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On 12/20/2022 at 10:56 AM, Bev C said:

SoS ! 

@Guppysnail and @Chick-In-Of-TheSea  i need advice please i was cleaning the sand on my main tank and found 3  baby magenta   snails   in the sand around my sponge filter  and found a half of a cutch not hatch yet  i guess they where left by a snail  hidden or it  it fell from the top    of tank

i have 3 babies already hatch i put them  and the rest of the clutch in a tupperware  let it float in main tank  till i knew if they are alive. and find out what i need to do

2 of the 3 snails is moving around  and not sure if any more will hatch ,, I know i need to set up a temporary tank what needs to put in there i have a extra sponge filter  in my tank and a extra heater. what else is need  i have baby shrimp and pygmy cories in my quarantine tank can i put  them in with the   other babies in the same tank or should set up a separate tote  i can put in Rapashy powder and small bug bites in till they get bigger

any advice would be appreciated i was not planing on more babies but i guess i will have at least 2 more snails if i can raise them 

Put them in with the shrimp and Pygmy. They will do wonderfully more so than an unseasoned quick set up tank. Biofilm is important to these kids. If the clutch fell in the water it will not hatch. You can gently crumble into a cup of water. Sometimes if they are ready to hatch and the clutch was not submerged to long they will survive. 
Feed powder food or crushed flake so it spreads. They are small so need to have food close no matter where they travel. 
I just found a bunch that are doing great that hatched I didn’t even know I had. 

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On 12/20/2022 at 10:56 AM, Bev C said:

i have 3 babies already hatch i put them  and the rest of the clutch in a tupperware  let it float in main tank  till i knew if they are alive

CONGRATULATIONS!  Baby snails!!!  The baby snails should be in the water. The clutch should be crumbled into  tank water since snails already hatched. Do it in a breeder box, specimen container or a Tupperware container with tank water in it first just in case , because  If the clutch was submerged in water the snails may have drowned.  This is common for clutches that are laid on the glass and fall off.

Observe for movement and add the snails to your tank if living.

If your baby snails are in the established tank there should be biofilm for them to eat on the walls and surfaces and you can supplement with the powdered Repashy or the foods @Guppysnail mentioned above.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 12/20/2022 at 12:41 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Oh no! Are you ok?

You certainly have a lot going on today. Kinda like one of those sliding puzzles

Yes I’m fine the wrist was a few years ago. 3 plates that 2 did not hold so I have a healed non union long bone. The other bone was shortened because the fragments couldn’t be fixed so it just does not twist in the directions it used to. I’m ok with being different 🤣 but I do have to compensate when it comes to small precision movements 

On 12/20/2022 at 12:41 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Kinda like one of those sliding puzzles

The story of all my tanks 🤣

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 thanks you two for the advice .. you two are the experts    they are in water in the tupperware floating

and Guppysnail hope you are ok with the wrist   hope you feel better  Congratulations on your new snail babies too  👶 😃😂 it must be the season of babies i  have babies galore  everywhere in my 3 tanks i will put them in the tank with the other babies ,,,  So sorry to hear of the ram eggs hopefully a few survived 

that is good to know i can add the baby snails with the baby shrimp and cories  i would not need to add a new set up i do not mind a few new snails babies  if it is only a few  

in my main tank  55 gallon i have only 11 small fish total mixture of   small cories and tetra and  1 bristolnose and my 11 snails   my bristolnose is the biggest fish so i have a little wiggle room to work with in my main tank for a few extra 

i just need to get them out of my main till  they grow  some the adults they are rough with babies or the sick    

i found 2 more babies in the sand when i was cleaning my plants   so now  i have 5  but only two has moved so far   i think the other part of clutch that is left has  no more babies  but i could be wrong,,,  

The quarantine tank  i keep running has live plants that has the other babies in it to  so that is helpful ,,, my snail that had the crack shell died and his buddy the other white one  is not doing well  i moved him in the quarantine tank without his buddy he is morning  himself  he has shut himself close in one spot for days has not eaten  hope he makes  it 

i have one magenta snail that release her clutch wherever she is she hardly ever goes up top like the rest   i think she is the momma of the new snails 

i have the rapashy  and the rapashy powder  and flake food i crush the flake food into a powder with a rolling pin for the baby shrimp and cories 

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On 12/20/2022 at 12:56 PM, Bev C said:

the other white one  is not doing well  i moved him in the quarantine tank without his buddy he is morning  himself  he has shut himself close in one spot for days has not eaten  hope he makes  it 

You should test the water parameters to make sure everything is in range, just in case.  Hope the little guy pulls through.

