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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Heater check. I pulled the trigger on a 250w rather than the 400. 7x7 interior with 300 gallons of water I really feel I can make this work. Crazy right? These are impressive units, minimal footprint and safe. I intend on keeping the room at 75~ but if it can keep the room 70+ on the coldest days I’m ok with that. Worst case scenario I can roll in the oil heater temporarily. so I think spray painting this many aquariums isn’t economical. I haven’t rolled out a aquarium in a long time but I will likely get a quart or gallon of mat black and call it good
  2. Would it look silly using 2x6 rails that are embedded in a dado cut 2x4? LOL. I have somewhat of a steady hand or I could create a sort of jig to drill the rail for the threaded rod
  3. Threaded rod that’s what it’s called LOL. 700 pounds over 7 feet isn’t crazy but pushing it for a 2x4. I could screw that back rails into the wall and fasten a threaded rod in the middle of the front and back. Not sure how to fasten going to look up ideas now. Also it could look cool with stained 2x4
  4. Honestly I saw a video where someone used a bolt as a center brace it was rather clever I’ve been looking for it LOL
  5. Oh ya but they wouldn’t really work for 10s end out. At least with the space I have.
  6. Ok. I will concede I should have enough room for another inch and a half. The room is that tight lol
  7. I really like this build. Would this work at a 7 foot length. I know I already asked in another way but would I need a center support?
  8. Great! I have to go back to work Monday not likely I will have the room wet by Sunday but I’m on track. My coop order is coming this afternoon helps living a county below them
  9. This is me pulling my tanks back out to make sure the layout will still work. With a 7 foot ceiling I won’t be able to get a 4th tier unfortunately, at least I think. Not sure how high yet my first row will be and I haven’t determined gap between tiers yet either this isn’t the heater I intend on using, just what I’m using to dry the room out for second coat today
  10. Thanks for the feedback, as always. Wood has dropped substantially where I live. I’d prefer to have 3 matching stands. The space is so small and for 10s I’d need a 24 inch deep stand which sticks out nearly 3 more inches. I don’t have the room cause the heater is perpendicular to that rack. I’m literally down to inches lol.
  11. That’s a pretty good rack but I don’t believe it works for butting 10 gallons to each other. I really want to find the video i saw of a large bolt and nut as center brace but I can’t remember the channel or video
  12. Got my exhaust cut out and installed. Super quiet fan. Not a top quality build but it works. Again went with a plug and play so I can utilize a controller. Placement is the best but it’s in the most convenient spot for running the duct. I’m good at cord management, I will clean up that fan cord today is second coat of mud. started to spray aquariums last night, in a tight space. Not my best idea I started to feel light headed lol Have you ever ordered 27 sponge filters at once? I did. Lol
  13. Ya I don’t know yet. I might just build it and If it sags I will add center brace
  14. I loved those episodes too. I love rosarios experience and joes enthusiasm
  15. I have a pretty active fish room build going right now but I figured I’d ask in the general discussion. space is limited for me. I have a wall that’s just over 7 feet that I need to build a 3 tier rack for 21 ten gallons. How do I go about building it if I want to not put center support as to not obstruct the view of the aquariums? If I did dado cuts and possibly 2x6 rails would that be sufficient? Each tier would only be 70 gallons or about 600 pounds. I saw an example recently of a rack where the center support was a GIANT bolt on the front and back anchored to the stand but I can’t seem to find it. picture is a partial mud and tape job, I ran out of material!
  16. I’ve been busting my butt at home this last week for my wife the best I can and trading time for it. I’ve been able to do 4-5 hours a day
  17. I got a good feel I’ve never really taped this much before only like a patch job. My wife was ok with me going out there and working on it late but unfortunately I bought premix compound and ran out! I got about 85 percent done. Blows cause it puts me a day behind now because of drying!
  18. I like both the gray and blue suggestions good ideas
  19. Don’t go to Home Depot. Any place that sells “pond” stuff adds a big mark up. Amazon is chocked full of great utility pumps
  20. I like jaebo pumps. Dirt cheap and commonly used for a lot of things on the reef side of the hobby. Look them up. I will be using jaebos in my fish room for utilities
  21. So many variables. I kept a 6 foot 150. I fancy small diminutive fish. I kept many in it a times. But the larger the tank for me the more stuff gets lots in obscurity.
  22. Side note. Paint color suggestions? I kinda want to do black but I don’t want to turn it into a dark enclosed hole. Semi gloss I assume. I’m mostly paint to protect and wick the walls. secondly, the one wall with 21 ten gallons 3 high. If it’s a 7 foot rack do I need a center support. What if I did dado cuts? Or 2x6 rails? how do I account for the minor slop, do I just shim it? lastly for today, just purchased lights. Doing all barrina led shop lights. 4 foot 20w and 2 foot 10 watts. Super low consumption, low heat, linkable and really convenient . Pretty exciting here’s a baby possum in the pool
  23. Update got drywall done today. It’s not perfect but good enough. Hope to tape tonight after the kids go to bed. I went for speed so if you hang for a living for paint keep scrolling LOL. I foamed all the exterior gaps and hung board on the outside of the room. I’m not finishing that. The door is a cheap prehung MDF and it sucks. It started to settle slightly. My lack of skills might be a contributed but honestly it’s not a huge deal. I’m going to sand it til if fits and hope that works. it feels like a closet to be honest. Hope to install exhaust fan tomorrow. my oldest is underwhelmed LOL. Room temporarily lit by beamswork da fspec still lol
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