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Mom wanted these eggs from yesterday. There were only 3 fertile ones left this morning. However on the other side of the tank the other UV light was again being employed as a nursery. These guys are egg laying MACHINES!  
Anyone trying to spawn them and not having luck I highly recommend a 9 w green killing machine. They lay on these as fast as I can rotate them. 
Im going with my ugly fry tank method this time. All the other methods they only live until day 4 and do not become free swimming for me. So I’m going with what has worked for all other types of eggs I’ve ever hatched. I’m uncomfortable adding my snails at such a high temp though. The Spixii snails would be fine but are carnivores and eat live worms and larvae so no go there. 




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On 1/2/2023 at 9:33 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

How they do it is beyond me. What is the ratio now? 2 spawns a week? Ever thought of opening a fish farm? 🤣

Yup since I have had them I’ve gotten 9 spawns. I’ve never had any fish lay this many this often. I could open a fish farm… if I could get fry to survive beyond day 4 😣

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On 1/2/2023 at 12:35 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

There’s probably some hidden fry somewhere and I’m certain that some will make it 🙂

Nope not a one. I scoured the entire hatch tank with a magnifying glass. But I’ll keep trying. Nature finds a way in spite of my goofs eventually 

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On 1/4/2023 at 5:50 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

More egg laying room too? How are the fry doing btw?

The babies are doing wonderfully. More eggs were laid last night. I need a canister outflow large enough to get my fingers in 🤣 Always inside that that thing. I’ll try to update the Aspidora journal with some fry videos today. It’s another sea monkey day so the antics should be fun 

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Insanity. Now I just allowed them to eat the eggs on the left uv. I’m hatching the ones on the right and they are laying on the left again. This is the girl responsible this time. 9199874B-C871-48C0-B891-05D01D91E50D.jpeg.39ce77ac755b90428d31d9ee15e74c32.jpeg
who says you can’t keep nerites and assasins together. My nerites love giving the emperor new clothes FD47EEE6-A937-45B5-8783-9BA5C67DEF24.jpeg.2c929823bc6d02fe1bedd91b83c0baed.jpeg

Remember Ziggy?  The nerite that hitched a ride home with the others and had the cracked shell with teeth marks?  He is doing wonderfully. Most of the additional egg armor his girlfriend gave him has dissolved but left an adorable pattern. 992065EC-8076-4F29-BCB1-B7F98F295B76.jpeg.62e024b066b42c082dcb26744c4dc833.jpeg44567B3E-28A3-4454-A3DB-AD36D109403A.jpeg.0bfc3887c1d842813350dda9328d3224.jpeg

And carrot love. 




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@Guppysnailfirst time checking this thread out usually only go to snail threads   and general, plant  forum mostly  will need to follow this thread too

first congratulations on the babies they are adorable  ,, 

I would love to get this fish it is going on my fish wish  list for sure if they are a cousin to the cories i know i will love them , they would fit in my main tank just perfect  i only have 5 fish left that is medium to top level fish so turning  into a bottom feeders tank slowly and they would be prefect with my cories, snails and bristolnose 

 i will have to hunt these  down  if they a new fish my fish store might not have them or be able get them   though ,,  never tried online fish ordering before   

but they are going on my fish list for sure  do they do well in a school of 3-6 i usually buy six in cories 

Edited by Bev C
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@Bev C that’s so exciting. I’m crazy in love with these kids. When I have my hand in the tank both parents and fry come straight over to investigate my fingers. I have never had fry not fear my hands. 
If you cannot get them local let me know. I can send you the persons contact I got them from. 
They are every so comical, never a dull moment. 
My panda fry with them made an appearance today. Under the dark root and one under the leaf  79B6E6A1-5DE6-47E0-B284-0751AF8221B3.jpeg.9de22bb18363d3dbefc28cb8be3edffc.jpeg

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@Guppysnail thank you i appreciate that so much ,, that is so cool 😎 that is neat how the panda cories  team up with the aspidoras   my panda and juli cories love to hide  till meal time ,,

glad they are so friendly  i never had many fish have anything to do with me up close  except for my 3 pelcos  the rest of the fish moves to the side ,,

Big Al my first pelco ate vegetables out of my hand  Marvin would not let me touch him   but he did not run  from me either ,, Barney  is so friendly he comes running  when i get close to the  tank he does not run from me either he is nosy he wants  to know what i am doing hopefully he will let feed him by hand one day ,,

i appreciate the contact person  info i am not sure if my shop can get them in if they  are new fish  ,, i never order fish online  before I would be very nervous  till i know they  are safe  would 3-6 be enough for a small school?  usually i get 6 cories ,, last time In got 12 pigmy cories  for my other tank i will call my fish store to see what they say 

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On 1/6/2023 at 6:07 PM, Bev C said:

@Guppysnail thank you i appreciate that so much ,, that is so cool 😎 that is neat how the panda cories  team up with the aspidoras   my panda and juli cories love to hide  till meal time ,,

glad they are so friendly  i never had many fish have anything to do with me up close  except for my 3 pelcos  the rest of the fish moves to the side ,,

Big Al my first pelco ate vegetables out of my hand  Marvin would not let me touch him   but he did not run  from me either ,, Barney  is so friendly he comes running  when i get close to the  tank he does not run from me either he is nosy he wants  to know what i am doing hopefully he will let feed him by hand one day ,,

i appreciate the contact person  info i am not sure if my shop can get them in if they  are new fish  ,, i never order fish online  before I would be very nervous  till i know they  are safe  would 3-6 be enough for a small school?  usually i get 6 cories ,, last time In got 12 pigmy cories  for my other tank i will call my fish store to see what they say 

Six. I would not go less. They are always in a close group. 

