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How many tanks do you have and what inhabits those tanks?

Flynn Naysmith

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I have 11, but two are empty right now

6.8 gal with Betta, snails and Otocinclus 

75 gal with multiple community fish and shrimp

3 gal for plant clippings I want to keep

3 gal with quarantine Otocinclus 

3 gal with only plants

10 gal guppy colony

11.3 gal cube with community fish and shrimp 

40 gal cycling for a Green Spotted Puffer

2x20 gal rimless waiting for fish and scapes

100ish gal goldfish patio pond

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1-8.75g- empty qt

20L- Pygmy cory, CPD, longfin lemon blue eye pleco,  neo shrimp, 

20L-panda corydora neo shrimp, LBE BN pleco

20L- guppy fry, neo shrimp, temp LBE BN pleco young juveniles 

29- adult guppies, LBE BN pleco, neo shrimp, mystery snail

40B- breeding pair LBE BN pleco, juvenile plecos, neo shrimp, CPD, 3 mystery snails

10- 3 mystery snails, guppy boy juveniles, 1 nerite, neo shrimp

10- guppy boy grow out, neo shrimp

2.5G- bladder snail scrap scape


Edited by Guppysnail
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Seven. When no numbers appear before the species, the number is "too many to count"

20g long- female platies and fry, 2 male mollies, male guppies, mystery snail

29g -male guppy juveniles, mystery snail, will eventually house male platies as fry in 20L are divided 

20g tall-male platies, female guppies, 1 female molly, 6 otocinclus, 5 white clouds, a few yellow cherry shrimp

10g guppy fry grow out-around 40? juvenile guppies waiting to be divided as they show sex, and a few red cherry shrimp

5g guppy colony: Many ginga sulphureus guppy females and fry. I need to move them to a 10g but have been procrastinating

10g 1 male betta, mystery snail

5g QT: a fancy guppy mom, dad, two fry


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40 gal) CPD x26, rosy loach x6, sparkling gouramis x4, Sawbwa resplendens x3, amano shirmp x4

20 gal) african dwarf frog x4, glowlight danio x6, ghost shrimp, lots of plants

20 gal) rosy loach x8 + fry

75 gal) wife's anarchy guppy colony, no rules, just breed. Rabbit snails, Hercules snails

5 gal) wife's anarchy neocardinia colony

5 gal x5) daphnia, ceriodaphnia, rotifer, scud, blackworm


Rack of 10 gal tanks x9

1) licorice gourami x5

2) pearl galaxy ricefish x6

3) orange ricefish x6

4) CPDs x7

5) black tiger dario x20, everglades pygmy sunfish x4

6) rosy loach juveniles x26, blue ramshorn snails

7) CPD juveniles x32, red ramshorn snails

😎 CPD fry, ricefish fry, blackworms

9) dwarf panda guppies x10 + fry, pink ramshorn snails



100 gal) some kind of grass shrimp, Japanese trapdoors snails, brown ramshorn snails, future home of pygmy sunfish

300 gal x2) koi x1, goldfish/koi hybrid x1, Japanese trapdoors snails, future home of ricefish

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I must admit i have 5 aquariums:



6 clown laoches; 5 L204; 2 lemon blue-eye bn; 1 old rusty plain male bn (at least 8 years old); 8 angelfishes; 10 zebra loaches; 20 cardinal tetras; 2 serpae tetra; 2 glow light tetra; 3 yoyo loaches; ...



1 neon tetra; 4 ember tetra; 3 hairy mystery snails; cherry shrimp; and assassin snails (and yes they do assassinate mystery snails); 3 tiny lemon blue-eye bn.

white 29:


8 cardinal tetra; 2 L204; 1 L333; 7 sterbai; 5 red tail otto; 2 honglsoi apisto; 1 nijjensi apiso; some mystery snails; 2 nerite snails; 10 kuhli loaches.



1 very young lemon blue-eye bn; 1 adult super-red female bn; 8 cory eques; 3 (1 m 2 f) borelli apisto; 4 swordtails (1 m 3 f); some number of guppies; 11 kuhli.



1 nannacara anomala (in middle right); 3 borelli apisto (1m 2f); 2 adult lemon blue-eye bn (female is in front left); 16 kubotai rasbora; 3 galaxy rasbora; some number of guppies (male with green streak in red tail is lower right); 14 otto; 10 pygmy cory; 10 orange laser cory; 0 kuhli loaches; some mystery snails; some trumpet snails; some assassin snails.

