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When your LFS marks the fish wrong it makes one giggle....


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@Patrick_G I could let a feed store slide. And the ESL thing- but it IS a giant fish store. However, I get the impression they do the bulk of their business in the larger fish though they have a decent selection of small ones. (no Strawberry Rasboras though). (and the ESL employee had to ask about the Rasboras a few times and one time said Rasberry. hehe)

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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I was just in one of our local pet stores the other day. A big chain but not as big as some.

They had a tank of Bolivian Rams or so that was what the sign said. There were about 12 or so fish in there.

About 7 or 8 of these so called Bolivian Rams were clearly German Blue Rams.

I asked the kid working there if they were all Bolivians. He said yes.

Oh well.

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The ones that get me giggling are the Lord of the Rings descriptions when you read  signs like "Dwarf Arowana". Will they ever be surprised!🤣

Actually saw that one at least 15 years ago, was a small specimen, clearly a juvenile but "Dwarf".

Edited by Jungle Fan
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On 8/4/2021 at 9:52 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

@CT_ apparently they sell vines that "evoke pity or sadness" so very good luck with them! Now I'm glad my fish are only Amber!!

Could be worse.  if they were greek then it's "suffering" 😳

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I lost a lot of faith in my LFS when they had mislabelled diamond tetras. I assumed they just hadn't changed the label as often the labels are completely wrong because they've sold out and moved something else in, hadn't updated the label etc, but when I asked the owner how much the diamond tetras were I soon realized she had no idea what they were. They were in there with a similar fish that was correctly labelled (I can't for the life of me remember what it was now! Maybe a red eye tetra? Something like that) but though similar was clearly not the same fish but she was adamant they were the same thing. Took her advice with a pinch of salt after that! 

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@KentFishFanUK when it's a completely different fish I would have to say I'd lose faith too. Now I double check things. I will stand in the aisle and internet search images or names and do my best to "trust but verify" .  And I never ask tank advice at LFS anymore- I've never gotten good advice, and that's sad to me. 

Honest mistakes do happen, but some are nearing unforgivable. 

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@xXInkedPhoenixX yeah it wasn't only that one either, she also has given me questionable advice regarding stocking levels and didn't seem to have heard of or even really understand the concept of a fishless cycle (when I asked if they stocked ammonium chloride for cycling purposes). Now I know a fish in cycle is still practiced by many if not most but she seemed to think only people with "high end marine set ups" would do fishless cycling and had never heard of using ammonia for it. There were a few other gems as well but can't remember them all. Bit disappointing though as she is the owner not just like the Saturday help or something. Not that it matters now I can get all the advice I need from fellow Nerms 😄

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@KentFishFanUK that's one thing that maybe irks me a little about LFS and big box stores (if you can catch and employee that knows some things). You only tend to get THEIR opinion about how it works. When I worked retail in sales (for example I worked kitchwares), say it was about a kitchen knife- I would ask about their habits and what their budget was and get an understanding of what they wanted/needed/and their level of knowledge. Then I'd run through all their options, show them what I would think would work best for THEM and tell them why (pros AND cons). Then THEY can decide what they're best capable to handle/buy etc...

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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