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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. You seemed to really advanced your hobby fast! LOL. I love beautifully aquascaped tanks but have no patience or creative ability in that sense. I love that there are so many avenues and approaches to this hobby
  2. Lefty this is one of my older threads but back to vapor barrier. I watched a bunch of stuff today on vapor barriers and I’m still confused. Most of what I found is in regards to homes obviously but fish rooms no LOL. Many arguments for and against, especially depending on region. I can’t decide if I will put a door sweep or just let that air flow through, I don’t want to tank my efficiency. I have a little more understanding why you don’t want to make it air tight, that can probably cause problems in itself. The shop has no insulation outside of my room and no real venting but I have no reason to believe moisture making it out of the fish room will cause any problems. The space is rather drafty and I feel I won’t have much to worry about.
  3. It appears that it was a dog door at some point LOL. My toddlers like to climb through it. When I re side the shop it will no longer be there LOL. she was already a 10/10 for me, this amplifies it
  4. Those are great ideas. Currently this is a ambitious plan and likely more than I can handle in some degree as is. So ponds/tubs is certainly way too much for me to tackle! I usually let me back yard fry in the summer. I plan on doing manual water changes with pump. I could possibly pump into brute can and use a huge return pump to water my grass. My littles even notice how scorched our yard is LOL. I plan doing light stocking and bi weekly water changes. One rack one week and one week the other. work is ok so far! My first wall was a tad short if you look you can see it! I will remedy it with some ratchet ingenuity so it will disappear when I finish. Where I want to be spot on is electrical for obvious reasons.
  5. Ya what she had envisioned was different than what I had in my mind. I originally thought I do about 40 and that’s what I told her. She gasped! After much thought 40 won’t comfortably fit but 30 is doable
  6. Some natural light and glare on my only aquarium. 40b, finnex stingray 2 and a diy zrdr co2 set up. Platinum and marble platinum pearlscale angels
  7. Thanks Andy. I’m well acquainted with his room, if only I could be a fly on the wall LOL! once I get the room built and I mock it up I will pull the trigger on buying the rest of the tanks. 23 is a good start but I’d like to start at full capacity. Not likely they will all have fish for a long time but I will run them all wet to get the feel of the room, especially with the change of seasons coming up. I understand the limitations of 10s and 20 longs but there’s still SO much you can do. I want to let people experience it with me.
  8. Thanks for the response! I will keep updating unfortunately today I won’t be able to make progress it looks like. Everything will be rather symmetrical. I don’t care for rooms that have a variety of sizes of tanks that slowly get added. That’s just my personal taste. No shame in any approach. It’s for me right?
  9. Thanks! Can’t wait to get the door and walls up tomorrow so I can mock up my tank configuration. 8x8 is SMALL so I want to maximize the amount of tanks I can get in while still leaving a workspace
  10. It’s not pretty but i got 2 walls in today which is exciting! They went in relatively well. I’m no pro and haven’t framed before. I consumed a ton of YouTube to get to this point. It’s pretty dang near plum. Is it perfect or absolutely to code? NO! LOL but it’s good enough for government work. I intend on using batt insulation and vapor barrier over it. i have two more walls and a door to install. Hope to do that tomorrow! again sorry for the photos, it’s a small space the perspective isn’t good.
  11. Installing 2 inch foam board on exterior wall. It’s not cost effective to replace my siding right now and this was the easiest way to guarantee it’s dried in from the wall. I will say there’s never any moisture but this was a economical way to keep it that way. R-10 but not sure how much value this will add over all.