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Kind of 24.  Some tanks are waiting to get inhabitants because of plans to move tanks and consolidate small tanks into a fish room.

100 gallon x 2, one is an assortment of nanofish plus a mix of plecos.  Driftwood and heavily planted.  The other has wood with moss on it so far, but planning to plant and flood TOMORROW!  Finally!

75 G with a Jack Dempsey pair, a couple common plecos, and just today got a 6 pack of tiger silver dollars fresh out of QT.

29 G with pea puffers and assorted snails and Amano shrimp as clean up.

20 high with 2 orange laser cories, 3 lemon blue eyed bristlenose plecos essentially in QT.

20 long with plants and a single(?) Amano shrimp that I hope will be getting my Betta persephones tomorrow.  Another finally!

14 G cube with sapphire shrimp but will be getting hummingbird tetras in 10 days if all are still doing OK in QT.

10 G x 8, (well, technically 7 plus the emergency 12 G, but I’ll be switching that as soon as possible), one with sterbai and now trilineatus cories in QT (the trilineatus an emergency transfer after their QT sprung a leak). One has the hummingbird tetras.  One with 5 male mutt guppies and endlers that are on a mission to eradicate the Wolffia in the tank whether they know it yet, or not.  5 are plants and waiting for resets while doing the consolidation moves.

6 G cube x 2, one with sapphire shrimp and plants.  The other with plants waiting for the move.

5 G x 4 that are snail, blackworm, and a couple green water culture tanks.

2 G with plants.  Still not quite balanced since cull sapphire shrimp not yet prospering.

2 jars for scud cultures with a couple snails and floating plants for balance.  One is about 1.5 G, the other is 1 G.

Plus 2 buckets of plants.  😝 

I’ll be pulling a bunch of swords out of plant holding tanks plus empty one of the buckets of plants tomorrow when I plant the “will be an angelfish” tank.  Once that’s done, the next goal is for the remaining plants to be consolidated into as few tanks as possible and the emptied tanks will get reset as bare bottom or UGF with matten “substrate”.

I’m hoping to use pots to grow unusual Crypts and get more Buces on wood.  Plus hoping to grow shrimp in the same tanks.  If my Betta persephone decide to breed for me, some tanks will be grow outs.  I’d also like to get laser cories breeding, but I lost most of my imported group in the first few weeks so I need to get more to get breeding to happen.

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Sadly, only two.

  • 10G Betta tank with 2 Nerites Snails
  • 46G Bowfront community tank with a Pleco, bunch of Cories, various tetras, two kuhli loaches, and two mystery snails.

I can't really count the 2.5G quarantine tank my son took over for his snail experiments.

However, I dream of a 75G long... *sigh* and I wouldn't mind another 10G Betta tank I would do for my for my daughter.

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1. Opae ulae shrimp colony


2. 3 g betta cube with my imbellis hybrid 


3. 15 g tower tank no inhabitants 


4. The Sad Bowl, guppies, platys, green Neocaridina 


5. My oldest son’s Twenty long with kuhli loaches, Krobia xinguensis x 3, black mollies, 7 marble hatchets and 3 baby longfin BNs 


6. 29 g panda 🐼 Cory mansion with 13 pandas, soon to add 7 Ancistrus sp Rio Tocantin 

3F77F569-6A89-440D-B2C6-C5E5A8262F80.jpeg.57023cb618b00d3b874eff7de1c4a7b1.jpeg7. 45 g tall display with 7 diamond tetras, 7 red eye tetras, 7 cherry barbs, 6 black phantoms, 1 green neon, 3 otos, 2 baby bristlenose, 3 coryadoras aeneus, 1 Mesonauta festivum and 1 electric blue Acara. 

8. 15 g 7 koi tricolor swords and 2 longfin albino green dragons


9. Breeding colonies of dwarf coral platys and Blue Hawaiian Moscows with 2 albino green dragons lf and green Neocaridina 


10. 15 g blue Hawaiian Moscows, milk and ink platys, blue dream neos and 2 longfin albino green dragon BNs 


11. 17 g muck bucket pond a la Dean

12. 17 g tote Black water who knows what lurks in there (hopefully paramecium)


13. 27 g black tote with blue dreams and blue Hawaiian Moscows 


14. 15 g Flex with 3 African Dwarf Frogs


15. Lake Tang Shellie’s with N brevis, N. Caudopunctatus, L, leleupi, opaline gourami, mixed mollies


16. 40 g breeder with 2 male lf bristlenose, 5 female calico super red females, 6 F. Gardneri killi fry, 8 orange Sakura neos. 