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On 12/20/2022 at 12:56 PM, Bev C said:

release her clutch wherever she is she hardly ever goes up top like the rest  

What you are seeing is most likely leftover eggs from a clutch she laid (maybe even hidden). I have 2 girls that do that. Its like they can’t stay where they are above water any longer so the last ones are released underwater. I have never seen one lay an entire clutch under water though. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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Chai T getting big 🥰60C7DA55-213B-477E-9A56-8BEBAB97EEF7.jpeg.fd02ce43cdd93b23d2a8c662bd6ed864.jpeg

Everyone is moved around. 6 hours later I still have GBR wigglers. 2 trying to launch (unsuccessfully but very cute to see). 
I was moving the Piano snails and had to walk to the Badis/dwarf cat tank for something. Right up front one of the baby Piano snails came cruising by. Man he is growing so much faster than his siblings. Turn to go to the Piano snail tank and stopped mid stride. WHY IS THERE A PIANO SNAIL IN THAT TANK???

He must have hitched a ride on plants months ago when I set that tank up. He just knew today he needed to show himself so he could go with his siblings. 🤣


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I can see at least 10 GBR fry. But I can only see right up front so fingers crossed. This is the bottom. Nothing but dust and a few particles. Zoomed in enough to see these that dust looks like gobs of detritus to give you an idea how tiny they are. The ones I can see are all attempting to leap. A239D39E-C9E8-4E14-BABC-E15DDF946260.jpeg.d1159b255ff8b81f7a463751f7c25427.jpeg


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@Chick-In-Of-TheSea i tested the water before i clean  and the water  levels ammonia  and nitrates and gh and kh and ph is normal level  i think my white snail i think is grieving  over the other  white snail that died they did everything together they shared food too  i think the store said they came from the same hatch  and he started acting up  when i quarantine  his buddy the one i lost  

I had to quarantine him the one i lost his body was exposed and the fish would not leave him alone  my main tank is awful towards babies or the sick   bunch of very old bullies  

that is why i quarantine as soon as possible if i have a sick or hurt one so they will not get bullied  if i get a new fish  they do not bother them  they   play nice ,, my redeye tetra only only i have left thinks he /she is the queen/king  of the tank  Barney my pelco thinks he is king 👑 too  lol 😂 

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@Bev C snails do seem to grieve. Whenever one of mine is ill or aging out the others stay right with them until they pass. The first time I seen it I cried. 
When I got a new batch of magentas a few years back they were way too tiny to have been sent. Smaller than a pea. My old girl momma snail went right to them and touched each repeated over days and would not leave their area until they were moving about on their own. Then she still stayed close to the smallest until it grew. 

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yes i think he is grieving for sure he has been his shell for days now all close up  and not move i put a sweet potato and zucchini in plus  rapashy  cube  he loves rapashy and he will not come out   i even put my Gold one ( Goldie)in with him i got the gold one same time as the white ones  and nothing i even check at night with a flash light to see if he has moved  still nothing 

it might be dumb if i have a sick or injured baby i check on them at night  i set my alarm   use a flashlight to see if there is a change when i am normally in bed i even do that with Joey my dachshund 

Ok i moved all 5  new baby snails in with the shrimp and cories   they are so small not sure if they will make  it or not hope they do I put them under a water wisteria plant and put in food Rapashy powder and crushed flake  the shrimp had check them out of course being nosey hope they make it  ,,, i will check in a little while before bed time to see if any moved   and i will check in the morning too ,, 