  12. Low ceiling won’t be much of a header on the door! Here’s my helper!
  13. This is the corner it will be going in. Perspective is terrible and so are photos for the time being.
  14. Welcome! This is my build thread to my new fish room. I’ve picked the brains of many members over the last couple weeks and finally I’m off the the races! I intend on taking many photos and updating my progress as I go. Please feel free to ask questions and a little direction is ok also. A little about me. I’ve kept fish for only about 9 years. My hobby over that span on time really looks different from time to time. The biggest thing is that I’m always excited about fish. I’ve mostly kept only 1-2 aquariums at any given time. My interest ebbs and flows. What intrigues me within the hobby is also changing. I’m a blessed father of 3 little kids and have a much supportive wife who I absolutely love. I work as a truck driver( home daily) and work roughly 60 hours a week. The last few years on MANY occasions Inhave suggested more aquariums to my SO and quickly got dismissed! To her defense we live in a rather small home and the space for more aquariums is essentially nil. Ask enough times and finally she had a rather great idea. “Why don’t you put a fish tank in the shop?” So what did i do? I bought 23! Shes referring to a 14x18 detached garage on our property that’s rough 20 feet from our back door. It had no running electricity to it up until recently. Has a brand new roof that I installed but looks rather dilapidated due to siding that is peeling and probably 55+ years old. Outside of that it’s structurally in good shape and is fit to house aquariums with a bit of work. The space I’m working with is a 8x8 that I’m building entirely myself with much help and direction from the community, years of watching YouTube and suggestions from my father in law. This is where I got the idea to call it Fishroom 64. No interest in YouTubing but I can at least document the progress. .this is very exciting for me, something I’ve been dreaming off for a long time. Even better I have the support of my wife. I’ve watched many people progress their hobbies over the years and now it’s my turn. Many considerations are going into this. It’s a very small space. I have limited power I can run. My house is only a 100amp service. I’m only running a 20amp circuit on it, but plan to use less than 10. Crazy right? I think it’s doable. If it’s too much for my current service I will move on with the help of a electrician but I’ve really planned out a minimal set up. Idea is 2 racks in the shape of an L. Exclusively 10s and 20 longs. Single linear piston air pump. All filtered by sponge. Single 400w wall heater. 6 low watt led shop lights. Small dehumidifier. There’s no running water so I will be pluming a drain line to either my yard or alley. I will have 1-2 55 gallon drums for holding and build work table over them. They will be easy to fill with garden hose. This is lengthy and more than I intended on initially typing. I will develop this out. Hope I didn’t lose anyone before the pictures. Hope you enjoy! First trip to THD
  15. I got tired of watching everyone’s hobby on YouTube advance and only keeping one aquarium for years. This was my wife’s idea. I thought I’d have to wait til my children had grown. This is a dream for me. I got the space cleared yesterday, hopefully I can start slowly building next weekend. I will start a thorough build thread/journal
  16. I’m thinking about wiring in a exhaust fan or just getting a plug in one. Likely use something like a inkbird controller to manage it for me. Since it’s a room within the shop the exterior wall will have 2 inch foam board then dried in with felt or leftover tyvek from my house THEN I will frame in the 8x8
  17. Your opinion is faced batt insulation, vapor barrier and then foam board? I understand corys argument for treating it like a normal room but I’m trying to see my options. I’ve also way over complicated this LOL. People are going to get frustrated with me.
  18. I will look into that. To clarify The space is a detached shop. It’s very breathable and not insulated at all. It will be a room within it. I anticipate keeping the humidity down to 40%. Everything will have a tight fitting lid. Other measures will be in place. I certainly appreciate the feedback and happily take any advice
  19. That’s one consideration. Being so small I only really plan on running 6 shop lights for the 2 racks and maybe one over head on a switch. I contemplated having a battery back up for the linear piston air pump
  20. Oh that’s easy enough. Thanks again 👍
  21. Thanks for the feedback. I’m going to be looking into this.
  22. It’s going to run at 8~ amps maybe 10 peak. It’s being carefully planned out. Worst case scenario I will have to pay an electrician to upgrade my panel and run new wire to pole. I have the money but I’m designing it around this hurdle. 8x8 room with only 2 racks in a L shape. One wall for work table and the other will have door and 400w heater. It’s going to being about 30 aquariums mostly 10 gallons and a bunch of 20 longs.
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