17. 10 g with a solo Amoeca splendens male, 20+ blue dream neos 

18. 30 g tote for qt and hospital 


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On 3/21/2022 at 10:10 PM, anewbie said:

I must admit i have 5 aquariums:



6 clown laoches; 5 L204; 2 lemon blue-eye bn; 1 old rusty plain male bn (at least 8 years old); 8 angelfishes; 10 zebra loaches; 20 cardinal tetras; 2 serpae tetra; 2 glow light tetra; 3 yoyo loaches; ...



1 neon tetra; 4 ember tetra; 3 hairy mystery snails; cherry shrimp; and assassin snails (and yes they do assassinate mystery snails); 3 tiny lemon blue-eye bn.

white 29:


8 cardinal tetra; 2 L204; 1 L333; 7 sterbai; 5 red tail otto; 2 honglsoi apisto; 1 nijjensi apiso; some mystery snails; 2 nerite snails; 10 kuhli loaches.



1 very young lemon blue-eye bn; 1 adult super-red female bn; 8 cory eques; 3 (1 m 2 f) borelli apisto; 4 swordtails (1 m 3 f); some number of guppies; 11 kuhli.



1 nannacara anomala (in middle right); 3 borelli apisto (1m 2f); 2 adult lemon blue-eye bn (female is in front left); 16 kubotai rasbora; 3 galaxy rasbora; some number of guppies (male with green streak in red tail is lower right); 14 otto; 10 pygmy cory; 10 orange laser cory; 0 kuhli loaches; some mystery snails; some trumpet snails; some assassin snails.

Very impressive that you are able to maintain 5 heavily-planted tanks. What is that plant with the big, wrinkly leaves?

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5. From smallest to biggest,

A 5.5 with 20is baby mollies and baby swordtails, cherry shrimp, and a nerite snail.

A 10 gal qt with one sick molly

A 10 gal with a bn pleco, 3 juvenial platies, 3 male guppies, and 6 pigmy cories

A 20 gal with 4 mollies, a bn pleco, 1 silver tip tetra, 6 neon tetras and a juvenial red-tail shark. 

A 29 with 4 swordtails, 6 tiger barbs, two platies, 2 zebra danios, a bn pleco, an african butterfly fish, and a nerite snail.

Writing this all down, there are certainly a few questionable stocking choices; the shark will get too big for the 20, the pleco is already too big for the 10, and i should really get more danios and silver tipped tetra. For now though all these frankenstien stockings are all working out well. No deaths for a lond time and a lot of breeding.

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On 3/22/2022 at 1:50 AM, Scapexghost said:

Very impressive that you are able to maintain 5 heavily-planted tanks. What is that plant with the big, wrinkly leaves?

If you are referring to the black 29 it is aponogeton bolivianus.

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I have 3:

  1.  A 16 gallon with 13 male endlers, 2 nerite snails, 2 mystery snails, a hoard of yellow neos, and singleton panda cory who will be getting some friends and moving this spring to the 40 breeder.
  2. A 40 gallon breeder with ramshorn snails, trapdoor snails, a baby rubber lip pleco and a fancy goldfish who spent the winter inside for medical treatment and monitoring. When Gus the goldfish moves back outside, this will become a South American community.
  3. An outside 100 gallon stock tank aquaponics system with fancy goldfish.
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If you ask my wife, too many LOL, but I say not enough!

93 cube, mixed planted community

75 gal: wild discus, F1 Rio Nanay angels, cardinal teras, sterbai corydoras, trio wild caught German blue rams

4x 40 breeder: one with N. multifasciatus colony, one two pairs L333 pleco, skunk corydoras. one group wild caught leopoldi angelfish, one plant growout, but soon going to be torn down and turned into a Lake Tanganyika tank, not sure of species yet.

4x 20 high: one saltwater, live rock, frostbite clown and some hermit crabs. one colony blue tail goodeids, one with CW095 corydoras and some platinum medaka rice fish. last one with Aspidoras fuscoguttatus and some Xenotoca variatus.

