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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. I have an older Fluval (306) canister filter and its been pretty good over the years. The stop valve for uncoupling is really good and I've never had an issue with water escaping. It can be a fight to open the thing for cleaning (after uncoupling) but that is probably a good thing really. Had it for 8 years and no complaints about its reliability.
  2. I think you can stack them if you switch to a powerhead
  3. Will your LFS take some of the fry - mine does but you don't get anything for them unless they are something special. In fairness to the shop though it sells them on really cheap so it helps people out on both sides. If any females go in with the male you will be at this again soon enough.
  4. My back up filter is the Shark it was a cheap option when I need to take my canister out for a while. Once it is free of trapped air then it is pretty silent to my ears. It came with some sponge and some ceramic media they go in baskets and in that sense you can put what you want in there. I had to add sponge to the outflow to reduce the current but that depends on what your fish want. I did not get on with the venturi option as it just seemed to cause the unit to get air trapped inside and then you get that bubble rattle easily burped out but easier just to turn off that option. I only played with that for a day so it might just need some fine tuning. Can't compare with HOBs as never used my set up is internal or canisters only and HOBS are rare over here. The Shark is pretty easy to clean and take apart. I have mine in a 60 long I imagine you would need to modify the out flow in a 15 tall or it could be a bit intense
  5. Welcome, great to have the opportunity to learn and take things slowly. Get a journal going and bring us along with you. And yes real plants make your life easier ( crazy eh opposite of outside).
  6. I'll try for better pic tomorrow but she follows me around the tank which isn't great for grabbing a shot of him. I assumed yellow was just juvenile colours.
  7. 60gal long (in American), 230l in European. Lots of caves, hiding spots and tunnels I'll move some things around at weekend at try to break up her territory. They were pretty much identical (yellow) when purchased guess girls do mature first.
  8. @anewbieGrabbed these snaps today sorry not the clearest. Will try again tomorrow.
  9. I suppose I should class my fireplace as non fishy fish thing as it my tank stand
  10. Hi, I think I've made a stocking faux pas I picked up a very young pair of cacatuoides double red's a couple of months ago added to the community tank and all was good. Anyway recently one of them has been getting its big fish colours and has become very shy the other still bright yellow loving life. I don't see much chasing but I am assuming that is why we have shy fish. Assuming they don't suffer from adolescent awkwardness. So reading other threads on here I am wondering if finding another female could solve this issue or if this is just the way things will be. Long planted tank with a lot of caves so at least hiding is easy.
  11. Well she probably won't risk that again. Nice finds though.
  12. I pretty much never see my pygmy's on the substrate they sit in the plant and the bogwood but show no interest in the floor. I have very a fine (smoothish) gravel in my tank and my bigger corys have no issues with that.
  13. Outsourcing the trip to LFS ! The only reason I would do that would be to save money (if you don't see the fish you can't buy the fish) so this was a total fail. You definitely picked the wrong assistant next time send Mum to do the grocery's and you have the LFS fun. My preferred local LFS's are in garden centres that also have great cafes so I never let a chance to go slide. At least she turned up with a set up not just the fish.
  14. I wonder if the fish was just something he could talk to you about. Still well done.
  15. Wow that's an answer, yes I understand the outdoor tank better now. Thank you. Your home sounds lovely by the way. I would suggest starting with one of your 10gal tanks . Lots of cute nano choices and you can easily move it till you settle on a spot. Once you have the spot you can figure out if you can go bigger before you start spending. But cats generally fair better if tanks have lids. I had an open tank for awhile and my cat would get stuck (legs on the two glass rails on the inside) far to frequently for him to be considered smart.
  16. Well now I'm having weather envy.
  17. If only everything in life was as easy to please as algae Never tidy when I need photos, anyway there is my set up I was originally going to drill through the wall and keep the filter ect in the cupboard but I chickened out. Now the bioload has reduced in there thinking of moving to internal filtration.
  18. Thank you so much it is on less than an hour away from me !! Might just take a day off and have a visit.
  19. Nice pond - I would certainly wait till spring to plant and stock it, once the temp drops the plants won't grow and we are already in the short days. Choice is always better at LFS in the summer to. I would fill and see how it fairs against ice this winter it will start building biofilm and establishing its eco system while your not looking.
  20. Fishlife is easier when you can reach the back, the bottom and the corners of your tank. Why not bring the 120 in and use what you have or do you do temp tanks each year? Sorry outdoor tanks seem really odd to me they aren't thing I've encountered over here so I don't really know the routine with them. As to what tank is best for you - decide what you want to keep and where it will go and get the biggest that will fit in the space. Take into account the running costs especially if you water is metered. But the bigger the tank the faster you use everything like ferts and water conditioner.
  21. as long as it is a porous bag or it won't work can't see the problem but it might breakup when damp. I would try big pasta so I can just lift it out. I use corn in the table salt cellar again big and easy. If it has got very damp might be worth drying in low oven before adding something
  22. Add some dried pasta or any dried grain to help absorb the excess moisture. Just make sure its easy to spot when you are using it
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