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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. I appreciate you and armyvets feedback. I will be sure to create a room build thread and document it. My father in law wants me to YouTube it but that’s a whole other thing lol. Hope to start building in a month or two
  2. The goal I assume isn’t air tight room, right? I’m doing 2x4 r15 then a additional 4 with the board then r38 in the low ceiling (7’). Do the paper need to be faced inwards?
  3. Plan on batt insulation in my small fish room, 16 inch on center. Additionally I plan on finishing the inside with 1/2-1 inch foam insulation board for additional r value. Should I tape seams? Any need for poly layer at any point? Will I need to ventilate if every tank has a tight fitted poly lid or will a dehumidifier be sufficient. my concern with putting in a exhaust fan is wouldn’t it essentially tank my efficiency of keeping it heated or cool? Small room only a couple hundred gallons. I’m putting a lot of fore thought but this is one concept I’m struggling to understand. The space is a framed in room in a detached shop that itself is drafty.
  4. I use a diy kit off Amazon on love it. Zdrd I believe is the brand name. I fought staghorn with Siamese algae eaters from dans fish, it didn’t stand chance. Most algae I’ve ever experienced is just from having a newer system and eventually balances out over time, for me.
  5. Side note I understand the ceiling is most important with a room that small one bag would be enough. I’d probably do r38 and instead of finishing the room with drywall I will do foam board which at a inch thick would add on another 4 to the r value
  6. R-49 is certainly not in the budget for my small room that will be 8x8 or less. I live in the same zone as you Cory. With a 2x4 framed in room in my detached shop what’s value should I look for? Someone said that PNW walls should be 5 and ceiling 10-15.
  7. I’m interested in breeding corys when I get my fish room set up, so I don’t have any advice but it sounds like you are on your way.
  8. This is good information, you have any pictures as examples? I had it in my head that I would finish with drywall but half inch foam has 4 times the R value and is easier to install, probably won’t be susceptible to moisture and about the same price.
  9. Wonder if I was to do that, then finished with foam board rather than drywall how effective my room would be at managing heat? Then seal the seams of the board with tape.
  10. Batt insulation? I will look up all my options. I will being framing in with 2x4 and drywall yes.
  11. This is a 200 watt panel right? I’m concerned about moisture build up and wondering if I can totally seal it off. I could also run an ac and make a port for it no problem. someone suggested r value of 5 for walls and 10-15 for ceiling in my area. A room this small I could easily bump this up
  12. So I’m gonna lean on you if you have the time. I talked to my wife and she has encouraged me to get a electrician. Huge win LOL. I asked her what if it costed upwards of 1000 or even 2000 bucks and I still had her support. My family gave me a reference to someone they have worked with a few times that they like. He’s going to come out to give me a bid and hopefully some consultation. Ultimately my concerns are that I don’t have enough available power left in my panel so is it simple as pulling the main out and putting in a higher capacity breaker? I have 2 open spots but I don’t know enough to safely diagnose. it being a small room, I mean small like 6x7 to 8x8 how much of a heater will I really need if properly insulated. It’s going to be in my detached shop which isn’t insulated. Can you over insulate? Realistically if I follow the 10 watts per square foot I should essentially be able to get away with a 750/1000 watt heater? I’m ok with seasonal dips. I originally planned on a radiant oil heater but maybe a cadet on thermostat would suffice? will I need to get a exhaust fan for summer or would a dehumidifier cover my basis? Also, do I need to vent this room in any way? I believe I’m going to use foam insulated board and finish with drywall. please let me know if this is excessive questioning LOL. I will have a lot tied into this so I’d rather be informed and execute to the best of my ability.
  13. I will make sure to report back, I’m merely planning but have my wife’s support. She said get a electrician but even if it is a trusted acquaintance I suspect it will be spendy. But I was already afraid of overloading the circuit. So peace of mind and safety is worth a million bucks. Also I should invest right
  14. What a fantastic forum. I reached out about electrical and became aware of so many things I hadn’t considered. Thanks guys! Planning phase of my small fish room somewhere in the neighborhood of 6x8 to 8x8. Heating will be done by a single 1500 watt radiant oil heater and room will be insulated to the teeth. My question is about ventilation and humidity. if every tank has a TIGHT fitted polycarbonate lid will I still experience evap/humidity? Is it ok to cover a tank completely or does that disrupt gas exchange? secondly, will I have to exhaust and ventilate the room or can I depend on a dehumidifier to manage moisture? It’s a partitioned room in my detach shop, so whatever “escapes” won’t be too much of a concern. do I need a fan or would a simple side vent suffice? Will venting ruin my attempt to keep a stable temp? this is a lot to unravel. I appreciate any feedback or considerations!
  15. Some people have hangups about feeding them to other fish. I personally don’t but don’t fall for anyone who doesn’t feel the same. When I get my fish room going I might have a fish room mascot to eat healthy culls
  16. I’m glad I asked this forum is fantastic. It has me rethinking my little room.
  17. This is a great idea, I figured I’d put them up high on the wall but I suppose the ceiling makes the most sense
  18. I get that. I feel like give it enough time that little buddy will renovate the whole tank.
  19. My experience is he will never stop. Common plecos just aren’t made to do well is planted tanks. Even some bristlenose can get quite destructive
  20. Thanks again. After much consideration going to reach out to a electrician or two that family suggests. I think getting 50amp out there adding more gcfi outlets than I need is a good option. Outlets being pretty high up. I may need to upgrade my main breaker
  21. I appreciate all of your feed back, I will be finding a electrician. Worthwhile investment. I feel a little more knowledgeable thanks again
  22. Sub panel being in the shop, right? Thank you for the feedback
  23. I had no idea there were single poles that are 50amp. I only have a 200 watt panel, is this a problem? Again thank you for answering all my questions. I might need to hire out but at least at this point I’m a bit more educated and won’t get taken for a ride
  24. Yes, it’s detached. The circuit to it got hit a few years ago so I’ve had nothing running out to it. You think I need to upgrade my panel? If not, maybe my best option is to dig the trench myself and pay a electrician to run two new circuits?
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