and potentially the filtration. Might hook my canister filter to an undergravel filter. Not sure. Exciting to plan. I saw this George Farmer video from awhile back where he scapes a taller tank and thought this could be doable. Hope all are well and hope you all stay healthy as we head into viral season. Have fun!
    2 points
  8. Can you tell me if this is female or male? Also, what kind is this (caridina or neo)? I got it and its buddies for cheap at a swap meet (~30 for $5 or $10), so I wasn't paying attention to the type. Do I need a better photo? Thank you.
    2 points
  9. Here is another picture, just to celebrate her existence!
    2 points
  10. If I can manage to master hatching Albino Cory eggs, then perhaps eventually, I'll give Panda's another try.
    2 points
  11. Congrats on your fry, @TheSwissAquarist!
    2 points
  12. Mine never took any dry foods at all, not even freeze-dried Dapnia. They refused wingless fruit flies looking at them in pure and obvious disbelief that I would offer such nasty things. They would eat frozen bloodworms but not with enthusiasm. Fry up to very small juvies will take microworms and vinegar eels, baby brine shrimp, but small scuds were a favorite. The babies would take the tiniest fresh hatched scuds along with the microworms and vinegar eels. Older juvies would take nearly anything that fit in their mouths for live food (except the fruit flies - sneering peas resulted). Daphnia, Moina, scuds, whiteworms, and blackworms were favorites. Bladder snails, ramshorns (proportionate to their size), bigger snails if crushed, and they relished a few mosquito larvae. They would also take Grindal worms but usually a bit slower after the juvies reached subadult age where you could just barely start to tell them apart. They seemed a bit put off by their tiny size, like, “How can we get full on such tiny worms, Mom?” They really seem to like the hunt, so giving them fast moving, active live foods like Daphnia or scuds was always very exciting and got a very lively tank for a while.
    2 points
  13. They look like they are! It's definitely a skill and it's so tough. I was elated when I got mine to spawn, then I tried to move the eggs to the tumbler and I was in sheer panic and frustration. I feel for you and the experience you had, needless to say.
    2 points
  14. Well one of my little fry is fairly noticable now, I only see the others when they are moving. There aren't really that many, maybe 4 or 5. They hide well amongst the moss too. So, here's a curious thing that happened today.... The Sterbai laid eggs again today. I grabbed 6, but had to run errands so the fish probably grabbed some too. I will keep watching though. Is this gonna happen every week from now on? This is crazy.....
    2 points
  15. Laetacara dorsigera fry. I thought they ate the eggs. I even told @dasaltemelosguy they ate them. They dug multiple holes and were frantically back and forth. I thought they were looking for the ones they ate. These hatched fast. This is the fourth hole they dug and moved them to. Being good parents so far 🤞🏻
    2 points
  16. I agree that a clearer photo would be great, but I'm fairly confident it's a female neo.
    2 points
  17. @Odd Duck that’s what my tank looked like Monday morning. Unfortunately, this is all I managed to save and I don’t think these are fertile
    2 points
  18. The nice part about this tank is it takes care of itself. I do squeeze the fine sponge regularly and scrape the front glass. Add some Easy Green weekly along with clipping dying leaves and scooping of duckweed. Still have 3 male Endlers, 2 Cory cats, a bajillion red cherry shrimp and down to two Nerite snails. One died after being a devoted algae cleaner for 2+ years. It’s not the prettiest tank but it’s an active ecosystem and the inhabitants are doing well. No need to do any major things. One thing I do love, the crypts are doing amazing! So large and vibrant.
    2 points
  19. You’ll be finding fry inside sponge filters next. 😜
    2 points
  20. 6 juvenile Red-tail Splitfin, Xenotoca doadrioi San Marcos, from Eds Aquatic Exotics on Get Gills, joined the 2 Red-tails doadrioi from Dansfish. At the Keystone Clash, I mentioned the redtails to Dan, and he told me that Gary Lang had identified them as doadrioi, rather than eiseni. So now there’s a good group of 8, and they’re all doadrioi. Beautiful youngsters! Lovely adult pair.
