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So I’m seeing everyone’s tanks and I want to completely change almost all of my tanks. Have you ever done this? Is it worth it? Will it stress the inhabitants out too much?

I’ve got 3 tanks that I’d like to change (the other is my daughter’s) 2 five gallon and 1 ten gallon. I kind of threw them together because I didn’t have much. In one, I have pea gravel. I hate it. Another I have blue gravel. I hate that too. The other I have white coarse sand and fluval substrate. I don’t mind the substrate, but I need to add flourish tabs (I’m nervous) and remove some of the plants that are not doing so well. (Thanks giant snail.) 


today I got some guppy grass. I’m going to quarantine it for 5 days and all that business. Also, I don’t know what to do with it! Agh! So many things! 

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Water sprite you can float tie to something suction cup to the wall or plant. As far as redo I do it all the time. I do it inhabitants in tank a little at a time.  I leave everything on one side alone and slowly remove and then replace substrate and plants then move to the other side. Shrimp and guppies are a pain because they are too nosey I end up scooping them up in my little cup. Sooo I put repashy on the side I’m not working on to distract them. Each tank is a day long thing when I don’t do quick and it never bothers any of my kids in any of my tanks. Be prepared for nosey snails to crawl on your hand though. 

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unless you are doing a 100% dump it out and start over, its really not too bad to do a fairly extensive remodel of a tank. you still have the substrate and other bacteria carrying goodies, so you arent restarting the tank. fish may be a little skittish while you are in the act of remodeling, but they will settle down very quick once you finish.

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I recently (this year) completely re-scaped a 75 and a 55. I used buckets and tubs for the plants and fish (whatever fish were being moved to other tanks or going to the fish store). The fish that stayed in the tanks really got excited about all the activity. The debris storm that ensued did not harm any of the inhabitants. I did have to move a colony of shrimp out of my HOB filter however, I'm sure they were a bit disgruntled. 🙂

Both tanks took a couple days each to do and it was worth every minute!

Just a heads-up, guppy grass can grow very fast. Plan on doing some regular trimming or it can fill your tank, unless that's what you are going for 🙂

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When I'm doing anything more than about 3 steps, I write out step-by-step instructions to myself first, and set it where I can look at it while I work. That catches goofs before I make them, and it makes the actual activity much smoother - and smoother means less time, energy, and stress spent. Win win win.

As for stressing the critters, I net the most spazzy ones into a bucket for a few hours - or longer with an airstone. If the container is clear, it can be set inside a paper bag, or surrounded with something, to keep them from being startled.

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On 7/30/2021 at 5:20 PM, Streetwise said:

What are your plans or ideas?

Uhhh…..lol Well, I’d like my small 5 gallon to be a shrimp tank. Right now it’s holding guppies.  I want them all to be planted, Natural scapes. I feel kind of limited with small tanks. I have a 10 gallon and a 40b that I can eventually do something with. I’d like the guppies to be in the 40. But my husband has claimed that tank. 

here are the three that I want to revamp. I want to take the swirly glass thing and the black thing with holes in it out of the third tank. I just got some guppy grass but I didn’t realize it was a floater 😬 no clue how to plant it. But it’s in Q right now anyway. 

I would like them all to be natural looking, but interesting and full. I’m having a hard time finding a carpet plant. And I’d like a bonsai in the 40g at least. 




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On 7/30/2021 at 7:15 PM, Guppysnail said:

Read through the journal section in the forum. I’ve gotten some amazing ideas from there. They usually give a detailed step by step of how they did it. There are some phenomenal aquascapers on here (I am so NOT one of them but I try)

Awesome!!!! I will definitely look there!!! Sunday is cleaning / water change day. So I might just start with one tank then. Make it a project! Thank you!!!! (Getting excited now.) 

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On 7/30/2021 at 7:21 PM, Patrick_G said:

Hmmm, if you take out the swirly glass thing and the black thing, it’ll look pretty good! 
I might be in the minority but for the smaller tanks I would just tank everything out and start from the substrate up. 

I kinda like that idea/. 

