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  1. I took a video as requested… I apologize i couldn’t figure out how to attach it. This is the male moscow tank, all ages, plus some corys , otos, & snails 🐌. A couple years ago i got a trio (maybe 2) from Aquarium Co-op and 6 months later i crossed their babies with a trio i got from Alabama. The Bama guppies had nicer dorsals but not as nice tails so I’m still working that out. 🤪 I stink at culling so I just separate and add tanks. I run the moscows and random mutts.
  2. We got the Christmas 🎄 tree taken down and tossed into the goat 🐐 pasture for them to enjoy, and got baby daughter safely back to college. There hasn’t been time or energy for tank maintenance but I always make time to stare at them! 🤣
  3. Replanted this new one a bit, and fed baby brine shrimp
  4. Work has been too demanding for weeks. We had a cold snap a couple weeks ago and i lost about half of my tub fish. I failed to check the weather 😔. So i made an emergency evacuation of the remaining tub guppies from my porch to the garage and they’re doing fine. About half of those tanks in the garage weren’t heated but the garage is insulated and the tanks are next to a big south facing window. Algae galore! But the guppies are fine. Then I decided to soothe myself from the guilt of guppy death by adding 2 new tanks in the house 😃 The top tank is my first time using actual plant substrate (partial) and the parameters are so different from all my others that I’m nervous about that. Right now both tanks are just cycling with plants 🌱 & snails 🐌
  5. Great idea, Odd Duck! Keep us posted on your progress, please!
  6. Stunning pictures! Wow! You’re all so skilled at photographing your gorgeous fish! I pulled up some of the pond boys today after forcing myself to wait these past 2 months or so….and i was very pleasantly surprised! It’s hard to get just exactly the color in your imagination onto the fish!
  7. Thank you for sharing! I just found your journal tonight and enjoyed bingeing the saga of the sad bowl, although I empathize with your disappointment. I hope you have a rejuvenating vacation. Folks in the medical field have my highest respect and gratitude 🙏 Thank you. I wonder if you’ve considered going low tech? No filter, no air, no heater? Just concentrate on scaping and getting the plants happy & growing for a month or two before introducing any livestock? It may be a nice challenge!
  8. The platinum one! 😍 More pics please 🙏
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