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Ken Burke

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Everything posted by Ken Burke

  1. I’m so sorry u lost your angels. They were looking so good too.
  2. Yep! Those are two of ‘em. Here’s two more: quarantine and snails 🐌. Wanna see someone hit the roof, tell ‘em you rinse filters in tap water.
  3. The hobby is so full of “opinion posing a fact”. A channel devoted to demystifying the how, what and why of the things we do would be so helpful. Just make sure it has content that is relatable to the non-scientist.
  4. I feed mostly aquarium co-op Easy Fry food with frozen bbs, at least for the first bit. As the I started mixing in some of the larger fry foods, then Extreme nano pellets. And after, say, a month, I started mixing in flake. For the flake, I rubbed it between my thumb and index finger until it was a powder. They are are on straight flake now and hungrier than a boys football team after practice. Feeding time sounds like a slightly louder version of rice crispys.
  5. Missed that. But the core of my input remains. If their tanks look neglected, probably not your best fit. If they look well maintained, just have a lot of fatalities, maybe. since you are a full-time mom, you may have some flexibility to ship fish. Lots of good resources here on shipping fish, esp from fish folk and Tolstoy. Here is a good thread: I’ve shipped fish twice. First time was a success. Second time was a disaster. There is a learning curve, but you can work out what works for you. Just be prepared for a few bumps in the road.
  6. The “exit strategy “ is one of the most challenging problems with breeding fish. you did not define the issues at your local store, and all issues aren’t the same. Neglected tanks are pretty tough to get past, but a store that can’t get quality stock might look very similar. I recommend (like others in this thread) getting to the people at your LFS, and the best way to do that is to stop by frequently. Figure out when they get new fish, and swing by to see what’s going on when they do. Engage the staff in conversation, buy some fish food, etc. try to catch them doing things right. If they are consistently doing things right, the problem might be their ability to get good stock. And you can help them by providing healthy fish.
  7. Here in Shreveport (Zone 😎 8 )our average low is just now crossing 60. I’m thinking our safe zone is late May.
  8. What temp do you think the water will be in a month?
  9. @Fish Folk are you doing guppies again? In a month?
  10. Wow! That post is ancient! yes it’s super easy. The bottom is soft silicone and Repashy does not stick to it. You can also use candy molds I have one shaped like worms @Chick-In-Of-TheSea
  11. Surprise fry are the best fry!
  12. Well I think they are finally big enough to sell. Trying to work up the courage to sell them on-line.
  13. These guys are like a pack of teens after football practice. if they see you across the room, they swarm. I finally pulled 10 for my 20 gal, just to make room.
  14. @DanPlanted I was being funny. But since you went a head put me on the spot, I would say they need someone with the initials:CM….or Dean. 🤪
  15. An evening with Aquarium Legends eh. Feels like one or 2 names are missing there. Maybe it’s just me.
  16. Welcome to the Nerms! If you are struggling with using the forum, just ask. Gotta be the friendliest place on the planet.
  17. Sound like a solid plan. You know how you want to setup. And have an exit strategy. My 100 gal is more shade than not. Even so, the Louisiana dog days of summer warm the water between 80 or 90. A smaller tub changes faster so watch the exposure like @Fish Folk explained. Hard to argue his results!
  18. I’m planning on selling the to the LFS. Just waiting for them to color up.
  19. Coming up on 2 months free swimming! Little beggars see me coming and swarm for food. To them I am the god of flake!
  20. Sometimes you gotta sit in front of your tanks and say, “life’s good”
  21. I wouldn’t start with sterilization. At least not until I knew what happened. how long has your tank been running? what are your water parameters? did you have some kind of disease recently? what is your stocking level? I would hate to see you start over if it wasn’t necessary.
  22. Don’t own, never have owned, a rimless tank. IMO they are kinda specialty items that present several challenges. If your tank stand is just a little off level, there’s no hiding it. The rim can hide that. If anything hard taps the edge, it could chip. The plastic rim offers protection. But the biggest problem is the cost. Rimless tanks are really expensive. On the plus side, they can be stunning!
  23. Lots to unpack here. Having a little overhang by itself shouldn’t be a problem. The rim carries the weight, and I’ve seen many fish rooms set up with the tanks set up that way. But I’m not sure if I’d do it that way. There are other options I’d prefer like putting a 1 inch board under the tank. The big box home improvement store sell laminated pine boards and would cut them for you if need help. Just get it .5” or 1” bigger than your tanks footprint. A little stain and finish, bob’s your uncle…. what concerns me is picture one. It looks like you have 2 adjacent sides that are not fully supported. (As in the left and front side). If that is the case, you’re running the risk that it could slip and the stand would hit the tank bottom, and you need to address it.
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