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On 7/30/2021 at 7:26 PM, Patrick_G said:

But you must leave the scuba diver!😀

Oh yes!!! The scuba diver will stay!! And the floating log. I’m not crazy about it, but my betta LOVE it. I’ve place and removed both that piece of black rock and the pink quartz from every tank so far. I like the rocks, just not in my tanks I guess!

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Ive been pondering on the idea of redoing one of my tanks. Ive actually going to set up two tanks to suit the needs of my new puffer Peter. Hes currently in a heavily stocked 40 breeder full of pest snails and cherry shrimp. Than off to a 75G where he will spend his teenage years than finally to his retirement home whivh is a 150G Planted tank.

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@Guppysnail @Patrick_G thank you both so much! I really appreciate your comments, they truly brightened my day!  

Hi @Marcy! I have done this many times, I recently redid my 55 gallon. I find that completely reaquascaping an aquarium can be more stressful for me than the aquarium inhabitants however haha given that your aquariums are not very large, I think you will be able to do this rather easily.

The most important thing would be keeping the bacteria in your filters and other items(plants, decor, etc) you will be reusing alive. This can be done by moving the fish, shrimp, snails, etc to a different tank, tub or bucket filled with tank water, the decor you will be reusing and the filter running in it. 

I am with you on keeping the scuba diver and floating logs in there! Haha if you would like to make it look more natural, maybe you could wrap the floating log in a mesh with moss in it? Then the moss can grow through the mesh and cover the log? You could even take apart the moss balls you have and glue them to the log in a somewhat natural patchy pattern. Just some thoughts. 

I would be more than happy to help you come up with designs/ ideas to rescape your aquarium! I have been very busy as of lately with life and my personal aquariums so I have not been posting much but I always make an effort to answer the personal messages I receive. Here are some pictures of my aquariums to possibly get some ideas from:

5 Gallon with Bonsai Tree


10 Gallon


40 Gallon Breeder



55 Gallon


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I’m sorry I’ve been absent with personal stuff. But Omgosh! Thank you @Isaac M for the encouragement, ideas, and photos! I LOVE the moss on the log idea. I just got some Java moss, so I might just give that a go!  Have another 10 gallon that I’m going to be setting up for some guppy babies. But after that, I won’t have a chance to do much for about a week. Everyone is happy and healthy for now. 

thanks again!!! Your tanks are BEAUTIFUL!

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On 7/30/2021 at 8:35 PM, Isaac M said:

@Guppysnail @Patrick_G thank you both so much! I really appreciate your comments, they truly brightened my day!  

Hi @Marcy! I have done this many times, I recently redid my 55 gallon. I find that completely reaquascaping an aquarium can be more stressful for me than the aquarium inhabitants however haha given that your aquariums are not very large, I think you will be able to do this rather easily.

The most important thing would be keeping the bacteria in your filters and other items(plants, decor, etc) you will be reusing alive. This can be done by moving the fish, shrimp, snails, etc to a different tank, tub or bucket filled with tank water, the decor you will be reusing and the filter running in it. 

I am with you on keeping the scuba diver and floating logs in there! Haha if you would like to make it look more natural, maybe you could wrap the floating log in a mesh with moss in it? Then the moss can grow through the mesh and cover the log? You could even take apart the moss balls you have and glue them to the log in a somewhat natural patchy pattern. Just some thoughts. 

I would be more than happy to help you come up with designs/ ideas to rescape your aquarium! I have been very busy as of lately with life and my personal aquariums so I have not been posting much but I always make an effort to answer the personal messages I receive. Here are some pictures of my aquariums to possibly get some ideas from:

5 Gallon with Bonsai Tree


10 Gallon


40 Gallon Breeder



55 Gallon



On 7/30/2021 at 8:11 PM, Nick H. said:

Ive been pondering on the idea of redoing one of my tanks. Ive actually going to set up two tanks to suit the needs of my new puffer Peter. Hes currently in a heavily stocked 40 breeder full of pest snails and cherry shrimp. Than off to a 75G where he will spend his teenage years than finally to his retirement home whivh is a 150G Planted tank.

I’d love to see it! My LFS just got in a puffer. He’s super cool. 

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