    1 point
  21. Pretty cool thread... I am juggling the same though, putting some breeding tanks in the garage. But have to isolate first as its very cold in winter and humid, and need to rework electricity a bit. You can do a lot with a handful of 10G and have fun! Keep it going, i am following! Ruud
    1 point
  22. I purposely started 2 small “Snail Farm” tanks. 1 with bladder snails, the other with Ramshorn snails. I couldn’t get mine to eat frozen blood worm often. They loved smooshed snails though
    1 point
  23. They predominantly eat live food pest snails black worms brine shrimp daphnia micro worms you can transition them on to frozen foods such as blood worms and brine shrimp it can be difficult to get them to take dry food like pellets or vibra bites I would recommend adding some vita-chem to there food to provide extra vitamins and minerals to there diet @KittenFishMom
    1 point
  24. Mine get fed frozen bloodworms and snails. I haven’t taken the time to get them on Vibra bites
    1 point
  25. For the people who say they suck on the hose to start the siphon, do you not have the tube at the end that's larger than the hose? I'm asking because it's easy enough to start a siphon with one of those without sucking on the hose (and I threw the bulbs away years ago).
    1 point
  26. who will brave the ring of fire? (or the feeding ring i made that fell down...) cories are doing their crazy things, swimming around the tank and some pictures of Rohan in the breeder box. (no fry yet unfortunately). Red pectoral fins do come out in these pictures though. Also thinking about getting some Hikari Fancy Guppy. While it doesnt appear to be available in the quantities i want (id finish one of those .77 bags in a week), it seems to be designed for cases like this and may provide benefit. Anyone know if that food comes in larger quantities? Or for larger sizes do i need to place a special order through my LFS?
    1 point
  27. Well, dang- this one is kind of a vulnerability post, I guess, so here we go down the rabbit hole. Growing up a had a phobia of people vomiting. My first instinct was to flee, and so I would, run right out of the house and stay away for at minimum an hour, longer if possible. But that wasn’t always possible, esp in the middle of the night. And every sleepover, and I do mean EVERY sleepover, I’ve ever had, up until 5th grade, someone got sick. And we are talking multiple times, like, an-all-nighter of physical sickness. Those times I would of course, flee to a different room. But on two occasions I got in trouble and was told to spend the night with my friend because I invited her, etc. In the cases where I was forced to stay with the person, I would pull the blankets as tightly around me as possible, plug my fingers in my ears, firmly.. for the whole night.. and my blood would turn to ice, I would have cold sweats and trembling for the duration until the person left the next morning. Also it was hard to breathe under the blankets for that many hours, and eventually I became overheated and dehydrated as well, but I endured it. I was incapable of any alternative. I later learned this has a name, emetophobia. (Also I developed a fear of SLEEPOVERS and would turn them down at every suggestion). Anyway, I did “somewhat” get over this sickness fear when a) I turned drinking age and was around people that got sick, while I myself was under the influence and had relaxed inhibitions, and b) the Jackass movies came out, and my brother and friends were watching them in the room with me. There was quite a lot of sickness in those. (Thanks, Steve-O) Today I still cannot watch someone become ill, but I will at least not freeze or flee if I hear it, and I am able to knock on a closed door and check on them after say, 10 minutes or so has passed. Plus I had to take care of my husband after a few surgeries and he had nausea. I was able to at least get him a trash can and then promptly exit. Lol - and I can be with a pet if the pet is ill, so that’s great strides. People have labeled me as insensitive or lacking compassion in these type of situations, but I do the best I can.
    1 point
  28. Thank you guys !!!! Time to work 💪 on these ideas and thoughts
    1 point
  29. 3/16 is the standard air line hose size. I have used and seen several people use zip ties to hold them onto barb fittings.
    1 point
  30. Sounds like the next Heiko Bleher or Rosario LaCorte. I expect that her parents are quite supportive of her hobby.
    1 point
  31. This Brianne sounds awesome. I wish you had some photos of her Clash Stand you could share.
    1 point
  32. yes I have a test kit, however right now Im waiting for the plants to take affect and root in. Without a filter there’a not going to be a cycle so it’s a different process than a filtered tank. I have several tanks from 15 gallon to 150 being well established. nano tanks without a filter spoke to me because of the live ecosystem, so that’s what I’m trying to do. I want this to be more of a focus on the plants than the fish. as for fish I’m thinking maybe an angel fish, or maybe even a pufferfish! Just kidding…. Just a snail and maybe an endler at some point but that’s it. It does look like the same tank! I wanted to really focus on the plants themself and the ecosystem so I’m trying my hand at a nano tank!