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The weekend adventure that finally allowed the funny tank to be hauled away by the trash company 😁

The club had a swap. I took 9 magenta snails. Meant to take 12 but 3 hid. 30 Spixii snails and a frightening number of Least killifish. 

Remember the swarm?

I knew there were way too many so I contacted someone to swap for a tank to replace the funny tank the Piano snails were in. They took as many LK as I could bring. 
I pulled out all the guppy grass so I could easily net and almost had a heart attack. I’m shocked I was not finding dead fish from severe overstock. I had no idea there were that many in there. They become invisible in the guppy grass. 
I took 6 bags with average 15-25 LK/ bag so 100+ and still have to many left. They started hiding behind the UGF tubes so I could not get enough. 
Here is what’s left and it is still to many. I am keeping the guppy grass cut way back now so I can better monitor stock levels so the fish remain healthy  

I set up the new tank for the piano snails and took down the funny tank. I have 49 piano snails from the original 3 now. I forgot to take photos. 

I was moving the funny tank under the Melini tank on the bottom for a plant project I have been trying for over 6 months. Every time I set it up something goes seriously pear shaped. This time being no exception. I slid the funny tank in beside the canister filter and bumped the back corner on the metal stand. The entire bottom corner broke out. So the funny tank is no more!  Should be 😭 but really is 🥳. I hate working on that tank but continued to torture my self repeatedly with it. 
Almost had a Peacock gudgeon adventure with @TeeJay but they turned out to be a preorder fish she did not bring to the swap with her. 
I also moved 6 dwarf cat fry into the tank above their fry tank so they can adjust to community life. The fry tank is getting very crowded with dwarf cats and panda fry. 

I moved my single girl Honey gourami and the largest most dominant male to the adult panda tank. I have watched and watched since I got them to see which boy she favored. She was an insufferable flirt and I could not tell if she favored one over the other. 2 of the boys were starting to hide from the big guy. Aggressive in Honey gourami is funny. The big guy just swims over and sits in the other boys space until the smaller one leaves. That’s it. 🤣 sorry lights were out when I moved them so the video is a bit dim and foggy looking  

Crazy busy weekend so much that normal football Sunday water change was moved to today 😝


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On 1/9/2023 at 6:38 AM, Guppysnail said:

The weekend adventure that finally allowed the funny tank to be hauled away by the trash company 😁

The club had a swap. I took 9 magenta snails. Meant to take 12 but 3 hid. 30 Spixii snails and a frightening number of Least killifish. 

Remember the swarm?

I knew there were way too many so I contacted someone to swap for a tank to replace the funny tank the Piano snails were in. They took as many LK as I could bring. 
I pulled out all the guppy grass so I could easily net and almost had a heart attack. I’m shocked I was not finding dead fish from severe overstock. I had no idea there were that many in there. They become invisible in the guppy grass. 
I took 6 bags with average 15-25 LK/ bag so 100+ and still have to many left. They started hiding behind the UGF tubes so I could not get enough. 
Here is what’s left and it is still to many. I am keeping the guppy grass cut way back now so I can better monitor stock levels so the fish remain healthy  

I set up the new tank for the piano snails and took down the funny tank. I have 49 piano snails from the original 3 now. I forgot to take photos. 

I was moving the funny tank under the Melini tank on the bottom for a plant project I have been trying for over 6 months. Every time I set it up something goes seriously pear shaped. This time being no exception. I slid the funny tank in beside the canister filter and bumped the back corner on the metal stand. The entire bottom corner broke out. So the funny tank is no more!  Should be 😭 but really is 🥳. I hate working on that tank but continued to torture my self repeatedly with it. 
Almost had a Peacock gudgeon adventure with @TeeJay but they turned out to be a preorder fish she did not bring to the swap with her. 
I also moved 6 dwarf cat fry into the tank above their fry tank so they can adjust to community life. The fry tank is getting very crowded with dwarf cats and panda fry. 

I moved my single girl Honey gourami and the largest most dominant male to the adult panda tank. I have watched and watched since I got them to see which boy she favored. She was an insufferable flirt and I could not tell if she favored one over the other. 2 of the boys were starting to hide from the big guy. Aggressive in Honey gourami is funny. The big guy just swims over and sits in the other boys space until the smaller one leaves. That’s it. 🤣 sorry lights were out when I moved them so the video is a bit dim and foggy looking  

Crazy busy weekend so much that normal football Sunday water change was moved to today 😝


Not quite sure how you keep up with all that you do lol. Sometimes when I read over what you get accomplished over even just a day I need a nap 😆

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