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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Thank you for the feedback. I will do my research I don’t want to die. It’s all on one circuit so maybe that will simplify it? I’m going to do the rough in for the room and have someone who is more experienced make sure it gets buttoned up correctly
  2. I plan on having the outlets in the ceiling and only running a linear piston air pump so the lines will run down from the ceiling also. I’m doing all the wiring but honestly I haven’t looked into gcfi and don’t have any knowledge as to the difficulty comparatively to a normal outlet. I’m putting some thought into where the outlets will go to be the most considerate of safety. My wall with a work bench will have outlets on the wall high up and additionally the heater will be on that wall. If I have careful planning it’s it a necessity for gcfi?
  3. I live in the PNW it’s pretty mild. 85~ in the summer and winter lows where I live rarely go below 20 but you can expect the most cold days are more like 25. i thought about having an exhaust fan on a controller if the temp gets too high in the room. Probably close it up in the winter. it’s a 20 amp circuit I’m probably going to have 8~ outs and maybe one light switch but realistically my layout is minimal and probably won’t use more than 10 amps peak. I have a 100 watt service so minimizing my set up was key to not over load my panel
  4. This makes a lot of sense thank you.
  5. This makes sense. Thanks like always.
  6. I really appreciate the feedback and everyone’s patience. The facing should be facing out from the interior of the room? I don’t need it pointing inwards to protect it from the humidity?
  7. Should I go with un faced for the ceiling so it can breathe?
  8. Thanks for the response and everything you do to advance the hobby Cory. Huge fan. I’ve leaned heavy on the community here on a few aspects of this build so I don’t want to leave any questions out. I intend on documenting heavily and starting a active and close to real times build thread. Maybe it will help someone else or inspire. I’m so fortunate that this was my wife’s idea.
  9. I need some insulation advice for my 8x8 fish room I’m framing into my garage. when it comes to insulating the walls will it matter if the insulation is faced or not? Additionally I understand heat rises so the emphasis should be on managing the insulation in the ceiling but should I over shoot the recommendation for my area on the R value on the walls or would I be wasting my money? For the ceiling I have the same question, faced or not? Would I be making a mistake in finishing the room with foam board rather than drywall to effectively increase my r value. 1/2 inch foam board has 4 times the r value and is much easier to work with. I understand this Isn’t code but I’m trying to have as much forethought before I start building. if i was to finish the room with foam board would that stop my room from allowing moisture to escape? I plan on having a tight lid with only a hole drilled for each aquarium and running a dehumidifier. I don’t want to rot my room . any feedback would be great, please help me with my ignorance. Thanks!
  10. I lost sleep over this LOL. I went out and checked all the silicone in my tanks is just fine. I think a few years of standing up endo and being subjected to a hot garage dry might cause problems. They aren’t in direct sunlight. It’s 17 10 gallons and 6 20 longs. Worst case scenario that’s a day of resealing
  11. This is a really old post but I’m storing 23 new tanks in my garage up on the rafters. It gets pretty hot. Over sealed aqueons. I’m concerned about the silicone. They won’t be wet for probably 2 months. I have most of them all stood up also
  12. I stored all the new ones I got this last half off sale at petco it’s been up to 90~ in there am I screwed? As mentioned in the last post I responded the aqueon tanks are over siliconed.I won’t be able to get them wet for probably 2 months
  13. Well I never thought of it that way. I put all the brand new tanks up in the rafters of my shop it gets really hot every day. Now I’m concerned. They are sloppy over siliconed aqueon tanks. Worst case scenario they would just need to be resealed correct?
  14. I have 23 sitting in my shop that gets hot. Is this a concern at all? I’ve never heard of tanks sitting dry being an issue
  15. I also will be using twin wall poly. I plan on putting a hinge on each one and only having a hole drilled for air line. I will only have about 30~ aquariums I will just pop them all open then feed. For as long as I can stand it LOL. condensation is a concern and mold. I wasn’t sure that if I didn’t have a traditional vent or exhaust would it be a issue in terms of mold or such. The room will only run on a 20a circuit so energy consumption is a big deal or I would consider a erv. I haven’t landed on a dehumidifier yet but I will have to be small. thank you for the feedback
  16. Gotcha, my room will be framed into my detached shop in a corner. Not sure if I will need to vent it or if the tight fitted lid on every aquarium and dehumidifier will be enough. I’m working real hard to over insulate and in my head it’s hard to grasp the concept of venting it. I don’t want to have a system in place to manage the temperature to just then let it escape
  17. Thank you for the response. I’m working with less than 60 square feet so maybe I won’t struggle finding a fan then? The low ceiling might make it slightly easier to manage too. You exhaust the room in any way?
  18. Planning phase of small fish room. Ceiling height is only a little over 7 feet. I want to do killifish, psuedomugils and Cory cats. Corys are going in 20 longs on bottom rack. They prefer it only slightly warmer. Obviously the top 2 racks will be slightly warmer than the 20 longs. Will a fan suspended higher up opposite side of the room of the heater even out the different temperatures between rack height or do you have to accept the variance? I hope my question makes sense, thanks for the continuing support! Picture is my 40b in our living room.
  19. Do it and make sure you have the app. If you spend more than 60 bucks they will give you 20 dollars off at the register
  20. One of my LFS carriers a manufacturer called aquarium masters. Economical but well done, they also use black silicone with a skilled hand. I really enjoy it. Aqueon is sloppy. Even my 6 foot 150 was sloppy. But I’ve never had one leak
  21. Up to 23 tanks now for the new fish room. Getting really excited lol
  22. Went to two petcos today and nabbed 3 20 longs and 7 10 gallons! 20 bucks off additionally each store for having the app! 135 bucks after tax!
  23. I have a few things ahead of the fish room so I’m hoping the electrician reaches out first but I’m just floating ideas. I’m in the planning phase. I don’t need my room to be like anyone elses
  24. Haven’t had the electrician come out yet and not quite sure when he will. Also space isn’t even open yet. Just throwing around ideas. If I was to fixed the spliced 15 amp circuit that runs out to my shop which is on 12 gage wire and scale my project back a bit could I make 15 amps work? Like we are talking two racks of 10s in u shape lit by 5~ 20w shop lights , 400 watt wall heater, 45 watt linear piston air pump and maybe another 150w~ between small dehumidifier and occasional utility pump? That would be half of 80% of the circuit at peak and continuous. We are talking budget room. Is this crazy? You have already given plenty of feed back so I understand that this might be frustrating lol. Is this too straining on such a small circuit ? Could I pop that 15 amp breaker out and replace with 20 since it’s on 12 gage?
  25. Always background and always black for me. Black spray paint mat finish
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