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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Here’s my reef that I maintained. Also a passion of mine but not the right time in my life to keep a reef. This is a picture of my 42g cadlights. I invested probably twice the money in this than my small room with 27 aquariums I’m currently working on building out.
  2. Thanks for sharing that. When I purchased 17 ten gallon tanks and 6 twenty gallon longs tanks in 3 separate trips I panicked that it wasnt enough LOL. My current layout should only fit 3 more 10s. i have just the one 40b. I maintained a 6 foot 150 in my living room for 6 years prior to setting it up. For 3 of those 6 years I also had a successful reef aquarium but decided I couldn’t give it the attention it needed. The focus of this room is the fish and breeding not the aquarium. They may all be bare bottom but I haven’t decided. Most will utilize plants. I’m also propagating 2 types of pothos for the room, I will grow pothos in every aquarium. Here’s my recent trimmings
  3. I’m apprehensive about drilling a 6 inch duct and vent hole but I’m going to do that. With it fully insulated it got pretty hot in there yesterday. Mind you the door was open, I had a beamswork on for light which gets hot and I was working like a beast. I will 100% need a exhaust LOL. It was high 80s here. I’m really not interested in putting an ac in it so I’m curious what temp I can keep it down to next summer when it’s wet. I want to do killifish and pseudomugils but they really like it at only 75~. I may have to change my room out seasonally. I will only have 300~ watts in led and I hope the fixtures that I’m buying don’t run hot. If they do I may run them on alternate or staggered schedules. Or just light the tanks with ambient light on the hottest days. I came in contact with someone who was sick 8 days ago and told my employer. They are making me quarantine for 14 days so that’s why it’s going fast.
  4. Following you now also. That’s exciting. I won’t have any tanks big enough to do rainbows but pseudomugils are certainly holding tank space for me. what is powering your sponges?
  5. My wife had a good laugh about me reading them
  6. I did just that and it’s not that much more expensive. Thanks for the feedback
  7. That’s exactly what was wrong, I pig tailed it like a normal outlet. I took it back and told them it was broken. When I got the new one, get this. I read the instructions and figured it out LOL. I went with 1/2 inch green board. I’m mostly done I will take pictures. My drywall skills are meh and to be honest I’m not aiming for dead accuracy. The room is for me. I will tape it up and paint with I think a semi gloss and call it good. the two exterior walls I’m wrapping with regular gypsum so my kids will stay out of the insulation. I won’t be finishing it in any manner. I named the thread fish room 64 but knowing it’s short of 8x8 but it kept referring to it in that manner. It’s slightly over 7x7 on the interior. To be honest nearly finishing the drywall it’s closing in on me. My ego doesn’t want to let anyone know that I have a room this small. It’s all the space I have available and I’m years away from buying a new home. Stick along for the ride, let’s see what I can make work. I pulled the trigger on a exhaust fan. It’s small but at 50 sq ft I don’t need much. It’s a plug and play unit not hard wired. I went with this so I can have it on a controller that I like rather than a humidistat.
  8. Update got insulation in the walls. Turns out it’s pretty easy. I was careful to not bunch it up. Once I got one or two pieces in I got the feel for it. unfortunately the first outlet in my series, the gfci doesn’t have power but the rest of the circuit is good. It was the only outlet I didn’t test. I will trouble shoot that later. Any suggestions appreciated. the exterior two walls inside the shop, what should I wrap it with? I originally was going to just use leftover synthetic roofing felt but I now realize it’s not breathe-able. I temporarily wrapped the bottom portion as to keep my children out. should I just do a think 1/4 drywall and call it good? Should I do green board? I intend on using green board on the interior. feedback always appreciated!
  9. Update So today was absolutely exciting. Making the best of my quarantine. Thanks to the help of a few forum members and lots of YouTube I was able to successfully wire 5 outlets in my fish room and a additional outlet for my shop. I started the circuit with a GFCI outlet for safety. Again, working with minimal amperage I have carefully planned out my total consumption with lights, linear piston air pump, heater, dehumidifier and a exhaust fan. I mocked you my layout and put a good amount of time in where i position them. I believe it will work comfortably. Hopefully I won’t need an AC if possible. It’s likely that by the time this room is wet and has any inhabitants it will be the tail end of the summer. Next year I will address that when I get to it. Im open to keeping different fish also seasonally. since two of the walls have a inch gap behind them and the exterior I choose to run the wire between the walls kinda of lazily and then use the appropriate staple to affix them to the exterior wall (not pictured). The other two walls I drilled and ran them correctly. I choose after much consideration to run 14 gage rather than 12 due to the fact I never will run more than 1400 watts. Let me tell you, 14 is so much easier to work with. I really got a rhythm and enjoyed the process thoroughly. room temporarily lit by a beamswork da fspec I had laying around! Lol tomorrow I’m insulating the walls.
