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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. If you go the Otto route maybe add a piece of algae covered decor to quarantine (bucket) tank to give them something to eat.
  2. Well just to let you know corys don't eat algae so there is no answer to your issue in that camp. Bettas like warm and still water were hillstreams like cool water with good flow/high O2 so that might not be a good match. Shrimp are great not sure you'll see them much with so many fish for them to hide from but they will still do the work. Other snails like rams horn or nerite would be a win to but the assassin snail probably rules them out. To my mind this is leaving you with Otto's but they can be tricky to keep if you run out of algae.
  3. I have noticed that people have started wanting more for their old aquarium stuff in the UK. Not so long ago of you'd collect it a large tank would be free. Bargains can still be found but not like you could. I think my first fish tank and filter was a "free to a good home" card on the village notice board. I suppose it is caution about buying things you don't need, far better to use what you have until it wears out.
  4. I'd be tempted by koi or goldfish. You really have got so many options. I would possibly be tempted to keep it unheated so maybe a native tank could be fun. What's your dream big fish ?
  5. Stem plants mainly like cambomba, hornwort and ludwigia
  6. this weekend was a quick trip to fleetwood to collect some pebbles and day at Oulton Park watch vintage race cars at Gold cup
  7. I was going to suggest grating it or maybe freeze in a bag and smash it into little pieces.
  8. Since setting up a shrimp tank (with non optional mini Ramshorns ) I just rotate my plants round when they need a tidy up
  9. My goldfish where well fed would destroy moss balls (not helped my them being full of tasty tasty Cory eggs. But the mainly uprooted the plants rather than eat them, I'd be replanting everything daily I think I managed a well anchored anubias but anything in the gravel would spend more time floating than planted
  10. It's always a gamble in the UK. After the heatwave the other week it's been raining ever since.I rate a summer in how many days I don't take a coat or brolly out with me. May is often pretty nice. The canal series I was thinking of is called "Great Canal Journeys" it was for channel 4 here but series 9 episode 3 looks to be the right area if you can find it. Pru and Tim hosting are British TV greats. I think looking at the canal you'll be about an hour away from at pretty much all times while your traveling.
  11. I'll also add that my dad rescued some goldfish about 5 years ago and they are being kept in a bath tub in the back garden no filter or air line and they seem to be fine. We get a lot rain though
  12. This is why I thought and I'm thinking about them for myself. Let me know about The Deep I'll not be going to after the school holidays now as it is probably best tagged into a bigger trip for me as
  13. Just thought I'd mention in here I saw the ABBA voyage hologram show last week. Has to be said it was an odd experience. That I don't think I want as the future of live music. That said glad I had the opportunity watch. I see a lot of live music and theatre as an aid to a disabled friend which means I can see most of these things for free.
  14. Kicking myself for not taking pictures but my mum keeps chickens and her husband races pigeons anyway from one of these food sources a hemp seed has germinated and she now has an 8ft hemp plant in the their coup. The hens love the stuff they have striped all the low hanging branches and if you snap a piece off for them they mob you. We are currently trying to work out of we should sell CBD eggs
  15. Welcome I'm in the northwest. Have you considered rice fish for that mini pond, might help reduce the urge to rent a digger. Be careful of MTS until the OH is on side you'll need them to help you keep up with the maintenance. Have you been to The Deep? I'm contemplating a trip.
  16. Caught my Betta trying out a new napping spot. She seems pretty relaxed in general so it seems life with the krib is ok so far . Toying with adding a school of something tiny just to help with dynamic but I will wait for the tank to mature bit first. I have also stuffed some additional foam into the filter to try and baffle the flow as it was a bit excessive. It seems to have improved things I have also added a feeding ring as the flow was sinking the betta's food a bit to quickly for her. Short update on the other tanks Shrimp tank - from the 8 added in June I regularly see at least 5 I have seen a few nice clean moults so looking good so far for establishing themselves. Photo will be taken soon I need to clean the glass and move the tank next water change so it is in a better position if we get another hot spell Main tank - Well this still needs a reset but I want to do some more foraging for hardscape first and then really take my time with it. But since removing the Krib there has definitely been an overall uplift on activity from everyone else in there. Even the SAE's had started to hide and not even come out at feeding time. Another happy surprise was last night when I counted 4 out of 5 Ottos I hadn't seen a single otto in weeks so I thought I'd lost them. Some cory's are still being very reclusive hopefully they will feel more confident when I move everything about I get the impression everyone is still looking over their shoulders for a looming Krib except the rosy barbs they are oblivious to everything.;
  17. I'd be tempted to double the neons (more is better with them) and maybe look at rosy barbs if you want something a bit bigger and very active. I've no idea what petco's stock so I'm basing this on the nearest UK equivalent and what's in my tank. Harlequin rasboras are normally easy to source and should play well with what you have.
  18. I just freeze any left over nice to know you always have some ready of needed
  19. Well it sounds like you will barely need a heater in summer so it will be fine, it might struggle in winter but that depends on so many things I would say try it and if its not keeping up you can add a secondary 100w later. I think my old heater in a similar sized tank was 200w I replaced it ( after it died 8 10 years later) with a 300w because the 300w in the shop had better shielding and wasn't much more expensive. As long as it isn't constantly turning itself on then it's coping. Heaters always seem like they should be a formula to say what you need but with so many variables it is hard it work out what is best.
  20. How many degree's do you need to lift the temp ?
  21. My goldfish liked flake food best (especially the red flakes). A lot of goldfish keepers ( especially those that tip them into swamps) will use flake so maybe they aren't recognising your food. Salt might have them a little off their game to in a its weird in here so they might perk up as you change that out. Just note I have no issues with flake food possibly more a comment that they may not have had much variety and some fish are picky.
  22. Maybe keep the lighting down for awhile will help them settle. I was thinking the same hopefully just sulky sulky fish
  23. I get this in my main tank the leaves are alive under the algae what I do is use them as weekend/holdout holiday food in the shrimp tank and just rotate the plants around. I'd detach it swap it with the one in the nerite tank and find a better position for the clean one you are putting in. Don't cut all the leaves off the snail will love the binge
  24. Well done you, glad you were there. Never kept fancies but these are sounding a bit lethargic. Do they get excited at feeding time? We have no idea what they are used to so they could just be sulking about all the moves. I think their body shape does lead to digestive issues so maybe some high fibre food like peeled peas would help.
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