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My GBR fry did not make it. I’m thinking the ammonia spike in the spec cup a full 1 at 7.6 ph was too much. That coupled with relocating them did not help. 
But I’m ready for next time with a full tank that’s safer for them since I can’t see well enough to remove infertile eggs and fry that did not make it. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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so sorry about the fry  hopefully next time you will have babies

  i am just starting my day i checked on my baby snails i put in 5 babies snails

2 has not moved but the other 3 has moved and i see them. on the side of the glass they are so tiny they are easy to overlook  .. i feed the tank  some powder so hopefully 3 babies will grow to be happy snails

 my baby shrimp ate their first piece of sweet potato  .. my bristolnose and adult snails love sweet potatoes 🍠 i think they like it better then zucchini or green beans  i can add a piece in the tank and  they come running  i put it in raw 

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On 12/21/2022 at 9:49 AM, Bev C said:

so sorry about the fry  hopefully next time you will have babies

  i am just starting my day i checked on my baby snails i put in 5 babies snails

2 has not moved but the other 3 has moved and i see them. on the side of the glass they are so tiny they are easy to overlook  .. i feed the tank  some powder so hopefully 3 babies will grow to be happy snails

 my baby shrimp ate their first piece of sweet potato  .. my bristolnose and adult snails love sweet potatoes 🍠 i think they like it better then zucchini or green beans  i can add a piece in the tank and  they come running  i put it in raw 

My kids love sweet potatoes. I don’t feed them often though because I forget. Thanks for the reminder!  I’m glad 3 of your snail babies are doing good. They are very tiny. 🤗

This video was hard to get because holding a camera and trying to keep my feeding hand steady is hard. Usually Mom latches onto the coral feeder more but I could not hold still. 
Her daughter Lefty runs to her cave as soon as live BBS hit the water. She knows I always squirt hers in the cave for her. 
Mom is rarely on the glass but if she is she traps the tube end between her and the glass to get every last BBS. 🥰


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Lefty is pretty  bristolnose  my  Barney is just a common black color but he is so friendly and he is not afraid if i am close by in the tank and he is the first  pelco that loves being out when the lights are on  he loves feeding time not afraid to eat while lights are on either 

the sweet potato  raw last longer and does not fall apart as easy as the zucchini   but my tank stay on its till gone though so it is gone fast  

they are little pigs 🐷  for vegetable they love carrots 🥕 too  

i am going to try cabbage  🥬 next for the tank after christmas i am making cabbage rolls  

the least favorite   vegetable in my tank is broccoli and spinach they will eat spinach  if that is all they get  i buy allot of raw  spinach for myself i use it in the place  of lettuce love it with tacos ad salads 

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On 12/21/2022 at 10:21 AM, Bev C said:

Lefty is pretty  bristolnose  my  Barney is just a common black color but he is so friendly and he is not afraid if i am close by in the tank and he is the first  pelco that loves being out when the lights are on  he loves feeding time not afraid to eat while lights are on either 

the sweet potato  raw last longer and does not fall apart as easy as the zucchini   but my tank stay on its till gone though so it is gone fast  

they are little pigs 🐷  for vegetable they love carrots 🥕 too  

i am going to try cabbage  🥬 next for the tank after christmas i am making cabbage rolls  

the least favorite   vegetable in my tank is broccoli and spinach they will eat spinach  if that is all they get  i buy allot of raw  spinach for myself i use it in the place  of lettuce love it with tacos ad salads 

Have you tried endive in salads?  It is delightful! 

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Endive  No i have not  i heard it has a bitter taste and you do not see it around this part often  maybe the health food store has it  

i never saw it at Kroger’s or Walmart and my local little grocery  store does  good if they have regular lettuce their produce is not the biggest or the best  I usually get all my vegetables or fruit when i go to town from Kroger’s  they have the best  in this area  but i have to travel to really do some major shop  for anything 

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On 12/21/2022 at 10:21 AM, Bev C said:

i am going to try cabbage  🥬 next for the tank

My snail kids love cabbage so much!

They are not a fan of broccoli or spinach either.  And I don't think they were big on lettuce.  York will eat the asparagus and the broccoli. No one else does.  Except my ram Snoopy. He eats the asparagus.

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