  10. Congrats on the set up, any changes since June? I just started my own build thread make sure to follow along
  11. Welcome! I’m working with about 60 square feet so anything is possible. Please follow along on my build and don’t be afraid to ask questions or directly message me. I’ve been dreaming up this build for a long time and I’m doing all the work myself. Down to electrical. im creating a room around what I want and it’s influenced by many others builds I’ve seen on YouTube. Some would never use less than 8x8 space but I’m going to make it work. I believe Micheal’s room isn’t much bigger than mine, deans is 10x10. Wish I could find an example of it but there’s a noteable guy I’ve seen who has accomplished amazing breeding feats with a hodge pod of tanks in a basement laundry room.
  12. Bad lighting, room is little less than 8 feet square on the interior but lets call it an 8x8 for simplicity. Wall left of the door will have 21 10 gallons and the other corner will either have 2 racks of 4 20 longs or only 3 high, haven’t decided yet. It’s TIGHT but I put a lot of thought. 20 longs will be panoramic. chair leaned up against the wall is where my wall heater will be. Above it will be a fold down work table. Haven’t designed that yet but it will lay snug against the wall until I need to use it and it will be on hinges and a chain. we are looking at 27 aquariums, that’s all this room will fit. I need to buy 3 more 10s. some might find this limiting only utilizing 10s and 6 20 longs but there’s so much I can still do. I need a good exhaust fan recommendation that I can wire in the circuit or plug in. Can I just vent it into the rest of the shop or am I asking for trouble? If not I will need to run a shoot out the side and cut a hole.
  13. That sounds fun. Learning as I go. I can’t return to work for another week for coming in contact with someone who was sick so I’m going to utilize this time.
  14. This is a bit old now sorry for not responding. I will be using a small wall unit that’s only 400w. It pulls from the same room so I won’t be sucking in any new cold air. I’m a little stumped on venting and now it’s on like 3 threads which I apologize for LOL. I think I will have less than 400 gallons in a 8x8. Room temp is going to be 76. I hope I don’t need an exhaust, I think the gap under the door should be enough for an exchange. Any thoughts on just a regular old vent? im going to wire my circuit in a way that will make it easy to add one if I need it. I’m concerned about it getting too hot in the summer or not being enough of an exchange. I will go In and out of it a few times a day, someone said that should be enough.
  15. I know there’s foot pumps for sinks too. you think I will need an exhaust fan by chance? I’m getting one of those tiny dehumidifiers from Amazon that only use about 20w. It’s such a small space and I have limited wattage. Alternatively would just a small vent to either the outside or inside the interior of the shop stop it from being stale?
  16. I’m semi freaking out to the point I’m restless at night LOL. Looking forward to my coop order where I order 30+ sponge filters.
  17. Exactly. I wish I had slowed down and cut to fit but again I’m moving forward!
  18. I’m somewhat handy but this has me going down different paths in ways of electrical and framing that I haven’t done before. Loving being able to use my impact driver and miter saw so damn much.
  19. How exciting. No running water in my shop. I’m going to keep a one or two 55 gallon barrels for water storage with a big return pump. I will do manual water changes with a utility pump that drains out in my yard or alley. Not a perfect system but I will streamline it. I want a sink but I’m not going to have room.
  20. Update got the walls done and my door. I goofed I prebuilt my walls by just shimming the top plates. If I was to go back I would just cut to fit and toenail. I have put considerable thought to every step but this was certainly a step next time I’d do differently. I should note it has a sloped surface because it’s a garage so that’s the reason for the gap at the top plate I can finish the room in a appropriate manor that will cover it up l. I’m giving it my best work but at the same time not spending forever on the framing. The door functions but with the low ceiling I didn’t get a proper header on it. It’s plumb otherwise and it was also a lot of fun. I’m happy with my work so far and it will be more than sufficient. im a little embarrassed at the gap on my top plates but I can move forward. I want to share the process good and bad. I’m doing this all alone and have learned sooo much! I’m home on quarantine and trying to progress as much before I go back to 60 hour weeks.
  21. What’s with the need for access behind the rack? I’m putting my outlets super high on the wall next to the rack or in the ceiling. I’m not plumbing the tanks also.
  22. I need to just keep this now to my build thread LOL. I appreciate everyone’s willingness to help. That 2 inch foam board has about a inch gap between itself and the new wall. Any moisture that gets behind my wall will travel up that and escape. The gap is because of the foundation over pour. I hope to not do too much stuff that will give pros like you a headache lol.
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