8x 10 gallon. three have neocaridina shrimps in, one is  QT tank, one Corydoras weitzmani, one with pygmy corydoras, one with gold laser corydoras, another with Aspidoras spilotus, two empty right now. 

6x 5.5 gallon, three with caridina shrimp colonies, going to move crystal red and blacks to 10 gallons I think. Others all have pairs of killifish in them. 

Not to mention several tanks sitting empty that I use temporarily to grow out or for QT.

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65 gallon with two Bolivian rams, ten turquoise rainbowfish, ±30 lemon tetras, ±15 black neon tetras, panda corys, and a single male super red bristlenose pleco.

40 gallon breeder with 12 pearl gouramis, ±15 serpae tetras, 10 pristella tetras, 9 Corydoras trilineatus, and 2 pea puffers.

20 gallon long with a selected few mutt guppies that I'm trying to make more of.

20 gallon standard with gold guppies

10 gallon with mutt guppies and red neocaridina shrimp

two 10 gallon tanks with dumbo mosaic guppies; one with yellow neocaridina shrimp and one with blue

10 gallon tank with endlers and red neos

5.5 gallon tank with mutt guppies and red rili shrimp

5.5 gallon tank on my desk at work with a male and three female albino koi guppies and God only knows how many neocaridina shrimp

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On 3/21/2022 at 11:43 PM, modified lung said:

75 gal) wife's anarchy guppy colony, no rules, just breed. Rabbit snails, Hercules snails


Slightly awkward how much I would like to see pictures of this! 

On 3/22/2022 at 12:10 AM, anewbie said:

I must admit i have 5 aquariums:



6 clown laoches; 5 L204; 2 lemon blue-eye bn; 1 old rusty plain male bn (at least 8 years old); 8 angelfishes; 10 zebra loaches; 20 cardinal tetras; 2 serpae tetra; 2 glow light tetra; 3 yoyo loaches; ...



1 neon tetra; 4 ember tetra; 3 hairy mystery snails; cherry shrimp; and assassin snails (and yes they do assassinate mystery snails); 3 tiny lemon blue-eye bn.


Oh wow. How did your snails grow all that "hair"? That is FANTASTIC. They remind me of troll dolls!

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4 in use, 3 in storage.   

75 gallon Red Tail Tinfoil Barb only,

65 gallon community, Serpae Tetras, Ember Tetras, Moonlight Gourami, Tiger Barbs, SAEs, Angels, and Silver Dollars.

29 gallon planted tetra tank, SAEs, Bloodfins, Zebra Danios, Ember Tetras, Nerites.

10 gallon plant only tank.

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On 3/22/2022 at 1:03 AM, Scapexghost said:

an african butterfly fish

My dream fish! I had some years ago but hadn't seen them in a long time. However, I found one the other day and it took everything I had not to bring it home. Sadly, I don't have a setup that could support it but would love to do a 75G down the road and have that as the centerpiece.

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I really want to get a larger tank, maybe a 55 gallon, but I live in a second floor apartment and if my upstairs neighbor's stomping causing light fixtures to swing to and fro is any indication, it's probably not a good idea. 😒

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3 in use, unknown number in storage at parents house...

6g - Betta tank with 2 pygmy cories, and possibly 2 amano shrimp, with low tech plants.

10g - High Tech planted aquarium, that houses a pair of F. Gardneri Makurdi Killifish.

40g Breeder - Currently has a colony of N. Multifasciatus. (Hoping to sell these and redo the tank in the next few weeks)

40g outdoor tub - Just got this a few days ago, and still trying to decide what fish to put in it. 

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10g- lf white clouds

10g- betta channoides and 1 Claro pleco

10g- parotocinclus haroldoi and Simpsonichthys reticulatus

10g- growout super red bristlenose and some dwarf merry widows 

10g- growout aphyosemion poliaki

10g empty 

20l green dragon bristlenose pair

20l orange laser cory colony

20l x2 shell dwellers multifasciatus colony

20h lf bristlenose growout

20h lf calico super red bristlenose trio

60g 3 albino dantum angelfish, 2 pair of crenicichla notophthalmus and corydoras kanei 

7 cube trio of Xiphophorus Pygmaeus

7 bow with cpo crayfish 

150g pond with tiger platies and Xiphophorus Pygmaeus 70-100 of each

I also have a big acrylic tank but is not yet set up.

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