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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. I didn’t see this response. I’m going to try to just let it hang out initially. I’m going to run the room wet before I add inhabitants so I will be able to make adjustments
  2. That’s good advice. With 27 empty aquariums I’m making a initial fish list. Corys pseudomugils and killifish. Trying to keep a plan. Room is for breeding. I bought the 20 longs exclusively for corydoras. once my room is built I’m not sure if I will continue my build thread or start a new journal/thread
  3. Thanks for the great information can’t wait to report back
  4. This is great information. I’m screen shotting it. I already have a small understanding of how to breed them but no sense in not being teachable. Can’t wait to get a couple groups going
  5. It’s obviously not loud I’ve heard actually loud pumps before. The bubbles in a small place will be but as a hobbyist it’s heaven to my ears. Glad to know the loop dampens it. I have no idea what size pvc yet. I only know I will be tacking it on the top of the wall behind
  6. I overlooked the link before I will check it out later today thanks for the feedback
  7. 1/4 was exaggerated it’s less than that now that I’m out in my fish room before going to work lol. I screwed one rack in to the wall yesterday and mentally that makes me feel better. I’m going to get a stud finder to make sure I don’t sink them into the wall. Any problem with using a hearty screw over a hanger? Also, there’s corner brackets that I think would work well too that I could probably utilize. I’m not worried about the integrity of my racks considering they aren’t that heavy and also dado cuts can really hold some weight. But again, the child factor
  8. Your going to help my practically on every step lefty LOL. Up to a quarter inch wobble. The 10s racks did it but the foam board was more than enough to level them. I think I’m going to level the stand vertically first and fasten to the wall THEN deal with the wobble. Not sure how I was off in my measurements, doesn’t help that it’s a bumpy garage with slope. the aqueon 20s are rather sturdy in comparison to the 10s I can’t imaging putting the board down first then shimming the actual corner rim is that problematic right? It’s not like it’s a 6 foot 125. As long as all 4 corners have contact and it’s not absurdly unlevel should be fine? My 6 foot 150 was up for 6 years and leaned, no problems. Obviously it’s rested fine on the stand though
  9. Little discrepancy between the front and back rails of my 20 long racks and I’m not sure how I could of been off. Even with 1/4 foam board the tanks on some levels rock a little. Can I shim the corner to make it rest evenly since the corners are the only thing on rimmed tanks that need support? I know 10s and 20s are pretty forgiving and it’s a small volume of water. I’m having a little anxiety when I wouldn’t think I would. Any use in sanding the rails til the sit flush?
  10. Pacific north west, maybe high 80s on hot weeks
  11. I will have to do some more research. Draining it is very smart
  12. LOL. I’m trying to propagate enough for all my aquariums. Classico is one part of the recipe. There’s tiny units down to 30-40 bucks but I’m not sure if they will handle the room. I have an exhaust for temperature but I thought about putting it on a timer to go off maybe go off twice an hour to dump and exchange air
  13. Anyone have a small fish room and have a dehumidifier they can recommend? Working with a 7x7, 27 aquariums with tight polycarbonate lids. Preferably low power consumption. new pothos starts
  14. Plan on big submersible pumps. Bi weekly, one week one half the next the other. Minimal water changes. It will evolve over time. There’s no running water so I will be filling up a barrel the night before water changes and gassing it off and getting to temp.
  15. If I’m running 30 lines on it, will I need to have a blow off valve?
  16. I appreciate the feedback. I suspect it’s gonna be loud in the room no matter what. I don’t mind but the little ones have sensitive ears. I also wonder if the pump can handle being turned on and off regular. I thought about putting it on a wifi plug and just killing it whenever I want when I’m in the room
  17. 100%. That was one thing i was pretty sure would happen
  18. I’d like to breed for fun and eventually breed to cover cost but the money and time spent marketing isn’t my interest
  19. I don’t see any problem with a 10 gallon especially short term. I know many people will argue to keep them long term in larger foot print
  20. It’s minimal as advertised but again small space LOL. I will have to look into that not sure if you can box it up in that fashion
  21. I’m not too concerned about the o2 level but it’s still a good thing to ponder. I will get my tanks with a considerable amount of air
  22. If you ever swing by Puyallup area come check out the room some day
  23. I’m also curious too Randy. I bet the temperature difference will be negligible and it makes sense that the pvc will also buffer the incoming temp slightly. the room being so small I’ve got several things in place to manage the temperature and humidity and it won’t be hard to heat up. I have the exhaust and heater on controllers. I haven’t landed on a dehumidifier yet for the small space. looking forward to Peru content!
  24. My room is a 7x7 framed inside my garage so garbage will get ice cold. The pump is sweet but in this small of a foot print it’s more noise than I want. I can live with it but I’m exploring my options
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