    1 point
  33. Personally I would take out the mystery snail, crank temp up to 85-87, and add salt. The amount some people will debate a bit but I do approx one tablespoon per gallon of water. Works great for me
    1 point
  34. Oh man I could think of a few things... First I don't own dechlorinator, I used to use it years ago. Stopped and have had zero problems. I live in a city and I know there's obviously some amount of chlorine but fish breed and are happy so.... I kind of think it's a hoax that you need it 😂 Every water change I do on adult fish tanks is always done with cold tap water, also never had a problem but to be fair my water changes are small. I'm not a frequent water changer on display tanks regardless, I just pay attention to my fish and if something looks off I change water but it's often about once a month if nothing makes me change it more frequently. Never test water, it just makes me want to chase parameters that I will never be able to maintain. I used to feed my culls to one of my oldest fish before he passed. He was a Florida gar and lived 9 years. (BTW if someone has a suggestion for what species to replace him with that would be great, preferably something that swallows them whole so there's less mess in the tank) Definitely rinse media in tap water When I want a tank with a river rock bottom I just go get them out of my landscaping around my house and just put them in without cleaning. Nature is nature and it'll work out I realistically just try to balance my tanks so maintenance is minimal. The only tank that needs regular water changes is my mbuna tank that is intentionally overstocked and light on plants
    1 point
  35. you can use basically anything that will hold water plus an airstone. Single bubble air diffusion and it'll give just enough flow. I think I've seen so many methods to try out with eggs, specifically corydoras eggs, I've realized how much I just don't know. As far as the squishy ones, floating ones, can you take photos? If they squish, they might have just been eggs (unfertilized).
    1 point
  36. im not sure what, but there seems to be something in the big tank that is beneficial to the platy females. It seems that when i move the females out into other tanks the gestation period pauses, then resumes if i move the female back to the main tank. Im not sure whats different, possibly tannins or some other factor im not thinking of that the females like. So in tank breeders are my current testing option. I caught out Rohan, as she has some features i want to breed out namely red pectoral fins. Her pectoral fins are about half red, my deep red male (Balrog) has full red pectoral fins. Ive seen them breeding as well, so im hoping if there are fry one feature id want to breed out in my "ideal" platy project is red pectoral fins because against a orange or other color platy they really stand out. (i could not get a good picture of the fins unfortunately).
    1 point
  37. I came home alone from school at just before nightfall when I was 10 years old, like I normally do but this time, I forgot my house keys. We lived in a rural area with many empty lots on my street. I decided to wait outside our gate, since the rest of my family usually arrives within 30 mins. Well, I forgot they were at a thing, so dark came upon me within an hour. I heard a strange jet-like sound in the sky, but saw what appeared to be a shadowy spherical shape with some dots of light around it hovering just about electric pole height at the far end of the street, maybe 10 lots away. It was puzzling because I was used to seeing and hearing either helicopters or jet planes pass overhead, but this was neither: it was louder than a jet and there were no copter blade noises. It had a spotlight aimed at the very middle of the street and it was coming up the street toward me. I walked across our house to look at it closer and eventually it hovered directly over me, shining a light in my eyes. I was aghast, and kept rubbing my eyes. I was an avid watcher of Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents reruns, and my imagination wasn't helping me. I decided I didn't want to stick around to be abducted, so started walking quickly toward the nearest house while still keeping an eye on it. As I did this, the thing made a whooshing sound and flew (too quickly for a plane nor copter) into the clouds. My neighbor did not hear anything when I asked them if they noticed the "unusual airplane". They were in their yard having a small gathering and was playing music loudly. I didn't mention anything else to them. I stayed with them until my family got home. After which, I bawled in my mom's arms about seeing a UFO! I still do not know what that was. I might chalk it up to childhood imagination. My extended family heard about it; they ribbed me about it for months!
    1 point
  38. Go to a car store. Ask for vacuum hose clamps. Unfortunately they are the annoying ones that need pliers or really strong fingers, but they are rated for high pressure oil hosing for car, bit overkill for aquarium use, but they’ll do
    1 point
  39. I've heard of people keeping a night light in the room so that stay light coming in from outside at night isn't as starting. Maybe you trimmed a bush or a neighbor got new bright lights on their car that's making new shadows or lights to cross the tank at night and spook them? Or maybe you left bananas out too long and you have fruit flies they're hunting? Maybe the Betta is getting older and grumpy at night? There are so many variables with something like jumping...
    1 point
  40. There is clear mesh you can buy on bulk reef supply. It has 96% light transmittance or something and is very useful on my tank as I have an entire island of emergent plants so a regular lid doesn’t work. I keep fish that jump when happy and it has been very nice to not wake up to dead fish.
    1 point
  41. Bear with I’m not a CO2 user. Is there any chance that at night while lights are out and plants are releasing co2 that the ph and o2 levels are falling lower than what they should. As plants grow and gain more mass they will use more o2 at night and release more co2. If the fish are acting normal during daylight hours but trying to escape the water at night my guess would be something is occurring to make the water uninhabitable only in the night hours. Can you test your PH and dissolved oxygen while it is still dark in the room and tanks in the morning when these would be at the lowest?
