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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Can anyone suggest a sand they like? I’m only going to give my aquariums a dusting of it, so a hobby related sand is fine since the price won’t be a huge issue. i originally was only going to put substrate in the 6 Cory tanks but now I think I want a little coverage
  2. Gotcha. I may need a bigger unit. We will see
  3. I have about half the square footage. It’s rather humid for my area right now, the room is holding at 60. It stayed about the same after leaving the exhaust on for 5 hours. I suspect mine will drop considerably in the winter
  4. 100%. The wall is a dark grey and I rather like it.
  5. I’ve always preached painting them too. For right now I’m not too concerned. I thought I would be all about bare bottom but after getting them filled I will probably give them a dusting of sand. I appreciate the thought though. Also plasti dip is pretty good stuff
  6. Lol. I like the dosing bottles cause it’s so quick. Little bit of excel and it last for months
  7. We will see. I may mess around with the exhaust more. I will see how my utility bill looks and if it’s manageable I may just run the exhaust on the heavier side
  8. 60% and no negative impact on the space? Our humidity is that high this time of year basically
  9. Ya that’s something I’m not interested in dealing with also
  10. I plan on fixing a drain to it, it’s not a huge unit so I have to develop a plan before I cut into it
  11. Your my fish room coach lol. I originally wanted to aim for 45 but I don’t know if it will be obtainable.
  12. Just started getting my aquariums filled. I intend on installing the heater for the room today. I have my exhaust set to kick on when it gets too hot in the room currently but I thought about putting it just on a timer to kick on for short increments throughout the day. my question is what’s a target humidity level? Currently our ambient humidity is 55%~ where I live.
  13. We had to liquidate quite a bit of stuff. My space is only 7x7. You can do it!
  14. I have limited time and little ones but I don’t know how many photos one needs to show that I’m getting the tanks wet today! I need to go grab 4 more ten gallons. I got a couple more lines to run and 6 20 longs to fill.
  15. I think it’s a good general solution that provides basic nutrients without a over complicated schedule. I’ve further modified my dosing schedule with it. It’s simple enough for a dummy like me lol. I have to make sure to add 10 ml to the plant mix or I get mold overtime
  16. Bit older response but I use PPS Pro, I’ve loved it. Real easy and crazy economical, hard to mess up
  17. What plant in the pots? Beautiful breeding tanks.
  18. I want to seed sponges from my main tank. Do they need to have air running through them to obtain some beneficial bacteria or can they obtain it passively?
  19. Just like you guys mentioned, super silent once plumbed in! Room being so small it will be very loud cause of bubbles. I can’t wait to get water in hopefully this weekend!
  20. Certainly a possibility, only limitation is it’s a detached shop. It’s not insulated so I don’t want to pump really cold air into my aquariums in the winter or hot air in the summer. I might extend the loop eventually and play around with that. It would be very easy to cut it in
  21. Exactly what I’m doing. I ran it for 2 hours it really dissipated. I’m so close lefty! I may get to leak test this weekend!
  22. The room comes with the kinks lol. I might put it up high but I’m running out of space lol. It’s also only 7 foot tall in the room so it’s a issue of hitting my head if I put it up. I will figure it out.
  23. Evening everyone. I was able to cut the remaining lids today, but I had to run to Home Depot like always since I miscalculated. I also purchased the duct for my exhaust.I did 9 lids the other week so this time around I had more of a game plan for the remaining 18. I had a bit of a system and treated it like an assembly line. I apologize for the lack of photos but you get the idea. Here I placed all the lids and got them ready gluing hinges and knobs. I also drilled them all for airline. Still need to buy the remaining 4 ten gallon aquariums. I still precut. i glued the remaining closed loop. I put it on some foam. The photo is awful and I have cord management to do still so please look past that. I understand this isn’t the best placement but it’s probably not permanent but I haven’t yet decided it’s potential final home. Typically I’m very safe with water so I’m not terribly concerned about getting it wet but play it safe it’s likely I will just take a empty 5 gallon bucket, modify it and just cover the pump while I water change. is it normal to smell glue after turning the pump on shortly after setting up? I think I will run it temporarily to air the system out because it’s rather strong smelling. stay tuned for more updates this weekend folks!
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