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I originally ordered this Apisto cave for my badis. It is TINY. So I gave it to my juvenile badis. He loves it. Took 15 minutes before he decided it was his. 9C4CB1CD-F25C-494C-8C02-7775CE2CEF63.jpeg.cf53dc35ac4383ceca8060d973377fa9.jpeg
Got Mom n Dad an even bigger cave. I think they have common pleco genes hiding in them 🤣 A86A4045-2308-4B48-8DC9-4E8983DD40CC.jpeg.b466856d32a4bc238fea19bbe6f1388d.jpeg521BB76D-F5F4-4061-9EE5-BB682274D162.jpeg.9604652033061fe20db09a22cc8ff377.jpeg09843051-D772-4D99-96A4-72ACDD116E35.jpeg.33e8a95ed3a04788b1149f05c192fca4.jpeg

just cute bellies A9A26314-A30D-4926-8CD3-FCD2D19260A8.jpeg.598cfae2339d0e696eff11b4d148da62.jpeg

Still only 1 honey in the logs. E5F9E67D-0804-4F98-8246-3340F43F5D38.jpeg.f3a2bfcacc2e4458240cc4e844b9c558.jpeg
just because the adults are beautiful 5689170B-819B-494C-AEA8-F84819AB7342.jpeg.5e05804c675b2a95f5d51592421e9586.jpeg

Edited by Guppysnail
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Moving day. 
I gave my friend my original group of pandas so I could have a tank to finish growing out the GBR. I chose my original group since the group in the other tank were mostly all born to me. And there are tons of fry in that one so not a good choice to redo the that tank. 
I put in different substrate which I hate. Much to bright. It’s not fully planted or anything but it will work. 
I moved a bit over half of them. They already seem to fill up the 20long. 
Im convinced they are like the shrunken toys you add water to expand. As soon as they hit a bigger tank they look twice as big 🤣


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I pulled the other piece of wood from the Aspidora/ Badis tank. They stopped using the new big caves and went back to the flow through caves. 
@Chick-In-Of-TheSea sent me the center white caves 🤗 so this is preliminary. End of March is a club swap so I’ll get plants. 
I was drying my hands after putting the center caves in and they were already exploring. 78293BDB-433F-4CD4-B72A-953EE60D1FE0.jpeg.a085582f27ef0ac0f4b56b9138b5989e.jpegDF01A85C-8EF0-473A-B251-CAE1F4E3BF6F.jpeg.ca8f21bb2d2d4bb5ec7f2db95e7456fe.jpeg

Also adorable frog from @Chick-In-Of-TheSeaBE551CA2-BC4D-4062-A5DD-3EC538C12662.jpeg.e5cbdbaf0cbd9e2eebb72d6c5e53d95d.jpeg


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Gosh they are so beautiful. I am very jealous of them. I keep looking at the pink honey gourami and almost buying them. Almost. 


I want to wait for my tanks to have life in them for a few months first. Does everyone have this much "I want it now!" happening?

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Picked these up at the club this weekend. Large crypt and a chain of red flame swords. D40385DE-A39C-4FFB-B229-3F6069B68B6C.jpeg.4a5217d1c9d961d3d08434374ad4154c.jpeg325B7B08-73A4-4EAF-911E-426B62410D5D.jpeg.b66b0ef5f546b074327215a076cef134.jpeg

Last week I pulled all of my inchplants from my emergent growth. They got unruly and began shading everything. Kicked myself because 3 bundles someone else brought sold for around $10 each 😝

@WhitecloudDynasty was mentioned by the speaker as a fantastic source for native fish  👍

Panda babies everywhere 


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On 3/7/2023 at 1:58 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Those swords look great! 

The girl who brought these brought 3 near identical bags of them. They are amazing. I wish I knew her secret to getting that many runners. Unfortunately she left before I had a chance to ask her 🤪

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