    1 point
  42. Here's an especially pretty picture from a couple weeks ago.
    1 point
  43. if longer tube on a sponge filter is better, i guess im getting more flow now. Doesnt quite look the best but can be ignored for better filtration. I got the idea from the new ACO sponge filter product, i just used two tubes and a sponge filter connector that was not in use. Cory colony breeding is achieved. I dont know if he survived but i saw a cory fry swimming around the main tank, that seemed to be surviving so far, here's hoping he survives.
    1 point
  44. For context a couple of years ago I would ride this pony named stitch. I would ride him almost every day, but i dont own him. He was a green horse (which means like new or untrained in the horse world). and he would randomly spook at things and bolt (gallop off VERY fast), he would spook at things like a deer, or a scary plastic bag, or just randomly. I was riding him in a arena and we where going over a small jump facing the gate of the arena. so he spooked (at idk what) and bolted out the door (there is a fence directly in front of it) and than he turned sharply left and threw me into a fence, where i hit my head and fell to the ground. after, I saw stars and almost passed out but I was okay. but did get a very large deep scratch from the fence that gave me a panic attack later that night. I still rode him after that, and i still love him very much, I just outgrew him eventually. 😞
    1 point
  45. I clean the outside of my tank with Windex, have never washed out the gravel syphon, I boil rocks, and am still waiting for a first person account of making one explode! I don't turn off pumps or heaters when doing water changes. I only feed once a day, don't quarantine, or have a pharmacy on standby. In the past, I have kept a common pleco and 3 Red Tailed Tinfoil Barbs in the same 29 gallon tank. They lived long healthy lives and new fish did not grow as large when placed in the 75. I'm a terrible person.
    1 point
  46. This may be overkill but I've used this under my 120 for years. Gladiator 4 ft. Adjustable Height Birch Top Workbench GAWB04HWEG - The Home Depot The height adjustments are rated for 3000lbs, so no worries about shearing as @Biotope Biologist rightly pointed out. The "Gladiators" and "Huskey's" are so well built, you probably can go with a much smaller one than I used.
    1 point
  47. Hi everyone! Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine. Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes). All fish are sold on a first-come first-served basis. If you have any questions on these fish or other questions related to the store, please email us at: store@aquariumcoop.com ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Blonde Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs Cherry Neo. Shrimp Orange Neo. Shrimp Red Rili Neo. Shrimp Blue Velvet Neo. Shrimp Small Amano Shrimp Asst. Nerite Snails Assassin Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Blue Wood Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Japanese Trapdoor Snails Bettas Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Crowntail Males Asst. Plakat Males Cichlids German Blue Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) Midnight Black Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) Platinum Angelfish Apisto. Cacatuoides "Super Red" Apisto. Panduro Corydoras and Other Catfish Panda Cories Albino Cories Sterbai Cories Pygmy Cories Bronze Cories Emerald Green Brochis (Splendens) Dwarf Anchor Catfish Plecos Common Otocinclus L134 Leopard Frog Pleco L091 Tri-Beacon Plecco L029 Vampire Pleco Long Fin Blue Eyed Bristlenose Plecos (Locally Bred) Loaches Kuhli Loaches Reticulated Hillstream Loaches Colbitis Loach (Taenia) *One of my favorite species* Tetras Neon Tetras Green Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummynose Tetras Ember Tetras Marble Hatchetfish Silver Hatchetfish Blueberry Tetras Costae/Black Line Tetras (Locally Bred by our Employee, Phil and his wife Kelly) Barbs Gold Barbs Danios Celestial Pearl Danios Gold Ring Danios Rasboras Chili Rasboras Other Cyprinids Siamese Algae Eaters White Clouds Panda Garra Badis Scarlet Badis Gouramis Powder Blue Female Dwarf Gouramis Sunset Honey Gouramis Pearl Gouarmis Livebearers Asst. Fancy Guppies Asst. Endlers (Locally Bred) Asst. Mollies Rainbowfish Crimson Spotted Rainbowfish Killifish Norman Lampeye Killifish Goldfish/Koi Red Fantail Goldfish Ricefish Oddballs Pea Puffers Amazon/South American Puffers Schoutedeni Pufferfish Blue Colbalt Gobies Fish from Cory's Fish Room!: Long Finned Neon Tetras Sales (While Supplies Last): 12" & 20" Gen 1.5 Easy Plant LED Lights - 25% OFF (Missing Percentage LED Screen) Buy 2 Get 1 FREE End of Season Sale on Comet-type Goldfish Photos 1. Apisto. Panduro 2. Emerald Green Brochis 3. Costae Tetras 4. Crimson Spotted Rainbowfish and Gold Barbs
    1 point
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