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  1. Hello ! It's finally here ! I've bought the aquarium tank yesterday ! It came with a few things : - The stand - A heater : the Tetra HT 300 - An external filter : the JBL CRISTALPROFI e1502 - Some decorations - Some tools for cleaning I have pretty much no idea if the heater and the pump will suit my need so I'll try to gather information on them and see if they fit well with my project. As for the next step, it'll be time to move the tank to the right room (damn its so HEAVY), and start setting it up. I've spend the last days looking for what substrate and what plant to put in the tank, for the substrate I think I'll go for the Seachem Flourite Black Sand, I don't know much about substrate but the review I've read about this substrate were great and the colors seems right for my futur fishes. As always, let me know if you have advices or any comment ! Thanks for ready !
  2. Hey, it's been a long time ! 5 months later I'm back with great news and some more questions ! I've been hesitating on buying a tank for the last 5 months but money doesn't grow on tree and I wanted to buy, setup and take care of my tank and fishes without having to think about how much it'll cost me and just do the best I can ! And last week I've stumbled upon an ad for a woman selling a tank (50 gallons) with the stand, filter, light and heater for a very good price. So I've made the decision to buy it and to finally get into the hobby ! So now, here I am, with a soon-to-be-mine 50 gallons tank, a little bigger than what I had planned and I am now trying my best to "redo" the stocking a bit to fit the new size. My "new" (it's mostly the same, just a bit more of them) fishes list is the following : - 3 Pearl Gourami (Before it was only 1, now it seems that I have the possibility to have 3 of them, I would go for one male and two female) - 20 Celestal Pearl Danio (Just more of them, they're beautiful and I'm happy to be able to keep more of those little guys) - 10 Black Phantom Tetra (Same as the CPD, just a bit more) - 5-6 Emerald Green Cory (Somebody here told me that 6 was the usual number of corys to keep, if I can I'll try to follow this advice) - 5 Amano Shrimp (I think they're a cute little addition to my tank, not sure about the number to be honest but 5 looked like a good start) As always I'm happy to read your advices and suggestions ! I'm really glad to finally being able to start this project ! (and again, sorry for my shabby use of the english langage ahah !)
  3. Yeah, on their website it look like they sell in USA, Canada, United Kingdom and Germany but not in France, but I'll take a look at my locals stores.
  4. Thanks a lot for all your answers ! Yeah, that's absolutly what I was thinking about the tank but also I feel that a all-in-one tank might be a little more reassuring and easy to set-up as a beginner You seems to all agree on that, I'll research the different types of cycling techniques and choose one of them ! Good to know that there is no "perfect way" to do it ! Fluval was the first "all-in-one" tank I've checked on internet but they don't seems to sell in France sadly, I'll keep an eye open for other "all-in-one" tank that fit the size of a 29 gallon.
  5. Hello ! As I've said in my presentation topic, I am a total beginner in the hobby and my current goal is to get a 29 gallon tank going with the following fishes : - 1 Pearl Gourami- 10 Celestial Pearl Danio- 7 Black Phantom Tetra- 4 Emerald Green Cory Right now I'm gathering as much information as I can while trying to understand all the subtlety of getting a tank ready to welcome my future fishes ! Here's the current list of questions that I'm trying to find an answer to : - Should I buy a "all in one" tank with a filter, a thermometer and all the part that I need or should I get just the tank and buy all the part separately to know better the tools and the pieces that I'm going to use. On this question, I'm currently leaning a bit more toward the "empty" tank and buying all the other part apart just because I like to know what I'm using and I think it'll be reassuring if anything broke or have any kind of dysfunction but also because I can't really find any good recommandation on a "all-in-one" tank but if you have some recommandation for that, I'll glady take them. - Are the fishes that I've picked gonna do well together ? That's one of my main interrogation, I'm pretty much terrified to wake up one morning to find that some fishs as been injured or killed by others. After researching a lot on that subject, I've come to the conclusion that they should be all alright and happy together but if you have any knowledge on that, let me know - Cycling, live plants, water parameters This is one of the big question too, I've read and looked at a lot of video about this subject but it seems that there is tons of "techniques" and "methods" to get the tank cycled and at this time I'm not really sure which one to pick and how to do it rightly. As for the live plant, my choice are currently leaning towards some species such as : Amazon Sword Plant, Marimo Ball, Java Fern and Anacharis but there's a lot to learn on that subject for me as for the substract choice per exemple or if I need to get special lights to grow the plants. - Once everything is set-up, what's the best way to introduce the fishes to their new home ? On this question, my thinking is leaning to think that I should add them by their species, like : adding the Gourami then waiting few weeks and adding the CPD and waiting few weeks to add the cory cats then waiting few weeks to add the Tetras but I'm not sure at all that its the best way to do it. Thanks for reading all of these, I hope its making sense (and I hope my english is not too shabby haha)
  6. Hello everyone ! Thanks a lot for your warm welcome ! Plants are absolutely in my list of thing to take a look at, first I was thinking about getting plastic plants but the more I think about it and the more I lean toward trying to get live plants going. I'll get a journal going too and try to ask my questions as they come while I'm trying to figure out all the things I need to know and think about my tank !
  7. Hello everyone ! Long time dream for me, I've finally decided to let myself start an aquarium ! My project is to get a 29 gallon tank with the following fish : - 1 Pearl Gourami - 10 Celestial Pearl Danio - 7 Black Phantom Tetra - 4 Emerald Green Cory I'm currently researching a lot and learning a lot before making any moves / before buying anything, I've used AqAdvisor to check the stock level and the water parameter compatibility of all those fishes and I am now researching any contraindication that could exist between the fishes I've chosen. I'll be happy to read you all and to read any tips you could have for me ! Bye !
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